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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. a week...or a month....I'm still a lil kid..
  2. Yup..me too...like the story...like the character..
  3. hehehe....I like the old one...
  4. Maybe me because past few weeks I very busy and maybe inactive for that time...but now I will be active..
  5. Anyone here knows where to find them??
  6. iGuest


    I very like Naruto....it rocks...!!!
  7. hope this will help.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Oh...i was looking for this..thanks... :wink:
  9. I know.but hey, I'm a big lad, not to let people like him phase me. He didn;t even bother checking the FTP password.And in responce to the news images, I wanted to keep the ATC theme somewhere, but the badger was just for fun.....
  10. When u save ure image u have to make sure that when u use jpeg u put its qualitys at the max this gives u the ultimate looks and no blurry efects like this low quality max quality
  11. Go to my website Z-Graphics and signup and test ure skils to the limet. Im also looking for sig of the week judges
  12. wow looks great m8 but i need a banner that fits in to my curent theme or u are interested in creating a new one lol. and yea im looking for designers so signup at my website ^^ Z-Graphics greats davenom
  13. isnt that done with flash? http://www.gurusnetwork.com/tutorial/flash_sound_101/ i never done this my self (dont use flash that often)
  14. Nice site! it is totally attravtive to me. i cant stop myself clicking it.hope u can add english version if possible.
  15. iGuest

    FI Theme

    SubIce looks cool! 8) i like it. i will apply to my forums also :wink:
  16. Hello everyone, i am a newbie of webdesigner, just heard about CSS.can anyone feel free to have a introduction about css?is it a format or something :?:
  17. Hi, There are a lot newsgroups in Yahoo, just type in something like "mobile java games" or "nokia 3510". Also, there is good site at the following address: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. iGuest


    I do beleive that is what i will do. I just got about 60 more cards today so now I have exactly 200 (i counted). I hope i'll have enough space to put all of them on the web. We'll see. Thanks for the input!--Clint
  19. The server was shut down becuz of the illegal files!!PLease, do not host them :@
  20. Sorry but i am reaally noob can you explain to me how to use php nuke in DETAIL.....thx...
  21. Yes, we do. But it's a free host, and there have to be guidelines. Without them people could host anything, even stuff like stolen source code. Who gets prosecuted? FNH. [spit] Intelectual property [/spit] MP3s are the same deal. So is warez.
  22. What? I thought the planet deleted the whole server?
  23. in my view, too techy, but if you take the look of it into play looks nice
  24. iGuest

    Half-Life 2

    Well this game I will be buyin so is anyone against it here? I hope not it sounds really good. I don't have a Xbox so I wont get Halo 2 so anyways hows the weather?
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