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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. *BLEEP* thats all i gotta say funny tho
  2. iGuest


    They're a very good band excellent harmonies and melodies in their songs
  3. TY very much!this site solved a lott of my problems , actually....L:)
  4. Nirvana rule *takes out lighter and waves it in the air*
  5. The first 2 albums he put out whooped *bottom* the new ones suck balls
  6. My favourite team- is the SPARTAK MOSCOW
  7. Who the fook are they? I bet they suck
  8. WMP is quite a handy one alright
  9. iGuest


    Enya is so old, I bet she looks get naked still though
  10. Thats shameful spammage
  11. Her music sucks but i'd jump her bones
  12. Good Charlotte suck I hate them bunch of goth losers
  13. Yes you right but I tried to create again and I doesn't work someone can send me orginal public_html folder?
  14. The beatles put me in a good mood
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Thats an overstatement they are a good band but definitely not one of the best ever
  17. iGuest


    Coldplay are very good in fairness I learned a llot of there songs on guitar
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