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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. George w bush, lolWhen is america going to have a black president or a female president?
  2. Maybe it would be a good idea if FNH got a few more modscreating accounts.It would speed things up a little!
  3. Yeh im Diego from Spain and i love Harry Potter too, sorry for my poor english but i increase my level reading u
  4. i use windows XP professional edition with SP1a, but i want to prove Linux open source
  5. iGuest

    Fifa 2005

    Well fifa is not bad but i would prefer choose between Wining eleven and PES 4 soccer xD That two rocks!
  6. I have 2 domain names, both identical but different tld'sHow do I get the second one to point to the first (forwarding/masking) ???
  7. lol, yea *5 minutes later*Wow. ROFLMAO!!!
  8. My time is precious to me I can only invest it in a book that tells me how:how to relate more effectively with God.ORhow to improve my social life and help more peopleORhow to develope my mental powers moreORhow to achieve better health and physiqueORhow to achieve financial independence fasterWHAT OF YOU?passjoe
  9. Hello jpsimboy :wink: here is the source for you... randompic.php <?php// folder directory which contains images files$folder="randompic/";$openfold=opendir($folder);while($files=readdir($openfold)){// put file names into a table if(is_file($folder.$files)) $tabjpg[]=$files;}srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000); $rand_keys = array_rand ($tabjpg); echo "<img src="".$folder.$tabjpg[$rand_keys]."" alt="".$tabjpg[$rand_keys]."">";?> ============================== /* How TO use this script; Example: just put <?php include('randompic.php'); ?> */ Voila,,, Enjoy and Have a nice day Anan.
  10. of course hotscripts.com is the best!
  11. LETS TALK ABOUT IT!What makes the Bible so thick? Why is it so OLD, yet so relevant, so comforting and much more appealing to the mankind when it should have been outdated?passjoe
  12. He probably means that he wasn't elected last time. He just gave more money to the judges. And no, I'm not happy with it, allthough he's better for my website.
  13. I suggest not to give wrong details! It's illegal and you can get a fine for it. I'm going to use namecheap, as I only heared good stuff about them and the anonymous WHOIS information is free.
  14. I suppose that site is a joke, because I would like to have such stories on my own website. They are very funny. Not only the ice age. They even have a theory that santa is satan. You just have to change the order of the letters. http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news1299/santy.html is the url. Another theory is that Allah means moon and stuff like that. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can even get a free playstation here http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0104/ps2.html . What a website!
  15. I wonder the book or beter put, the jesus you are talking about?passjoe
  16. I use Animation Shop. It's real easy and straight forward.
  17. I can't help but hate them. :roll:
  18. I was going to say 'everything comes from slave days' but gunpoint?! Wha?! You been to a shrink lately?
  19. Wow. How can you misspell PLUS twice in the same way (Plius? What is that?!?!!?)
  20. I'd say it came from pity to slaves, or threats by gunpoint
  21. So whats the deal with tipping anyways? Where'd it come from?
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