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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I have a forum on xerox-hosting... And there is smth strange with registrationIt looks like this:1. Usin' SMTPWhen user is trying to register he recieves the message ("535 Incorrect authentication data")2. Without SMTPI do not receive an email from registered userI put in adminpanel option to activate users only by adminSo could any1 tell me plz what's wrong and how to fix it?
  2. My other emails were:chris_american@wanadoo.nlpowerunlimited17@hotmail.comMy currents are:chrisgamer@gamerz-heaven.comchrisgamer@noogc.nl
  3. All you are doing is getting 2 ebay accounts. One for the US and the other for the US. Then you just bid on any item, you do not have to be the winner. What I do is bid on a very low priced item that I know is expected to go up.
  4. Do you have a catch phrase that you like to you? Do you find it funny? Did you steal it of the TV or make it up yourself? Let's hear all about it!Anyone want to kick us off?
  5. What country?What price range?What features do you want with it?Firewire or USB?Little more detail would be good :mrgreen:
  6. iGuest

    About me

    One word of advice, convert your sig from a png file to a jpeg file. It will load a hell of a lot quicker
  7. Hi does anyone have or know of a Free Flash Menu Generator?Daniel
  8. Does anyone know where to buy cheap digital cameras?I have been looking for a long time.Daniel
  9. Dragonball Z BudokaiPS: ES III: Morrowind is a very good game :shock:
  10. You are not stealing from sellers, you are just bidding on a low priced item that is expected to have higher bids.
  11. I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Are you trying to make sure that the page is only loaded in the top-level frame, and not inside a frameset?btw, in the future, put your code in code tags.
  12. Hey, whats that........ ? i have never play this game before. Looks intresting.....
  13. Hi does anyone have a browser direction code( so if someone went to my site with IE it would forward to a site telling you to download Firefox).If so could you email it to me : daniel dot maxson at gmail dot comThanksDaniel
  14. Hi I have this javascript ------------------------------ <script Language='JavaScript'><!--if (parent.frames.length==0) parent.location.href="Redirect to?"--></SCRIPT>------------------------------Is this the right one for kicking off frames? Dani **Code tags added**--CodeFX
  15. I am Spencer TolandI will be 15 on the 3rd of February 2005I am maleI am interested in anything about computers, outdoors, computers, people, computers, family, etc...I want to be the world's youngest certified master designer I was born in Los Angeles, California
  16. HI does anyone know of any good Library Management Programs?I have a library and I want the database on the web .All help is appreciated.Daniel
  17. mine was @yahoo, but i didn't remember the user name
  18. most of my freind also ONLY use msn, i think asia ppl use msn more oftenit easy to use
  19. mine was pro_cme@hotmail.com it created the first time i use internet :wink:
  20. But back on subject..I have seen those pictures before, and I actually got to see him give one to the crowd, but that one might've actually been a satanistic one!!! I was down in NYC during the republican convention. Now, I am a democrat, but I was not one of the protestors. I agreed with the protestors, but I don't think it was that worth it. But his motorcade came by, and when he got out, he gave the horns to us!!!
  21. Ok, i di that i know how to do it and it said successful, etc.. now i have another question im so lost. #-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------ #copy cash.php to cash.phpcopy admin/admin_cash.php to admin/admin_cash.phpcopy admin/cash_config.php to admin/cash_config.phpcopy admin/cash_currencies.php to admin/cash_currencies.phpcopy admin/cash_events.php to admin/cash_events.phpcopy admin/cash_exchange.php to admin/cash_exchange.phpcopy admin/cash_forums.php to admin/cash_forums.phpcopy admin/cash_groups.php to admin/cash_groups.phpcopy admin/cash_help.php to admin/cash_help.phpcopy admin/cash_log.php to admin/cash_log.phpcopy admin/cash_recount.php to admin/cash_recount.phpcopy admin/cash_reset.php to admin/cash_reset.phpcopy admin/cash_settings.php to admin/cash_settings.phpcopy includes/classes_cash.php to includes/classes_cash.phpcopy includes/functions_cash.php to includes/functions_cash.phpcopy language/lang_english/lang_cash.php to language/lang_english/lang_cash.phpcopy templates/subSilver/cash_donate.tpl to templates/subSilver/cash_donate.tplcopy templates/subSilver/cash_exchange.tpl to templates/subSilver/cash_exchange.tplcopy templates/subSilver/cash_modedit.tpl to templates/subSilver/cash_modedit.tplcopy templates/subSilver/cash_viewprofile.tpl to templates/subSilver/cash_viewprofile.tplcopy templates/subSilver/cash_viewtopic.tpl to templates/subSilver/cash_viewtopic.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_config.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_config.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_currencies.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_currencies.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_event.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_event.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_events.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_events.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_exchange.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_exchange.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_forum.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_forum.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_group.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_group.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_groups.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_groups.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_help.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_help.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_log.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_log.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_menu.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_menu.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_navbar.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_navbar.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_reset.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_reset.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_resetting.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_resetting.tplcopy templates/subSilver/admin/cash_settings.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/cash_settings.tpl you see where it says for example "copy admin/admin_cash.php to admin/admin_cash.php" ? wel where is "admin/admin_cash.php? its not in the file manager so where do i upload it?
  22. Ok...i need some help getting started off with my website...I dont want to use a php stlye website...I want to use my own templates iv made for my previous websites,were do i go to do this?Please add me to msn if you can help me out > freewhiskey@hotmail.com Also my friend told me to download a program called Flash Peak Blaze,But I dunno how to use it yet.....please help
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