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Posts posted by coolcat50

  1. <This list is meant for those that cannot afford products like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office. I have used all of this software before and I am very pleased with it and I am currently using it on my laptop.
    1.GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program || https://www.gimp.org/
    GIMP is a good variant of Adobe Photoshop. It is tiny in download size (only 14 MB). Runs under most operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. This program even comes pre-installed with Ubuntu Linux. I would highly reccommend using this program for graphics because it is a free and highly extensible. It can even open up the native Photoshop image format. I also am able to use Photoshop brushes with GIMP.
    2.OpenOffice.org 2.3 || http://www.openoffice.org/
    OpenOffice.org is an office suite comparable to Microsoft Office in many ways. It comes with a word processor, a presentaion program, a database manager, a spreadsheet program, and a image program. Sounds like Microsoft Office doesn't it? Well OpenOffice.org is absolutely free and is also highly extensible with available scripting in the program's native language, OpenOffice.org Basic. It can also be scripted in Python and JavaScript and I believe Java as well. The program was programmed in C++ and it is easy to get the source code and do some tweaks. The program can save in its own native formats as well as the Microsoft Office formats. It can even do one thing Microsoft Office will never do. You are able to export all of your documents as a PDF file.
    3.Blender || https://www.blender.org/
    Blender is a powerful 3D modelling program written in Python and is also open source as most of this software is. The program has a fairly simple GUI and can create many objects. It justs takes some creativity and know-how to perform these actions. I have seen some of the work done by Blender and I believe is well worth the download.
    4.Notepad++ || https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
    Notepad++ is a powerful programmer's notepad with syntax hightlighting in most popular languages including: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Ruby, C/C++, C#, and Java. It also can save as plain text files and has many features such as auto-indentation, line numbers, and is also highly extensible due to being open source. This is another highly reccommended piece of software to download.

    Well there is my list and enjoy your free software!

  2. I personally do not use WinRAR because it is shareware. I do not have enough cash to pay for it. Instead I use something called TugZip which supports quite a few file types. I like it and it is free and open source I believe. It can handle .rar, .7z, and more.

  3. I am kind of wondering why for some reason, Perl does not have an interactive mode in its parser like Pythong does in its. Also, Python comes pre-packaged with a GUI like parser and it is written in Python\Tk (I think that's what its called). I know that Perl has Perl\Tk, and I know it has an eval function. Why is there no interactive parser like that. I think I could come up with one. Anybody, wanna see if we can build a interactive module like the Python one?

  4. Well, you can use MySQL and the PHP global variable $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] which will give you IP addresses. You can create a database containing allowed IP address and run a MySQL check to make sure the IP address is correct. You can also use this to log the database with that visitor visiting your site.

  5. Let me join the bandwagon. The fixes in this post have saved me from throwing my computer out of the window. Not only did it stabilize and reduce Firefox's use of memory on my computer, but it appears to have gotten rid of the main problem i have been having for several months. At least, I think it has. Thanks for that scoop. It has really been a life saver for my computer.


    I would like, however to get some feedback on the most persistent problem I have been having with this machine, in case the solutions presented here do NOT really impact it. The problem is so bad it appears to be spreading virally between computers, and therefore is an area of extreme concern. Here's what happens at least 10 times per day:

    The computer stops responding

    The hourglass replaces the arrow cursor

    The screen goes white

    The hard disk light comes on

    I can hear the hard disk doing something like its scanning or seeking

    The windows piano sound (for failure or something incomplete) chimes in

    An Unresponsive Script Error message pops up.

    Once the script stops the page contents become visible again

    That whole process takes about 6 minutes and usually ends with a change in my Gmail to a "newer version"

    Once all that ends, the computer functions normally until i either type something or open another window. Then the proccess repeats itself. It happens whether I am online or offline. Whether I am running internet explorer, firefox, or netscape, microsoft word 2007, excel, or any other office product, adobe illustrator, acrobar, or photoshop....


    First, my wife's laptop was doing it. Hers is a vista machine with a P4 HT 3.0 2GB, with 100GB HD. I thought it was a flaw in Vista, but after about 2 months, whatever was wrong with hers started to affect mine. We are connected to a wireless network in the house with internet service provided by Comcast Cable. We have Comcast phone service on the network, as well as Vonage (4 lines). We use a double firewall on top of the built-in firewall in the Comcast modem. The worst thing is now, one of my business associates is having the same problem, as of Friday past (January 11th), and im worried that it could have been spread via gmail.


    Can somebody please tell me what this is and how to get it to stop.

    Well, I do not believe that it has anything to do with Firefox. I believe a virus got in your computer and is still in there and doing damage. If you have uploaded anything recently through Gmail and sent that to your business associate and he/she downloaded the file. The virus could have attached itself to your file and you basically sent him/her a virus. I would run several virus scans and look through your files for anything suspicious. Be careful though and if you do search your files, do it in safe mode.

  6. You are wanting a link with the image being the link and using functions to change the font. I do not know the exact functions, but I can show you how to use the link.

    <a href="java script:function1()"><img src="up.gif"></a> <a href="java script:function2()"><img src="reset.gif"></a> <a href="java script:function3()"><img src="down.gif"></a>

    Something like that should give you the functionality of the buttons. Of course the image path and the function names should be changed to suit your needs.

  7. It is impossible to do a web based MMO in the sense you are thinking about. I believe it impossible entirely. Javascript cannot access MySQL to my knowledge because MySQL is a client-side scripting language and MySQL deals with a web server. Also, Javascript is easily hacked and I would suggest not messing with personal information with it.

  8. Well Alex, your code is more compact, but it wouldn't produce the same results. Mine has a security feature in it to destroy all attempts to execute PHP code. Therefore my code is more secure and probably easier read and more efficient.EDIT: Well, the way mine works is that it creates the variable and it actually parses PHP. I tested a PHP script on mine myself.

  9. I just finished making this sig in GIMP and I was trying a lot of new things. I used a font I downloaded, cut my own render, used a lot of scripts, and followed a tutorial to create the lightning in the background. I was just rendering the Kirara when I decided to make a signature with it and that is what inspired me. Please rate it. I made a custom brush for the gradient and used the ripple script to give it the wavy look.

    Posted Image

  10. I have just recently bought a laptop and would like to use PHP for local reasons on it, but I am not allowed to setu p a local webserver because it would slow down our already crappy internet. Is there a way for me to run local PHP without using Apache or any other webserver for purely local uses.

  11. Yeah, the software used for the server and the actualy OS are different. Also, different features could be present on each. Linux is a more secure OS for servers and probably includes PHP hosting. Windows is a little less secure, but ASP hosting could be offered. I would look at the packages for each OS.

  12. I am considering installing Ubuntu Linux to run as a double boot on my new laptop. I purchased the laptop with Vista Home Premium and I need to keep it for some of my games and software. Ex. Guild Wars, Halo, Visual C++ Express. I am just wanting to run Linux to see what it is like and I am wondering whether or not I could run Vista and Linux on the same hard drive. I have at least 70GB of space left and my C partition contaisn about 103 GB. I just bought the laptop a few days ago. I am just wanting to know this because I am thinking of getting Linux and possibly an external hard drive. The hard drive though is not very high on my priority list. So is this possible on the same hard drive or do I need a seperate hard drive for Linux.

  13. Thanks for the opinions. I am totally going with OpenOffice on this one. Also, I can't change my OS because Guild Wars and Halo won't run on Linux. Also, I would have to learn Linux which I kinda wanna wait to do. My mind is already boggled with C++. Also by the desktop recorder, I mean a screen recorder for recording games and stuff.

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