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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Backup ur files...then re-request....I think there's a warning mail before the mail "24 hrs left"....
  2. Whats this about switching the servers. Didn't we go through that already when the old server went down. And why wasn't there any earlier notice other than 24hrs. Because I guess I missed the stupid deadline to ask for my domain tranfer, and now I'm going to need to sign up for the third freakin time. This is rediculous the admin need to better manage this site. Because i just found out today. If there was some better warning of this I wouldn't have to sign up for the third time. I guess you could say that I'm beyond ticked. :x
  3. Well anything does. If we had 1 million people donate 5 dollars, we would have 5 million dollars.Looks like Yahoo! discountinued the donation service. Maybe the American Red Cross (for USA residents) has a website. If you know any crisis releaf agencies from all over the world, please post links here
  4. I also thinking of starting a website, where I will try to gather as much information as possible about this whole "hate America, hate Islam, hate the world" and publish it it to millions of people world wide. Well if not millions, maybe a few thousands. Hopefully that would at least influence some of the readers, and knock it in their heads that what they hear is not neccesseraly true, and that media can sometimes corrupt a human being's mind and opinions.
  5. Well, there is alot of stuff going on down there in Iraq, I watched a few documentaries of people going undercover and it is crazy down there. Women wear "blue thingie prison like stuff" that covers their entire body, and the host f the documentary got hit in the back with a gun for not wearing it (she was wearing traditional islamic clothing).But I would like to add that the possibility of Bush being there for the oil, too, is significant. I admit it, at the same time I like part of what Bush does, and part I do not.I would rather see Bush help with Palestinians down there fighting for land. They are having some bloody battles. As for the whole "terrorist" thing, it happened once, and it might happen again, but it would be best if they focued on increased security in homeland rather then going down there.I have also seen some very attrocious deeds done by Americans myself, and I fully do not understand. There is a website that is entirely dedicated to hating Islam, and blaming all Islamic community, and quoting the Kuran wrong. I have recently visited a mosque(sp?) and asked the "leader of establishent" (forgot how the Islamic community calls them). I have asked several questions, stating the quotes from the website. He was sad. I felt he was about to cry, but he held it in, I know it.He has explained alot, and what the world (America mostly) today thinks of Islam is wrong. They are not a terrorist group. Kuran does not state or imply ANYWHERE that all non belivers shall perish.I did not give him the link to the site neither will I here, if you wish it, PM me. All I ask is please do not spread it. And if you are a Muslim, I stongly discourage you from seeing this site. It will make you very mad. I personaly do not place my trust in any religion, although I choose to belive in God, yet I felt offended.
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they got a lot of info here it might help?
  7. I agree but isnt v1.3 the lastest version? and dont it cost money or something?
  8. Why do you say that ? Anybody is free to listen what he wants. I do not like rock, but i like rap and hip-hop,if you want my opinion.
  9. really nice. do you have more to show us?
  10. looks interesting, i go try it. thanks
  11. i ment porn link site, not a porn site , but i figered LB would know what i ment. i did not mean to confuse people here
  12. They are certainly one the best "new" bands from the last five years, and have come to take the place of names as Blur or Oasis as the leading pop-accoustic-rock-whatever-you-like brit band. In fact, they're really good, IMO way better than Oasis. So, what are your thoughts on them? This is the space for them....Cheers
  13. Nice siggy you got there :DMine is nothing special, just reminding people that I'm a lunatic, nothing more
  14. they are NOT helping Iraq...they are just in it for the oil. There was no reason for Bush to go into Iraq...this was all started because of Osama Bin Laden (who is in AFGHANISTAN! not IRAQ) I dont hate the states...just the leader! thats my 2 cents If you don't like it, well, you dont have to
  15. I think Conan is better than Leno or Letterman. Their since of humor is a little too dry for me.btw, did you hear that Conan is taking Leno's when he retires?
  16. OK a lot of you are saying you don't like how America goes to war and stuff.Well,We don't need the UN's permission to defend ourselves! Some people say they don't like how we act as the world's police. Well lets see how well the world does without America "policing" for a year or even six months. It wouldn't be doing to well thats for sure. I'm not talking about anyone on this forum, but my main opinion of why everyone seems to hate America is because they are jealous! Hey i would be a little too if my country existed for hundreds and hundreds of years and then another country comes and is barely around for two centuries before they are a super power. One example of everyone's quickness to judge America is how when the tsunami hit, some guy from the UN said America was being stingy with support. Excuse me? We sent 35$ million right off the bat. We've increased that by more that ten fold. Is that what is considered stingy? I have strong support for my president. I think he is keeping this country safe and on the right path.
  17. iGuest


    Yes i've got that same problem 2... netherlands, belgium -> america... TIME DIFFERENT...
  18. For the NFC, I'm gonna have to say Eagles, even though they lost T.O., I think they can easily maul the Vikings next week.For the AFC, i think im gonna have to go with the Pats. The Steelers may have beaten the pats before, but they can't do it twice. The patriots know when to win when it counts and thats all that matters.I'm hoping in the Eagles to win, but thats gonna be hard to do.
  19. I am just wondering... when you say America... do you mean North America + Central America + South America or you mean US?
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