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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. The UN agrees that dislike of someones policy (i.e. regime change) is not sufficient grounds to go to war. Trying to defend that is like jumping into a volcanoe. If Sadam was clearly disobeying the UN by doing things the UN approved war for, then why didnt you're country give Hans Blix more time to tell you what you were getting into? Yes, Sadam was disobeying the UN - so why didnt you wait for approval before running against the rest of the world (as represented by the UN) and taking my country with you.
  2. Thanks to Naz & Gohst,I hope everyone will follow the format of introduction you've suggested.Some of us have been suggesting this page. It's good that Naz had finally come up with it. After all its good to know one another..
  3. England rules too!!but yeah..the netherlands is cool, im going to 'Kruningen Yereske' in zeeland for a few days at the beginning of the month - you anywhere near that?
  4. Yep, ame problem.i realy need the GD option can i install it???and about the MYSQL, i created ane data base so how i now the user, the pass, the host etc. can anybody tell me please??
  5. yes.. I agree... nice to know you.
  6. iGuest


    Hi Welbis,Thanks for introducing here... Hope your trip to Czech Rep. will be a blessing one.
  7. Hey,define is not new at all, this is how you can create constants in PHP, variables that can not be altered by your code.Say you defined MAX_FILE_SIZE:<?phpif(!defined('MAX_FILE_SIZE')) // checks whether we've already set MAX_FILE_SIZE define('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 8192); // sets MAX_FILE_SIZE to 8192if(constant('MAX_FILE_SIZE')) // checks whether MAX_FILE_SIZE is a constant echo constant('MAX_FILE_SIZE'); // prints the constant MAX_FILE_SIZEif(defined('MAX_FILE_SIZE')) // checks whether MAX_FILE_SIZE is set MAX_FILE_SIZE++; // add 1 to MAX_FILE_SIZE (cannot do, error on this line)?>Since I try altering MAX_FILE_SIZE by increasing it by 1, I would get a parse error on this line. You will encounter parse errors quite a lot and usually the message will help you find the problem, missing semi-colons or commas, etc. Although this message doesn't really help understand the problem, you should have a style that constants are all in capital letters, you may also like to prefix it with an underscore _ so it won't conflict with reserved keywords, not likely PHP but C/C++ you would.Cheers,MC
  8. iGuest


    Hi, my name is Simeon, I've been on here a couple of months.I love music, movies etc etc etc, live in devon UK (a rural area)I'm off to the czech republic at the end of the month to do 7 months of Christian youth work, and my site is a christian one with various things on it.
  9. He's here now (page 9) http://forums.xisto.com/
  10. IC... hope you get soon. same to you... what's situation you are? I've just re-requested. I hope to get soon.... I'm in the 18th Position in the Request Free Hosting thread
  11. iGuest

    NFSU 2

    Here are some screenshots of my car:
  12. o_o Here's a short list of the games I have: Soldier of Fortune 2 Call of Duty 1 and United Offensive Half life: Half life 2 Counter Strike 1.6 Counter Strike Condition Zero Counter Strike Source Day of Defeat source ... Need for speed underground 1 and 2 Farcry Battlefield Vietnam Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 Vietcong ... All for free :!:
  13. I have the same problem with lephungdan, you should speak English here 8) Nazrin,why do you know it's vietnamese language?can you speak?
  14. I like it... specialy the blue barsGJ
  15. I have the same problem, I have decided to re-request. Just sad I lost all that valuable info :cry:
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ what do you think?i need more members so the content will build up so join and check it out.
  17. Another from belgium. :mrgreen: See, Dutch rulez :twisted:
  18. good stuff, so many dutch people around here! Makes me feel right at home
  19. iGuest


    I dont like the site. Its too artificial. Also too cloggy.
  20. sounds good Tyler. Do you have any specific plans for your first project? I'm a moviefan as well
  21. iGuest


    not a clue sorry check out there site it might say there https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/?utm_source=firefox-com&utm_medium=referral
  22. the best ones to me are pretty recent. Make sure to check out ' Hero' featuring Jet Li. A beautiful movie that incudes everything you can wish for in a movie. Another good one is Crouching tiger hidden dragon, eventhough I must say that I prefer Hero!
  23. iGuest


    o.k I'll close for now... :mrgreen:
  24. If you have not replied to the thread where Admin asked all free hosting to do, you probably have to Re-request. Whether you have domain or not doesn't make any difference..... but if you have replied to the thread, you just have to wait until the Admin work out all those pile of Request to change server from FNH to Xerox-hosting...
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