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Posts posted by HappyAlex

  1. Russia and Georgia have always had fights with each other except this time the fighting is actully being reported. This bears some similarities to the way the americans behaved in Kosovo when they set up thier own peace keeping mission there just like the russians did in South ossetia and Abkhazia. If the Americans wanted to show thier differances from russia then they might want to consider to follow international law a bit more something they have seemed incapable of doing.

    I totally agree with you!If the US followed the international law ....many things would be very different.

  2. I don't like her at all.when I was watching TV , I saw a reporter asking her which kind of magazine does she read, but she could not answer this simple question, this is so funny!She can't list even one name of a magazine,just repeating"I have read all of them"!Then I know what kind of people she is. Yes, she looks pretty, sexy, but this is a campain for politics, for a new president.If palin finally win I think it is a tragedy for the US.

  3. I am afraid of dying.I am very young, I still have many many things to do, I have many dreams to realize. I want to earn a lot of money in the future, I want to buy a big house, I want to travel in the world, at least travel in some great places in my country.I want to taste all delicious food.I don't wanna die at all before I am old enough.I know everybody will die some day. This is natural. I can accept this.What I want is a colorful life not too short.

  4. Definitely! Football rules, it is awesome. I have played it for many years since I was a little squirl, it is social, fun and in my opinion everyone can play it. (Not professional but with your friends at the field.) In Norway it is big, the biggest sport of them all. Handball is great too, they get more goals so I love that too. Football is the queen of all sports. :)
    Rugby is horrible. I do barely understand it?

    I agree with you bluebear~
    In my country, China, football(soccer) is very popular.Although Chinese football team is weak in the world :)
    But we love this sport.There are professional football leagues which has 4 levels here, in the top level there are 14 teams.
    Every year, the football league is a hot topic.
    And more footballs fans prefer foreign football leagues which are much more excellent.The top 5 leagues in Europe, we all love them very much.Every weekend we can watch the matches on the TV.
    Every 4 years there are big festivals for football fans, The world cup, the europe cup..all fans around the world are crazy.

  5. Yes, football(soccer) is the king of all sports.It is played all over the world.In Europe, soccer is so popular.Germany, Italy,England,France,Netherland,Spain..... very good at playing soccer.And there are excellent soccer leagues run very well in these countries.European Champions' League is held every year, champions of Eurpean countries' leagues play together to find who is the best one club of this year.In south America, Brasil and Argentina are also very very stong at playing soccer, they have many huge stars in history.In Africa and Asia, football is also popular,many countries have their own football leagues.The World Cup, now is one of the most popular sports events.It makes fans crazy every four years~~I think no other sports are more popular than football.

  6. Taiwan does not belong to China, because Taiwan fought Japan back then when it took over, and the Japanese people retreate so since then TAiwan had become a independent country!!! Also, why would A country point missiles at itself?

    Oh really? :)

    The real history is:

    In 1945, Japan and Germany were defeat In world war II. Japanese were forced to return Taiwan island back to China.

    Got it? Taiwan didn't become an independent country after 1945.It belongs to Republic of China, till now.

    Then, 1945~1949, during the civil war, the government of Republic of China were defeat by the Communist Party of China.

    Republic of China authority fled to Taiwan island.

    That is why Taiwan is now also known as Republic of China, and the mainland of China is called People's Republic of China(founded by the Communist Party of China in 1949).

    Also, why would A country point missiles at itself?

    You know, sometimes civil wars break out inside a country.Do you know the American civil war? :)

    But it is sure people don't want to use those missiles.I think they will never be used.As some poor political persons such as Chen shui-bian are no longer controlling Taiwan.Peace and development should be the goal across the Taiwan gulf.

  7. East Turkestan's name has renamed to Sincan(Xinjiang) after 1940s to increase the speed of assimilation of Uyghur Turks. :)


    Well,I think the name of "Xinjiang" has a much longer history. :P

    "Xinjiang", literally means "New Frontier", a name given during the Manchu Qing Dynasty in China.


