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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. to move/uploade multiple files, hold doe the "CTR" button, and select the ones u wan't to move, and move them to the folder/dir you wish (hope thats what you wanted )
  2. I know someone who posted nine times in a row. Just search in the chat forum and you'll find it.
  3. yeah imma stick with my Gmail to.
  4. Yep, there are other parties, but voting for them doesn't get you anywhere. They need to get more than 50% of the votes in one state to get represented. If you can get 10% in the whole country, you won't achieve anything.Look at Ralph Nader.10% of the votes should mean 10% of the senate, ...That's what i meant.
  5. first of all, why do you care, secound, i'm no nerd, :wink:
  6. Hello from Spain. My name is Luis. I work as tecnico of ADSL and want to bring my page Web to http://forums.xisto.com/. The present direction of my Web site is khispano.hollosite.com/. My Web it is a page of personal communications (friendship, love....)
  7. iGuest

    Hi all.

    welcome Ronin. Hope you have fun here.
  8. iGuest

    Hi all.

    Thanks Nazrin, and i guess you're right. Surfing is something i like to do. But it's more to collect info about things i wish to learn. You could say it's a hobby, maybe more then that.
  9. http://www.da.ru/ free DNS And also web redirecting but it's better to use the DNS thing
  10. lol thx im looking at some of the stuff.
  11. the original value is 1g>1024 m this is because they breed cells and cells multiply in 1>2 so 1-2-4-8-12-24-(you might already notice 8 bits-24 bits but it has nothing todo with the cells) and you can go on 4ever. so techinicly if you make a cell breeding machine you can make a piece of machinery that is even beter than the human brain(humans cant regenerate brain cells you got them from your birth, one of the symptons of dieing)no matter what that page says im sure im right
  12. .fldr sounds like flooder.. anyway a domain costs 6 bucks a year ... where do you see 2?
  13. iGuest

    NFSU 2

    I have this game and its fun. Im at like 90% or something and i have riced out all my cars. This game is fun but WoW and CS are funner to me.
  14. i had this game. i think my bro sold it cause its boring.
  15. Hope you don't get in trouble dude. Nice to have someone who agrees every now and again!
  16. We have more than two. Don't forget the Constitutionalist party!
  17. Yeah, wish such a thing did exist though! LOL Maybe Someday.... Would be cool to have.. like .fldr for FreeLoaDR. LOL.
  18. Great CDWorth to buy (or download what ever..)
  19. Hello people. I am a GFX designer. I am 16 yrs old. i am looking for free hosting for myGFX site(tell i get resller from here). I am Currently making free GFX and Custom GFX. Old site /legacy hopefully i can get one from here
  20. Dope!think ill use it!!OMG it great.
  21. Its an Old game for me now...................!
  22. Demo will be cool.Its work like pm in forums? didnt realy understud.
  23. imageready.long time ago i head another program that was great too.used it much.If you noobie you can use Xara3d
  24. There is a games forum.No I never have.
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