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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I don't know why you guys are having these bugs.... It has been good for me so far.... like most of you I got the free hosting a couple of days ago...
  2. No one forces you to write a good review before getting the hosting... you can review after receiving the service.. there's no reason to complaint that you need to review it at clickhere free.com before you get the service.. if you had rated before getting the service isn't it weird?
  3. You are entirely right, Linux is anything but designed for n00bs. Windows needs a lot of programs and utilites for you to protect yourself, linux doesnt need any
  4. I should close this thread now...
  5. Your only telling the truth :wink:
  6. Oh, i didnt know there was a b44.. I know of a B52
  7. XWH STILL alive but their packages sucks...and also their forum sucks.. :mrgreen: Sorry for flaming them..
  8. Yeah...PHP rules...it's the best...
  9. Unfortunetely you're right...
  10. i can smoke i dontnow and then having a ciggi isnt bad as long as your not get addicted
  11. yea it says MySql but not PHP, so i was just making sure...
  12. Only the best survive! No chances for *BLEEP* like XWH! :evil: :evil: :evil:
  13. iGuest

    Hi all.

    maybe ur hobby is surfing internet... Anyway welcome to FNH..!
  14. And ppl want exactly free top level domain name! We are freeloaders!
  15. Good ridance is all i can say
  16. Never did and never will! Smoking is awful!
  17. Try linking to an offsite image, then your picture will display :wink:
  18. What a good choice Zechs, i agree there - but FF7 is my favorite out of all i have to agree i player ff7 for hours for weeks and for months and ive beaten the plot 99 times but i have never played it out 100% it has a good story and graphics are 7/10 i remake from ff7 for ps2 or psp or ps3 would be cool
  19. The rating system isnt very accurate, obviously :?
  20. and write a review..... rating this service..... before we can even use the service.............scam? not really offering hosting?
  21. Work on it. Put some more graphic maybe.
  22. Nobody randomly gives out free domain names for people - but you can get things like .tk for free and others but not a top level domain :roll:
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