    1000 years ago, the area of today's Xinjiang was called XiYu(means "western area") in China.


    In Qing Dynasty(from 1644 to 1912) in China,at first,the north of toady's Xinjiang was called Hui and the southern part was called Zhun,and the whole Xinjiang was called Huijiang, also called Xinjiang at that time(not officially).

    In 1758 Qing Dynasty put the whole region under the rule of a General of Ili (Chinese: 伊犁将军, Yili Jiangj?n), headquartered at the fort of Huiyuan.

    In 1884, Qing Dynasty established Xinjiang ("new frontier") as a province, formally applying onto it the political system of China proper.


    In 1912, Qing China was then replaced by the Republic of China in 1912, Xinjiang became a province of the Republic of China.Due to the weakness of the central government of Republic of China,the situation of Xinjiang was very disordered and many countries of imperialism, like Britain,Germany,Russia and Japan was planning to make Xinjiang became their colony or a puppet state(I think that is why East Turkestan's name came out then).In fact, during that period, China was struggling hard to maintain integrity of sovereignty and territory.At that time,Taiwan Province was overrun by Japan, and Hongkong was overrun by Britain, Macau was overrun by Portugal.....


    In 1949, the Republic of China(now ruling TaiWan) was replaced by the People's Republic of China(now ruling China except TaiWan Province) after a 4-year civil war.

    In 1955,the People's Republic of China established The autonomous region of Xinjiang on October 1, 1955, replacing the province.


    Got it?

    By the way, it is common that the English information on the website of wikipedia.org is not very correct(depends on who the writer is) when it comes to content of non-English speaking country.To know excact history, you'd better buy some decent history books updated.

  8. How is this going now? It is said that the Russian troops have withdrawed from Georgia and Russia has recognized South Ossetia's independence.The main trend of the twenty-first century should be peace and development.But it is so different to maintain that every place in the world in a peaceful mood all the time.I remember that not long before in Europe the province of Kosovo declared independence from Serbia.Can we declare that these two issues are the same?In Kosovo, it seems that most Albanians are gald to be independent,they danced in the streets and fired guns in the air to celebrate their independence.And this time, maybe the people in South Ossetia also prefer to be independent.Russia was very worried about Kosovo's independence,but now,whose turn is it? Who is worried about South Ossetia's independence? I think many countries are worrying.The clash between the principles of sovereignty and self-determination was far from resolved. All these things make our world dangerous.Will there be more Kosovos and more South Ossetias?Will there be more wars? I hope not.

  9. 1 Since you have never been here in China, so, maybe your information is kind of mistake or not so updated.You said you know Middle Asia history from B.C. 200-300 Hiung-Nu Empire,well I also know Hiung-Nu, an very ancient ethnic group who had been active in the northern part of China about 2,000 years ago.


    2 Yes, there is no East Turkestan in China, now.Now, in the area which is shown in the map above in your post, in the part within China,it is XinJiang, a provincial region of People's Republic of China.

    East Turkestan, according to the wikimedia and some other resources, is not and has never been a solid exist,some people use it as an term to define some areas of center Asia of a certain historical period. Maybe this method is a little bit similar to the word "asia-pacific",a word with no accurate meaning. So, Xinjuang is not equal to ''East Turkestan''.And we don't have ''East Turkestan'' within our country.XinJiang is part of our family.So it doesn't make any sense to talk about ....stan ....independent...., sure.If a foreigner who don't know much about the situation within China say such kind of things, we think it is a totally joke.


    Of course we have Uyghur people.Xinjiang covers a area of 1,600,000 sq kilometers.The population of XinJiang is 20 millions,40% are Uyghur.The Uyghur (also spelled Uighur; Uyghur: ئۇيغۇر; Simplified Chinese: 维吾尔; Traditional Chinese: 维吾尔; pinyin: W?iw?'ěr) are an ethnic group of Central Asia.They are one of China's 56 officially recognized ethnicities, consisting of 8.68 million people.

