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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo conocer de manera detallada y didáctica las características y tecnología del disco duro como medio de almacenamiento secundario masivo.El texto se compone de dos capítulos: En el primero se presentan los conceptos generales sobre dispositivos de almacenamiento, en el segundo se describe de manera detallada el disco duro.Para componer este documento se empleó la plataforma de Internet, localizando mediante los buscadores de páginas web en español (Yupi, Yahoo y AltaVista) aquellas páginas en Latinoamérica que presentaban contenido referente a los discos duros. Una vez localizadas se bajó su texto y las gráficas correspondientes para ser organizadas en un solo documento mediante el procesador de textos MsWord97.LOS DISPOSITIVOS DE ALMACENAMIENTO¿QUÉ SON LOS DISPOSITIVOS DE ALMACENAMIENTO?La memoria de la computadora (RAM) es un lugar provisional de almacenamiento para los archivos que usted usa. La mayoría de la información guardada en la RAM se borra cuando se apaga la computadora. Por lo tanto, su computadora necesita formas permanentes de almacenamiento para guardar y recuperar programas de software y archivos de datos que desee usar a diario. Los dispositivos de almacenamiento (también denominados unidades) fueron desarrollados para satisfacer esta necesidad.Los siguientes constituyen los tipos más comunes de dispositivos de almacenamiento:Unidades de Disco Duro Unidades de Disquete Unidades de compresión ZIP Unidades de CD Unidades DVD Unidad para Cinta The present work must by objective know detailed and didactic way the characteristics and technology of the hard disk like massive secondary storage media. The text is made up of two chapters: In first the general concepts appear on storage devices, in the second describes of detailed way the hard disk. In order to compose this document the platform of Internet was used, locating by means of the finders of pages Web in Spanish (Yupi, Yahoo and AltaVista) those pages in Latin America that presented/displayed content referring to hard disks. Once located one lowered to his text and the corresponding graphs to be organized in a single document by means of processor MsWord97 the text. THE STORAGE DEVICES WHAT ARE THE STORAGE DEVICES? The memory of the computer (ram) is a provisional place of storage for the archives that you use. Most of the information kept in the ram flock when the computer extinguishes itself. Therefore, its computer needs permanent forms storage to keep and to recover programs of software and data files that wish to use to newspaper. The storage devices (also denominated units) were developed to satisfy this necessity. The following ones constitute the most common types of storage devices: HDD Units of Diskette Units of compression ZIP Units of CD Units DVD Unit for Tape
  2. iGuest


    And so new server (xerox) it's faster....
  3. Hope you enjoy your break from work. Get well soon.
  4. La tarjeta gráficaLas principales características de una tarjeta gráfica son: Bus Históricamente, las tarjetas gráficas han ido conectadas primero al bus ISA de 8 bits, luego al ISA de 16 bits. Luego vinieron las de bus local VESA de 32 bits, actualmente hay tarjetas que se pueden conectar al bus PCI de 32 bits pero la mayor parte ya son para bus AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port). Para usar una de éstas hay que tener una placa base moderna que disponga de un slot AGP. La ventaja es la rapidez de transferencia, útil para imágenes en movimiento (video a pantalla completa y juegos). Para trabajos de oficina también se agradece siempre un poco más de rapidez. Las esperas se acumulan y afectan a los nervios. Memoria La cantidad de memoria determina la combinación de la resolución con número de colores.Las primeras resoluciones son las siguientes:640 x 480 - Está cayendo en desuso800 x 600 - La más frecuente1024 x 768 - Interesa para trabajos especiales El número de colores viene dado por la longitud (en número de bits) del número que define cada color.Número de 4 bits de longitud = 16 coloresNúmero de 8 bits de longitud = 256 coloresNúmero de 16 bits de longitud = 65.000 coloresNúmero de 24 bits de longitud = 16,7 millones de coloresVéase la página ajustes sobre número de colores y las paletasLa resolución más habitual es de 800 x 600El número de colores más satisfactorio es de 16,7 millones.Para esta combinación se precisa una memoria mínima de 2 MBLa memoria puede ser más o menos rápida. Si es lenta no permitará que se redibujen rápidamente las imágenes. Windows aparenta funcionar más lento y no se pueden ver bien las imágenes en movimiento de videos y demás. Por orden de antigüedad y rapidez, hay memorias RAM, EDO RAM, SRAM, VRAM, etc. Procesador Muchas tarjetas gráficas llevan un procesador que está especializado en cierto tipo de tareas. Por ejemplo, las tareas habituales de Windows, renderizar (llenar con color), imágenes 3-D, etc. El procesador confiere rapidez a una tarjeta. Añadidos Normalmente, las tarjetas gráficas llevan un conector (feature connector) al que se le puede conectar otra tarjeta que realiza otras funciones. Por ejemplo, capacidad de recibir o emitir video en movimiento. O bien acoplarle un sintonizador de TV. En estos casos, el inconveniente es que el precio total es alto y se ocupan más slots. Una posibilidad consiste en integrar alguna de estas funciones en la misma tarjeta gráfica. Así, si integra el video, podremos entrar señal de video, grabar un corto en el disco, procesarla con algún programa y luego verla en el monitor y ADEMÁS en un televisor que tenga entrada de video (también grabarla en cinta de video). Para todo eso se precisa un procesador potente en el ordenador. Controlador(software) Es muy importante tener correctamente instalado el controlador adecuado. Vale la pena visitar la web del fabricante y traerse el último controlador para la tarjeta que tengamos. Y volver al cabo de unos meses a ver si ha salido otra versión mejor. The graphical card the main characteristics of a graphical card are: Bus Historically, the graphical cards have gone connected first a bus ISA of 8 bits, soon to the ISA of 16 bits. Soon those came from local bus VESA of 32 bits, at the moment are cards that can be connected to bus PCI of 32 bits but most already is for bus AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port). In order to use one of these it is necessary to have a modern motherboard that has slot AGP. The advantage is the rapidity of transference, useful for images in movement (complete screen video and games). For works of office also a little more rapidity is thanked for always. The delays are accumulated and affected the nerves. Memory the amount of memory determines the combination of the resolution with number of colors. The first resolutions are the following ones: 640 xs 480 - 800 xs 600 are falling in disuse - most frequent 1024 xs 768 - the number of colors Interests for special works comes dice by the length (in number of bits) from the number that defines each color. Number of 4 bits of length = 16 colors Number of 8 bits of length = 256 colors Number of 16 bits of length = 65,000 colors Number of 24 bits of length = 16.7 million colors See the page adjustments on number of colors and the trowels the most habitual resolution is of 800 600 xs the more satisfactory number of colors is of 16.7 million. For this combination a minimum memory needs 2 MB the memory can be more or less fast. If she is slow it will not permitará that the images are redibujen quickly. Windows pretends to work slower and the images in movement of videos and others cannot be seen well. Por.orden.de.antigüedad and rapidity, there are ram memory, EDO ram, SRAM, VRAM, etc. Processor Many graphical cards take a processor that is specialized in certain type of tasks. For example, the habitual tasks of Windows, to renderizar (to fill with color), images 3-D, etc. The processor confers rapidity to a card. Added Normally, the graphical cards take to a connector (feature connector) to which him can be connected another card that makes other functions. For example, capacity to receive or to emit video in movement. Or to connect a TV tuner to him. In these cases, the disadvantage is that the total price is high and more take care slots. A possibility consists of integrating some of these functions in the same graphical card. Thus, if Integra the video, we will be able to enter video signal, to record a short one in the disc, to process it with some program and soon to see it in the monitor and IN ADDITION in a television set that has video entrance (also to record it in videotape). For all that a powerful processor in the computer needs. Controller (software) Is very important to have correctly installed the suitable controller. He is worth the trouble to visit the Web of the manufacturer and to be engaged in the last controller for the card that we have. And to return after months to see if he has left another version better.
  5. Hmm only 4 countries...Woah kids, thats a long time off i'm afraid
  6. Wanadoo are pretty naff - I hate their big frame they put at the top - ruines all the layout. I've been with many, but my last was paid and they lost everything, I was so mad! payed ?25 for it to
  7. I'm an advanced, but have a while to go before I would call myself a pro.
  8. iGuest


