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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Hi, how can i force whitespace to display on the page?i know its a simple thing... but thanks
  2. Lycos have no limit for receiving attachments, 50 MB for attachments that user send (with Lycos Premium or Top Mail)
  3. Payment by the month is also for hosting? (not year?)Servers are the same for hosting and reseller?
  4. iGuest


    The water was about 6" deep. But now it's snowing. So there's about 6 inches of snow everywhere. It's beatiful, actually. Just hell to drive in in my car. The snow is wrapped around the ice on the trees, it just looks really cool. It's also outlining all the branches that have fallen. I'll have some pictures up later. Edit: http://forums.xisto.com/ Added 3 new pictues. They're the bottom 3 with snow. All taken from my room window.
  5. great film alright ...first time i watched it when it was finshed i watch it again don't know if i would call it underrated just that it was an indie and it was in the top 10 of most stores for ages and is still doing very well
  6. iGuest


    Meeko, whenever you are able to get on again, how deep is the water in front of your house? I have a feeling that your storm froze and dumped the two feet of snow thats in my front yard in Upstate NY.
  7. Wow, split crowd. I just said Manchester as they've always been my team (by the way, I live in the US, but pay a ton of cash to get the league games)
  8. What do you think of this one.
  9. This movie is sooo underrated and overlooked that its amazing. The movie is Donnie Darko. It's an insanely mental thriller, that'll have you thinking for hours after you watch it. I just watched it this morning for what must be the fiftieth time, and I'm still finding new things. If you want to see this, I believe they'll have it in the Sci-Fi section of the movie store, even though it isn't Sci-Fi, other than the ideals of time travel involved. You can obviously see that I'm trying to avoid to give some of the plot, but thats because it's so involved that it would take forever. But you must see this movie.
  10. I am a gigantic fan of Stephen King, but suprisingly even to me, my favorite books by him are not his horrors. If I were to pick my three favorite, I would say The Talisman, The Black House[The Talisman's Sequal], and Rage[techinally published under his pseudonym Richard Bachman.]
  11. host it somewhere first before putting the url in Link Off field... :mrgreen:
  12. I still think Google is the best ^^
  13. iGuest


    Cold here in Kentucky...about 30 degrees F. It has been in the 60's for over a week though....and it is supposed to get warm again soon....odd winter weather for Kentucky.
  14. Welcome Hopesun!You will enjoy your stay here! FNH is awesome!
  15. I want to install mods on this forum. the mods I want are:Quick Replay <--Yes,I have install it.Last time user logged in <-- I'm not sure but you can check it in members's profile..eg: mineYou can see my last login/visit to the forum :wink:cash mod (point system) <-- I need access to admin panel in order to activate auto sql installation..
  16. Yes he did djbungle. Great movies if you ask me. I love true Romance, he wrote the script and Tony Scott directed it. I love the scene with dennis hopper and Christopher Walken.....
  17. Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing in the world but he wanted to experience the pain of dying like a horse using an enema from the space ground mission scientist who were owned by the little grey polish surfers and the big flying golden horse with tennis shoes and so he prepared for his final count down by doing the full monty and dropped dead again. Then an ambulance, drawn by monkeys hit the submarine so it sank and flipped it's black sturdy wheels into the sky, meeting its maker in the compacter, so when it came out the compactor expanded and blew up. Meanwhile the dragon was chasing the soldier of fortune to get his dinner in time ,as you do chase the aeroplane until you die, and so we got a big bite of bit. The big bite from big momma`s readily salted pork with fry chicken and juicy dumplings, was not always
  18. You must put the url inthe last field only. It say's : "Link to off-site Avatar"It won't work in the two preceding fields.
  19. Well, thanks all for your contribution... but I've almost made my mind... So I was planning to use this as a basis instead : BUT with the following changes : , which has a wider image... (if needed, complete the outter border with black) split the image according to the red line Now that I have a better idea on how my new sig will look like, I hope one of you will find the time to fulfill my request.... (if you need it, here's the PSD from the picture above : LINK)
  20. I've some problem to upload an avatar. I want this I go to my Profile, I enter URL for upload, I read OK message, but after that I don't see avatar.... Somebody can help me?
  21. I like Sheva and Ronaldinho, but also Henry
  22. I think Milan, but I hope Manchester
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