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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. and I also play Kings of chaos and have Whizz as my commander ^^ ^^
  2. iGuest

    NFSU 2

    I have it for GC and I got a problem :Sits like 32/30 ordinary races7/8 DVD covers8/9 U.R.Lsand it says 100% on stage 4and now I cant find any races on my map, nothing!
  3. Microsoft says what xp is experence, and nasa the use xp for experimental.What do you think about this? 8)
  4. It would be really cool if it was a RPG game here ^^
  5. i belive for my what is La Ley, Mirate
  6. iGuest


    is the best group i belive
  7. I belive what you can use the editor video what have windows xp i very easy to use
  8. i fell sorry for you man... if i were you i would say *BLEEP* her... and forget about her but if you trully love her that would be to hard ...
  9. Your welcome dude, just remember what i said! love waits for no man or woman. :|
  10. yeah sorry everyone account was deleted hope to be back up soon not to happy ive done so much to my site installed php-nuke platinum and now there is nothing but thats my own fault for not backing up like a dimwit :twisted: thank god i saved my config.php file at least so thats a start lol
  11. iGuest


    Rofl :?: What do I need to do, to fix it :?: :?: :?:
  12. iGuest


    I had that problem
  13. die chinese ppl lol, DIE I SAY DIE, j/k :mrgreen:
  14. eum :?: I requested yesterday and received my account info today.
  15. iGuest


    What about lennox lewis, Anybody rate him? He did K.O mike tyson
  16. iGuest


    Wtf, first my FTP, now is my cpanel *BLEEP*ed up too: No contact email has been set. You will be unable to receive notifications or reset your password if you do not set a contact email address. ( I tried to set 5 times) and Last login from: None Recorded. (I entered at least 5 times) Whats going on? :? Greetz, N!ghtwarr!or
  17. xbox owns..xbox owns so damn hard
  18. iGuest


    I saw that program, It was brilliant, Its a dangerous sport but great to watch.
  19. Was this a free account with FNH? If so it may have been either moved to the new sever for free hosting or deleted. Admin sent out emails warning for people to post in the forum if you were on free hosting and wanted to be switched over to the new server. I read my email late and have to request agin. This maybe your problem. Post back if you can.
  20. I'm 23, most of the European countries I visited through my childhood until I was about 16. The other countries I visited I did after that backpacking etc. Now that you mention it I visited Mongolia as well If you got an itch, scratch it. That's what I do, I love to travel, experience cultures, going to new places and meeting new people. The bad thing about it is that you end up having more friends abroad than in your own country.
  21. I know alot of people are probably sick of most if not all of the them by now, butname your fav and whyand name the worst one and whyHeres mine.Fav = Apprenticewhy = actually educated people doing somthing "realistic" and not just sitting on an island trying to starts fights and build huts.Worst = some show i saw yesterday about voting someone out of the family willwhy = is there really reason for me to comment? Isn't it suppose to be "reality" tv?
  22. Stargate "big fan"BraveheartThe shawshank RedemptionHackers "Hmm angelina jolie"Finding nemo
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