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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    I'm wondering... whats the point of all this?
  2. I told you all we need a proper Introduce Yourself place. Hello, newcomer.
  3. tommytk, i have no clue, but carlos seems great
  4. Black Hawk Down, Platoon and does The Rock count? Band of brothers was a mini series wasn't it? Aww hell w.e it was cool ne ways.
  5. id say fireworks actually....imageready kinda screws up pics a bit, and fireworks is very good with gifs/flash, easy to. Although photoshop is best for jpg. ect.
  6. Oo i remember nasway, as well as carlos, but i don't remember tommytk from anywhere. People not remembering carlos just shows how big the community has grown since like..only october?
  7. do you belive what yes all programmers distribute your code program all go more faster all pepole help to program development.sorry my english is so bad :roll:
  8. GREAT SIG, bright light or "nebula" ruins it tho.....comepletly ruins it..7/10
  9. PHP is a programming language and generate dynamic pages while XHTML generates only normal HTML pages
  10. I use photoshop....getting good with it...not GREAT tho lol, its definatly hardest, definatly best
  11. all mine stink hard...im a bit new to photoshop lmfao...good at backgrounds....cant do anything with text cept for bevel and emboss LOL....urs are pretty good i must say...beyond anything i can do
  12. only bad thing is...i just now got that e-mail.....3 days after thread closed LOL, not only that...but the e-mail said i had till jan 20th to reply....erm isnt that a lil...not fair? lol, but ye i had to re-request to, my computer was in da shop when this whole thing happened
  13. Hi, did you know that php-nuke-platinum is finally free?lol coz erm..i bet a lot of members would like to have that in fantastico or scripts library, a lot of sites have the download, i personally dont want it, but i know a lot of members that would, coz they arent so good with html......
  14. to begin i recomend the live cd?s of linux
  15. and yes you can?t contacto to my : aflm@vtr.net
  16. I think in windows who what is a OS create for win money, XP i belive what microsoft pepole like experiment whit the your OS Windows
  17. dont worry.....FNH is great, no matter what they'll get u ur hosting back....it migth be a new accnt...and u migth have to redo it all, but stuff happens, we just gotta live thru it, and FNH is here to help
  18. I only think abot the bugs virus .... and I see Windows, but linux is a very stable OS (Recomend SUSE)
  19. iGuest


    i have to agree, even tho i missed the damn domain change thingy... , this is the best hosting i have ever, ever seen, even the paid packages are some of the best, Thanks FNH hosting, or xerox...not sure what to call now LOL
  20. ok ill put it short and simplelinux=OWNS WINDOWS, ABSOLUTLY 20X BETTERlinux=doesnt support games hardly at all....OMG :cry: Windows=easy to manageWindows=good for comp newbsWindows=Highly supports games :mrgreen:overall i like windows better, coz all i do is play games and make websites, but linux is otherwise best
  21. iGuest


    is very faster and more stable what IE
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