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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. yeah .i am there now.oh ,no ,i can't listen on line.
  2. My favourite forum is vBulletin which I currently have. If it was free, I bet everybody would get it.
  3. oh ,wonderful .i like it very much ,enn ,would make another for me?
  4. i always see chinese films ,for i think china is a beauty country ,and the actress are beautful .east beauty ,if you never ,have a try .
  5. i would have to say Imageready, included with photoshop. i doubt there is any better
  6. iGuest


    The internet Movie datebase,yeah ,i konw it sometime.it's nice and useful ,i think .and i like it .
  7. It's the right time to ask this question:What did you get for christmas and what did you bought for other people? :wink:
  8. never,give me a chance .and i will have a try ,hehe
  9. Hi DarkminD and all!I have solved my problem and could make a succesful restore to another site other than the original site (they are both on the same server).There are actually some extra steps to take, compared to what you explained to me, DarkminD. But you really gave me some great clues. I will, at a later time, make a turtorial, which I'd like to show you and we can discuss this. When we are finished, I propose that we move it to the tutorial forum.One of the main problems, is the fact that both of my sites are located on the same server (IP) at freenukehosting. This means that there are some small, but important changes to the mySQL database file (import file).I will be back soon! :roll: Regards,davidw
  10. just once a week for i have many works to finish. :cry:
  11. sorry for the late reply, just click here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  12. Soccer for life...........
  13. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. :wink:
  14. This forum is on the forumsystem phpBB. Yes, of course, phpBB is allowed, phpNuke is even based on phpBB, so yes, of course it's allowed.
  15. scarface3288, you need help on editing the flash?
  16. i would, and i bet a lot of people would... if we knew how to get to it Have you uploaded it to /public_html or /www?
  17. i suggest you just make a website normally and ignore it... i would
  18. They are getting more people.There are a lot of requests to go through.AND This is the best free hosting around... you can't find better! 800meg, 5gig! :shock:
  19. I like hitting billiards most I quite like the indoor sport
  20. It probably took me several months If do the software, should be very fast
  21. How would you create that background with only brushes?skyglow1
  22. I doubt it... usually you can only put songs for download if you own them directly, and as far as I know mp3's are not allowed on FNH
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