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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Yay!!. This is great news indeed - thanks admin!
  2. I would like to know that is there any opensource antivirus
  3. http://www.on-mouseover.de/templates/index.html A lot of great free templates
  4. iGuest


    PM's me if you have any problems with installation
  5. iGuest


    Yes, you can install Uebimiau Webmail. Just read the INSTALL.TXT file. Easy
  6. CMS (Content Management System) : A system used to manage the content of a Web site. Can allow a content manager or author, who may not know Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), to manage the creation, modification, and removal of content from a Web site without needing the expertise of a Webmaster. I think it's enough for your information, somethingfishystudios Hope you can understand now Content Manager System
  7. where can i find buy a 7" Headrest Black for my car
  8. Listen italo music streaming http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. my favo music is italo music the music is from europe .
  10. I whant a design themed around mummies alive for my websites message board can anyone help me
  11. Avast Antivirus is GOOD. https://www.avast.com/de-de/index
  12. on a Compaq Presario 2568CL with an ATI radeon 9200 manufacturer specs list it as 64 MB max.my bios will set it to 128 MB.will this destroy the card?Compaq support says yes, several techs said no.--hardware q, i know, but where to post otherwise? :wink:
  13. another one : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. firefox took a small adjustment. but now i can't see myself ever going back to monolithic IE. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  15. Mozilla, but i use too IE for some pages, mozilla its more quick (for me of course) than IE
  16. I hate norton, when cannot clean system will stuck, TrendMicro is better. Norton is the best, what the hell is TrendMicro, sounds worse than McAfee Tren Micro its good but i prefer norton, and mcafee sucks a little, there some virus than mcafee can quit and norton do it in a few seconds lol
  17. http://www.free-ebooks.net/ http://www.ebookdirectory.com/ Or... just put 'free ebooks' in Google, tons of links.
  18. I like Half Life 2 hehe that game rocks, but i spend more time in ragnarok online :mrgreen:
  19. I'm not a fan of it, but I have heard of it and it is somewhere... somewhere in my beain the memories are leaking back but I cant remember anything at all... just a general... memory thing...
  20. Hi,Can anyone know how to build a traffic exchange script ?
  21. iGuest

    Phew e

    aaa for that situation norton its on the ride XD
  22. Mines horse riding iam hoping to sow jump soon WHat sports do the rest of you play or like
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