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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. In recent times it has come to my attention people have been disguising their posts to make them appear longer and of better content. Here is some guidelines on what not to do when posting for hosting: DO NOT MAKE LARGE QUOTES OF OTHER PEOPLES POSTS TO MAKE THEM APPEAR LONGER DO NOT USE SPACED OUT POSTS TO MAKE THEM APPEAR LONGER Keep in mind spacing is good to make your posts look neater and in paragraphs, but spacing out small posts will not help towards gettin hosting or upgrades. Any posts of new members or upgrading members trying to improve their hosting status which make any of the above infringements will simply not be counted towards your GOOD post count. Reason: Disgusing posts and making them seem what they are not, is not a talented trait. I and all the other staff at Xisto are going through a radical process of clearing out all the spam and uselessness that could potentially (or will) plague our forums. Xisto members should strive to produce useful and helpful posts which help fellow members but also keeps your free hosting assured. Please try to abide by these small yet simple rules, help all of us to improve the forum, for you are the nuts and cogs which assemble together to produce a well running free hosting machine. Thankyou -Prodigy
  2. well sing everything with energy wouldnt that like suck up energy from the sun? i mean 1 day there wil be no more sun and im not sure in how long like thousands of years or hudnreds but eventually there will be no mroe sun and earth will be pitch black and wouldnt energy like suck up more energy from the sun?and yes energy can be destroyed or whatever ebcuase the sun will be no mroe in the future.
  3. check this: http://forums.xisto.com/ If you change the permissions of your public_html on cpanel, it's possible to have access to your site. It works, as I've tried myself... though I've already send a mail to reset my account. No prob, actually. Cheers!
  4. yea everything is created just the URL doesnt work. its a 403 error or something. the admin said that hes fixing it.
  5. well I diidn't understand whom I can ask things so I will throw it out here.ummm// I am getting a 403 Forbidden error for all files that I have in there(or at least3 of them that I checked in there) I still can acess the ftp so I don't think I got banned// ^ ) what do I do?umm// what can I do?whom I can ask for help?
  6. I don't think we should say that they CAN'T put their own as well as ours, but perhaps asking that they don't would be better?
  7. There is already a topic of San Andreas :wink: http://forums.xisto.com/ Next time, use search function.
  8. If you aren't getting a 403 error, then it's not a 403 error. Did you try to instsall it using Fantastico? If so, does Fantastico say that the forum was created in their registry?
  9. what is the extension of the image you wanna place. Right now, that I see in this code that only images that end with the extension .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and .png will be showed. Other files like .bmp and .ico will not be showed. Tip: Change // [img=image_url_here] code.. $text = preg_replace("#[img=((ht|f)tp://)([^ ?&="nrt<]*?(.(php[^[]*|jpg|jpeg|gif|png)))]#sie", "'[img:$uid]1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text); into// [img=image_url_here] code.. $text = preg_replace("#[img=((ht|f)tp://)([^ ?&="nrt<]*?(.(php[^[]*|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|php|ico|pcx)))]#sie", "'[img:$uid]1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text); See what is changed? jpg|jpeg|gif|png Turned into jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|php|ico|pcx
  10. .:Phre/kBox:., be careful when suggesting people download things from P2P services. If you are suggesting anything illegal, you may get banned. I realize that these are free, but it still may be illegal to get them from anywhere but the original maker's website. I deleted your post just in case.
  11. The freeIpods thing does work. I know a guy in Pennsylvania that got one from it. The Gratis network free things are the only ones that are not a scam. 8)
  12. why? its not goign to help nothing happens. its just like a website was neevr created i think its like a 403 erro or something.
  13. Read the stickies in the Hosting Support forum, they will tell you how to fix your permissions to fix the 403.
  14. That is some bad news.I always hate bad news
  15. Ok there is only 1 thing that i need explained to me to be able to install cashMo verything else is clear to me. #-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------#]# There is an automatic sql installer that works currently for mysql and mssql# It is neccessary to copy the file sql_install.php to your main phpbb directory and run it from there# After that, you want to delete the file immediately.## If you prefer to run the queries manually yourself, or to translate it to a different dbms# than mysql or mssql, the raw queries are located in sql_222.txt, but are only available for mysql.# I will try to include more dbms's for the installer for future releases, but nothing is guaranteed# at present# Ok so, it tells me how to do that automatic sql isntaller in the read me file so im not concerned with that. but i dont understand this part "After that, you want to delete the file immediately" do i delet it right after i instal it or do i instal /edit the whle cashmod then delete that? ------------------------------------------------------- Ok i need help on something esle. on zaraths shop mod. Installation * * 1. Create folder shop * * 2. Upload files * /shop_install.php * /shop.php * /shop_bs.php * /shop_effects.php * /shop_actions.php * /shop_inventory.php * /admin/admin_shop.php * /templates/*/shop_body.tpl * /templates/*/shop_inventory_body.tpl * /templates/*/admin/shop_config_body.tpl * /shop_install.php * /shop/images/icon_store_rpg.gif * * 2. Run shop_install.php then delete it. see where it says "2. Run shop_install.php then delete it."? well, what does that mean? to run shop_install? thanks.
  16. iGuest


    NCSoft's (Korea) Lineage II is more like hack, slash, stab, cast, magic, craft, 3 faces 7 hairstyles, 5 races with choise of male/female, mage/fighter. Mage and fighter have a lot of professions. There are a lot of locations and about 12 towns...Worth to try if you are planning to play a MMORPG
  17. Why doesn't anyone just use Fantastico?
  18. I like Evanescence,ColdPlay,Newsboys.Clay Aiken (*Slides under desk waiting to be flamed*)
  19. me to... i dont know what it is
  20. Thanks emelin, I've been attempting to do that on some other sites I help with, but to this point I've been to lazy to actually look...
  21. Friendly Hearts was a beautifull site and so much hard work had gone into it...... what a sad loss :cry:
  22. if you can't even get to cpanel then you will have to ask the admin to reset your account.
  23. If we're talking ARTIST, it would be Neil Peart, the drummer/songwriter of Rush. But if we can say band... well... RUSH
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