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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. The gunman was supposedly a disgruntled pantera fan. Mtv reported the man muttered some things about pantera before he opened fire. Mtv has a great article about it. R.I.P. Dimebag.
  2. Before you change the setting, please browse this site. It said that you need to make a new integer named "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set it to "0".
  3. iGuest


    I use photoshop for everything now. My digital photo class has tought me a few features in the program, but I have this site to thank for getting me even more interested in the program. Now I search for tutorials that can quicken my learning.
  4. When you click on to view the users page I bet the variable to fetch that users page is called "username" when that happens it changes the global variable "username" from your name to the name of the page clicked on.
  5. That is a large task, it would involve lots of coding not to mention the intergration into your portal system. I do wish you much luck. Check out that site posted above, you may find some kind of luck. If I can suggest anything it would be to learn html, php, and mysql. They're all very easy to learn.
  6. I love php nuke, it's really good. Mambo is also amazing, a little more intricate. It takes more time to learn, but seems to be overall more versatile as far as customizing themes. But it is also far more difficult in comparison to phpnuke.
  7. I set all the stuff but I couldn't see the last one. I wonder what will happen to me.
  8. a good way to do it is run in it a way that is puts the return value to true or false likeif (mail(all values in here) != FALSE){print "mail sent, thank you.";}else{print "there are problems with the mail right now, sorry for any inconvenience.";}that way if there's a problem you won't get all of those php function errors.
  9. love it......maby you want to make a matching avatar for yourself
  10. ahhh nvm fogot to unzip.......*hits head repedily agent the desk*
  11. iGuest


    some great modders and skinners leave invisionize. ipb 1.3 is better at this time i think. but as the time goes on, 2.x will be the better.
  12. i still dont see how all you people seem to blend photos togeter it so hard
  13. I think we should 'hire' a publicist like Dr. Land to write a FAQ for the FNH admin crew like the one he did for Negativland
  14. welll can i have like bigpanda.info(my domain) and asdasffsdf.info(not my domain) both got to my freenukehosting site?
  15. I think maybe Donatello or Leonardo..........Donatello had brains and that boa (or as the people not as informed calls it, the staff), but Leonardo was the leader and had the katanas (or as the people not as informed calls it, the swords)..........Raphael is quite a character! He's Fabuloso! Lol!
  16. i see big loads of chinese ppls using Discuz board and i notice we have many members from china. see this results. "Powered by Discuz" keyword used. google debug info Results 1 - 100 of about 761,000 for "Powered by Discuz". (0.39 seconds) baidu popular in china search engine debug info(http://www.baidu.com/search/error.html) 找到相关网页约2,130,000篇,用时0.001秒 <-- 2,130,000 results. 0.001sec used i dunno chinese language so i have no chance to use it. is it any good? is there english support site for Discuz? just qurious. :wink:
  17. What? Anyway, neither can compare to iHp-120, iHp-140, H320, or H340. None of them are made by Apple nor Hp. They are made by the mp3 makers with the best sound quality.......Iriver! Many people at my school are throwing away Ipods to get these new mp3 players. Well they're not too, too new. In a few months the iHp-100 series will be 1 year old. In another year the H300 series will be 1 year old. To answer the original question, I think Apple Ipods are better.
  18. Yeah. Krang. Splinter. Shredder. Awesome.Raphael was always my favorite, who was yours?
  19. Is there a neither choice? Because the mp3 player that I'm gonna get encodes anything into mp3 format. So all I have to do is borrow a cd containing the song, pop it in a cd player with an audio output, hook up my mp3 player via audio output, then encode the song. If I wanted to I could send it over to a friend to get it digitally remastered!
  20. Yeah. Don't use it.I use notepad or texteditor depending on which OS I use. I do that with practically everything:>CSS>XHTML>XML>XSL (XSLT)>PHP>CGI>JavascriptOther scripts to come! The main reason I don't use programs as such to do my site is because:1. Not certified with w3c, therefore in future browsers the pages might not display properly2. Only I can do what I want, and I feel more secure!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you really want to though, I think I might have a code. You just can't upgrade otherwise you'd get into a lot of trouble.
  21. ok heres what i got tell me what u need changed.......i based it on the ukririan flag. i can also change the font
  22. I hope so. So do all of my fans.I don't want to have to relocate again......and my fans don't want to have to keep asking other people what the new place is. Thanks guys. I'll consider getting hosted here.
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