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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. wow, you make really nice sigs, what do you make them iN? PS right? can you post some tut links to the techniques you use?
  2. cool pic, its kinda creepy though :!:
  3. holy smokes dude where did you find all those, thats ridiculous
  4. I don't think it can becuase of the copyright thingie. Try out this one.
  5. have you tried looking at font websites? there wont be one named DOD most likely but there probly will be one that looks just like it for copyright reasonstry http://www.dafont.com/de/
  6. Your site is still there. I can access it here: http://forums.xisto.com/ It is obviously something a admin need to look at. Try pm the admin who created your account. :wink:
  7. I thought the same thing when i heard what had happened.. Plus it snowed here in NW england on christmas day! As far as i can remember its never done that before (in my lifetime)well how old are you....50?.....20?.......10-15.....over60???
  8. dont buy from alienware you can get a custom made conputer much cheaper. Theres a store near me that sell computer with the same brands as alienware for 20% less and its all custom made for you.not saying alienware is overpriced or anything....
  9. Is there a website where i can see all upcoming concerts and stuff to see if they are in my area and when they are, things like that.
  10. I love to play and watch footballalso Ice Hockey is an awsome sport
  11. iGuest


    welbis, what you posted was very usefull, thanks
  12. Monkey91. If you want specific help on the problem, you need to provide specific info on the problem.
  13. Yep thats definately where I wanna go also, I love Japanese culture
  14. not to be like crude but is that why when you click on a porno link it goes to a completely different porn site? lol Good info but i dont think any business would do that to me, i might still use this though, thanks
  15. of course the apple is going to get more buyers because people dont really know about the HP iPod, but I think they are pretty much the same, i've seen them at the same price...
  16. Heyyy - a Danish guy. 8) I'm from Denmark too, N?stved to be specific, although i live in Australia now.
  17. USA, Tennessee, but i Wish i lived in Washington
  18. Make that 77, I am going to go vote right now
  19. http://forums.xisto.com/
  20. Ender's game was a cool book, The sequals weren't too good though
  21. That is my favorite TV show ever, I got season one on DVD for Christmas. Anyone else watch that show? Whats your fav episode, mine is probly the one where he pisses his mom off and trys to make her not complain, mostly because at the end he grabs onto a hot air balloon. hanging and goes like 100 ft up in the air before they pull the balloon down
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