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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I'll give my thumbs up for Superman also, but the recent Spiderman and X-Men films are damn good...(as a note, all the others are utter crap; i.e The Hulk etc...)
  2. yes i m using the right address too.. I cant login..
  3. Obviously someone doesn't like originality in the movie industry? What would your favourite movies be then if you dislike all of the Matrix films? I like how you bring up the word "originality". Not sure if you knew this, but, even though I hate Star Trek, I find this little tidbit hilarious. Well, there was this episode that was based around this huge technilogical device, where people put this viewer on their head and saw themselves in other places and worlds, like real life? Familiar? And, what was this other-worldy machine called??? THE MATRIX!!!! Hmm... originality... I think not. If you want to talk about originality in the true sense of being completely new then nothing is original. Star Trek had to get the idea from somewhere, probably talk of virtual reality at the time. I also know plenty of things called "The Matrix", I studied the "Matrix" in Maths about two years back; there is an old television show called "The Matrix" from 1993 (which strangely enough contained Carrie Ann Moss)...I used to use a gel made by Matrix.inc. The list goes on my friend. What I was pointing out in my comment it that not enough filmmakers try hard enough to make their film any different from those around them. It's taking those few separate ideas and making a "compound", better idea. Which Larry and Andy did, in The Matrix. I like the way in your post that you tried to be smart,...it shows up when you can't actually realise the point I was making. In relation to Gohst's comments. That is quite true, from what I know, (taking the matrix as a mathmatical term) Larry and Andy Wachowski were interested in how the actual coded world should look and when they came across the idea of the falling green code; which I freely admit came from a collection of sources...one of which was the mathmatical formula for having numbers arranged in a database that could be more easily transformed through a series of simple steps otherwise known as the Matrix, or Matrices. All they did to it was turn it green, and make it move down the screen...adding in letters and symbols as well as numbers for variation in the look of the code. So the term "Matrix" in the film never came from Star Trek but from the name of the formula that was used as an idea to create the coded "Matrix" on the Zion ship screens. Also if you watched a lot of films or television you would see that there are a lot of similar terms. As an example, who invented the term hyperdrive? Nearly every space film has it, but who coined the phraze? Just because you heard the term "Matrix" before; doesn't mean that the film isn't original...just means your looking for an argument.
  4. i like redhat ,but i don't mind to try new things.haha
  5. its so sad newz ... god help the victims of tasunami ... itz so strange and godz nature that 1 mosque r perfect think abt it guyz
  6. iGuest


    Good response to the original thread.... BTW I like your Location : A dark corner with my beloved computer... .....
  7. i use Fireworks ,it is more professonial!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  8. You are wrong. It does let you test PHP files.
  9. He is right I suppose.... though we need to explain technically... wait till experts reply you
  10. iGuest


    Just to begin. Random, technically each episode is between 43 and 48 minutes long. but it's not a big discrepancy. 24 is probably the best show on television at the minute, it is full of great dialogue; some tense scenes and well thought out action. But it's real interest is that it focuses so much on the development of the characters and the plot that other shows are just crap compared to it. Lets face it, each episode is actually only part of one entire story, in effect, one episode of roughly 24 hours length. Most series' only tend to have stories that last an hour and then move on, with most if not all of the plot wrapped up by the end of that hour. With 24, the producers have the time to simply let the plot develop. If it takes Jack half an hour to drive somewhere and he's in a rush...we feel his tension. Even though it is taking longer than it would in a normal programme; the show has been created so that every little detail is important. Very damn enjoyable. (No spoilers on series four please, I don't have Sky).
  11. I suggest you not to use the word 'stupid' it doesn't necessarily justify your stand...... you have to try your best to defeat him though....
  12. zentri is a nice portal but unfortanatly there is a downside to it there is no forum for it at the moment there in the prosess of making a forum module now so if this is something you want or need as far as a forum goes ide advise you to hold off on the zentri till the forum comes out
  13. I haven't encountered any... I put forward XWH as one of the potential candidates... lol
  14. I DO NOT HATE Americans, at some stage I may not like the decision taken by her gov't. this is the same with any other countries... so enjoy life....
  15. Oh it is the most important festival in china just like Christmas in US.and it is becoming a international festival.
  16. mmm.... No :Dbut mayb a nice tut will help... :S
  17. yeah!!!!when i heared the news,i became creazy you know i am such a fans of him.i will love him forever!!
  18. Hm, and why do you want to learn Java so much ? If you are new in programming, i think that you should start with Pascal or C, but that is your choice.Anyway, if you want so much to learn Java go and buy some good book for beginners like "Ground-Up Java", "Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days" or the free ebook from Bruce Eckel "Thinking in Java".
  19. themechooser.com has a few hundred themes availabletonyjazz, if you are still looking for pink themes, catch me on IM. I believe I have a few of them on my hdd
  20. There are some free sites that offer more, but most of them fail. FNH has the best uptime of all the webhosts.
  21. geocities, they aren't even good for remote linking.
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