    Yes i imagine so
  9. The business I work for, donated over ?40,000 pounds (big company). I felt a sense of pride, and then at home my folks donate some money too. It's a real shame you don't see companies like COCA COLA giving Dasani bottled water out free - they could easily afford it.
  10. iGuest


    Are servers in the same location?
  11. FIFA Football 2005 (FIFA 2005) A la venta También para: PlayStation 2 | Xbox | GameCube | Game Boy Advance | PSP-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plataforma: PC| Género: Deportivo| Temática: Fútbol| Es un juego de la saga FIFA| Desarrollador: EA Sports| Editor: Electronic Arts| Distribuidor: Electronic Arts PortadaNotas9.1(media) Prensa: 8.4 (3)Lectores: 9.8 (2) Usuarios registradosCOMENTAR JUEGO AÑADIR A MI COLECCIÓN LanzamientosEUR: 15 Octubre 2004 USA: 8 Octubre 2004 IdiomasVoces Textos ManualFicha técnica Soporte: 2 CDRequisitos: Procesador 900 MHz, 256 Mb RAM, Aceleración 3D 64 Mb (Mínimo), Procesador 2 GHz, 512 Mb RAM, Aceleración 3D 128 Mb (Recomendado)Direct3D: SíDirectX: 9.0bRecomendación: 3+FIFA Football 2005 (FIFA 2005) On sale Also stops: PlayStation 2|Xbox|GameCube|Game Boy Advance|PSP|Platform: PC|Sort: Sport|Thematic: Soccer|It is a game of saga FIFA|Developer: EA Sports|Publisher: Electronic Arts|Distributor: Electronic Carried Arts Notes 9,1 (average) Press: 8.4 (3) Readers: 9.8 (2) registered Users TO COMMENT GAME TO ADD to MY COLLECTION Launchings EUR: 15 October The 2004 USA: 8 Manual October 2004 Languages Voices Texts List of credits Support: 2 CD Requisite: Processor 900 MHz, 256 Mb Ram, Acceleration 3D 64 Mb (Minimum), Processor 2 GHz, 512 Mb Ram, Acceleration 3D 128 Mb (Recommended) Direct3D: Yes DirectX: 9.0b Rcommendation: 3+
  12. iGuest


    I doubt you'll ever notice any difference.
  13. I blame Hotmail, I only found the annoucement E-mails today and was like "O crap!" lol. Hopefuly it shouldn't take long to rebuild
  14. I would regard myself as beginner, as you can see from my site :wink:
  15. lol, someone found a picture of Hrvoje
  16. I really like the new one too. Much more pro feeling.
  17. i think you got that right. :roll:
  18. I run a phpBB2 forum at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and I really like the look and feel of it better than this new one. :-P
  19. iGuest


    I replyed to that topic, and my site is non-exsistent! >.< it's not fair that he skipped me, and moved everone else that posted on that topic, i even posted fairly early! (the 8the page, out of 15!) http://forums.xisto.com/
  20. I would also like to know what the exact files are you don't want on your servers. Would be very helpful, although I know I won't be doing any Copyright infringment anyways.
  21. Yeah, the new design is pretty slick. :mrgreen:
  22. lol.. no need to put my pic here :oops: yes, thats me 8) You look like a gangster! :mrgreen:
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