    In China,everyone knows that Uyghur people are good at dancing and singing, as well as some other minority ethnic groups among China's 56 ethnic groups.There are many popular Uyghurian songs in China.In almost every city in China, you can find restaurants owned by Uyghur bosses, I also like their food very much.In my opinion, most Chinese people like our Uyghur brothers and sisters, we are getting along very well.


    3 You said ''they were forcing'', I don't know what you mean, could you say something more certain? Who are '' they''?How and when did "they" forcing?


    4 Huns are ancient ethnic groups, many centuries ago.They don't exist now. As to Mongols, this ethnic group had been strong several hundreds years ago,today we have many Mongol ethnic people in our country, the same as other ethnic groups within China,they are citizen of People's Republic of China, they are Chinese.Japnese, is another country, invaded China during World War II, but finally they were defeat.


    5 It is true. Minority ethnic people now in China have more rights than the majority Han ethnic people.It is the country's policy, to protect the minority and maintain the steady and peace of the society.And people have been used accepting this policy for many years.People from different ethnic groups are getting along well nowadays.


    6 "If you don't want to see your own country in trouble, you should know, the other people don't want to see this happen to them either." I said this, of course not a threat. I was telling you, we Chinese people love our country, love every ethinic groups in our big family, no matter what languages they speak, how may people they have.We don't wanna see our country split.We also wish the world peace, wish every country peace and hamony, including your country, Turkey.:)

  10. Erdemir, have you ever been to China? Do you know much about the whole history of China?After reading your post, I think you don't."East Turkestan (in China) speaking Turkish and their culture is too different from Chinese people"?I don't know what you are talking about.There isn't an "East Turkestan" here in China."China is forcing them like the others to act as Chinese"? What a joke.I don't know how to act like a "Chinese".China have 31 provinces,1.3 billion population,almost 10,000,000 square kms' land, and 56 nations' people around the whole country.So how do you judge a person living in China whether he/she is Chinese or not? Many nations among the total 56 ones in China have their own languages and people in different provinces have totally different local accents and very different living styles and customs.We are a large country, always, from thousands years ago. In this world,some countries have only one nation, like Korea,some have many nations,like the USA, India, and China.So maybe some people living in some country in this world find it hard to understand the situation of muti-nation countries.But all Chinese people have been used being living with many nations together since many centuries ago.China has always been proud of having so many different nations uniting together and living happilly as a huge family.For every single one in China,we are pround of our own nation's culture and language, we are also pround of the other nations' culture and languages, because we are sisters and brothers, we are all Chinese, we are family,we love each other.People love their home country. If you don't want to see your own country in trouble, you should know, the other people don't want to see this happen to them either.

  11. Have you watched the final match USA vs Spain?What a wonderful match!It's no doubt that the USA will get the gold medal again after 8 years, what made me surprised is that the Spain team played so well!!They kept showing their amazing ability from the beginning to the last 1 minute, which made the NBA super stars nervous during the whole match.So the USA should now know that it's very correct to have made the decision to send the best players to the Beijing Olympic Gamed.If it wasn't so, they couldn't get this gold medal.Althogh NBA is the best basketball league in the world, the difference between the other country's national basketball teams and the Dream Team is not so much as before. This is the best basketball match for me in 2008, so far.

  12. Well, that link doesn't work for me...There are always many kinds of people in this big planet, some of them do have different thoughts.As to "how stupid can you be", I suddenly recalled that several days ago I left my key in my house, I didn't realize this until the moment when I locked the door. As a result , I had to pay for someone to help me enter my house.So sometimes you may do something stupid like this. :)

  13. Semi-finals:Lithuania VS Spain,USA VS Argentina.Yes, I think these four teams are the best four.They will play wonderful basketball for us, to win the Olympic Gold Medal!Argentina, the men's basketball champion of last Olympics,will play against the Dream Team!Manu Ginobili from Spurs is one of my favourite NBA stars, as well as Scola from Houston Rockets.Players of Argentina are older than 4 years ago, I think they are not as aggressive as they were, but they are more experienced.Maybe they can make some real troubles to the Dream Team.There are still 20 hours to go before we can see the match.Enjoy~!

  14. USA is very stong in tracks and fields, and there is a swimming monster who can win 8 gold medals by himself! Though China is leading now, but in the second half of the Olympic Games, I think USA will get more medals than China.So ,who will be the first? Let's wait and see. Maybe it's the USA, I think.And it surprised me that Russia only got the 9 th position among all the countries.Don't forget they were the third last time.

  15. Congratulations,Alex!Do you know how I found this thread? "Alex's 1,000th post",the title is so attractive.I was thinking:wow, who is so cool having so many posts in this forum? And his name Alex is so similar to mine:)After reading your story, I can understand your feeling now. You have been here for 3 years, I think there must be many things happened to you both in your real life and in this forum during this long period.And I think Xisto is really a wonderful place.I have been here for almost one year, and I got much help here.I hope to learn more and know more friends. Maybe oneday I could also join the 1000-post club, I counted,there are already 25 members~! Among them,Saint_Michael,jlhaslip,BuffaloHELP are excellent Mods, I often read their posts which answered many questions. Thanks to Xisto for the free web hosting and the forums!

  16. How time flies! :P The round 2 has finished and the round 3 is coming soon.The China team lost both two matches. In the first match, they lost to the USA. It is no wonder because the USA is the strongest basketball team in the world, I think.What made me happy is they didn't lose too much, you know, several years ago they lost more than 60 points to the USA in a match! This time it is only 30 points, and the USA sent their best players,look at these names:Kobe,LeBron James,Dwight Howard,Dwyane Wade....wow!so I should say they are making progress.And in the second match, China vs Spain. It is the best match of China I have ever seen. Spain is the world champion,but at the end of the third quarter, they were still in 14-point deficit. At that moment I was thinking, will China win this match? OMG, that would be a wonder.However, Pau Gasol finally lead his team to a victory after a 5 minuts overtime.What a pity, but it was a wonderful match. 5 hours later, the third round will begin! :)

  17. There are many softwares can call landline phones and mobile phones.But the best one I think is skype.I have used some other voip programmes, at the beginning they are free, this is really very attractive, but their tone quality can't let me satisfied. And sometimes when you are still talking it suddenly stopped working. Some of these programmes even totally disppeared after a few months.But skype is excellent,though you have to pay some money it is still very cheap and convenient especially when you make many calls everyday. :)

  18. Well I will not be using a theme of some sort, but I will be integrating it into the site. So I will (probably) not have any need for the Wordpress templates.

    Do you mean that you will design a theme for your website by yourself?
    wow, I think that is very cool but I haven't tried that before.
    If I have some time I will design a theme of my own, too.
    That's interesting. I like blue and green. :P

    You don't have to know php, but html is required to design a theme.

    And you have to test the theme in different web scanners, IE6.0,IE7.0,FireFox,Opera....
    I have three of these installed in my computer, sometimes, a website theme looks fine in IE6.0,
    but it doesn't show itself well in FireFox and IE 7.0. :)

  19. well,hi, bluebear~nice to see you again~ :DI am not a website guru, but I have some experience in using wordpress.I think wordpress is a very excellent blog script.It is written by php, a good programme language.there are so many people using wordpress, so if you have something wrong with your website, it is easy to get an answer in their online community.and there are so many themes designed by users, you can choose your favourite one, download and fix it on your own blog.and, the develop team of wordpress is very active, they release new versions of the software very frequently. So the problems of the script are often solved very soon.and , you can also get new functions by upgrading your wordpress. :)

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