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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I've asked for help on this before, and even though every one did help, I am aparently stupid or something. So I would be very greatful if some one would slice and code a layout for me. Preferably CSS coding instead of tables. I thought I knew how, but once I got it into Frontpage it just made a big mess of it all. Anyways. Thanks in advance.
  2. i would like to set up that another site should open up within my window. meaning my navigation bar and header should stay there but the other site should open inside.also i wanted to know if i can set up a link that it will automatically fill in the username and password and sign itself in?
  3. Stop posting questions in two places. I just answered your question in your other thread.~locked
  4. For the first one, good luck with finding one. I've been searching for one for a while, and can't find one.For the second one, you can do either. If you're trying to do this on your home computer, you'll need a web server, PHP, and (probably) MySQL.
  5. Ok, i found a script that i'm trying to use, but i'm having a problem with it. What happens is, whenever a user visits the page that has the script on it, it mails me a blank email. It's kinda confusing, because i dont really know anything about php mailing stuff, anyway here's the script. <script LANGUAGE="php"> $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email]; $mailto = "admin@ghost-killa.shwaza.hostmatrix.org"; $mailsubj = "Comment sent by visitor"; $mailhead = "From: $emailn"; reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS); $mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form:n"; while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $mailbody .= "$key : $valn"; } mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailbody, $mailhead);</SCRIPT>
  6. It's impossible to include a remote script and use it to get to their database. The script would be parsed on the remote machine and no data would be passed to the output. Thus, it can't happen.
  7. I am tryin to build a forms page that submits to email, and my problem doesn't seem to begin with bad code, it seems as though my HTML editing program does not support the PHP language, therefore I am getting stuck with the php code I am inputting being stuck on my page. I am a novice to building websites, therefore am not familiar with php at all, but am realizing where my first mistake is coming from. Also, even when viewing my page in the browser, the php code shows up as text on the page.My questions are this:Can someone tell me a good prog that can understand not only hmtl but other languages such as php as well?And second, when writing the form, do I input the php code into the same file that I am writing the html code in, or do they have to 2 seperate files?Someone please help because although there are several pages that list "how to's" and explain sample code of what needs to be written, I cannot use them because I am stuck at the begining, so can't even get to that stage yet.Thanks to all of you who may be able to help
  8. I heard that Age of Empires 3 will have very good graphics. Can't wait
  9. I have a script just to connect to a database but it leaves the connection open. But what i want to do is test to see if the server included it or if someone is visiting it. If someone is visiting it, it might mean there using my script to use my database.So how do i test to see if the server has included the script or if someone is visiting it?
  10. Please! At least use some sense in your spammin! The site was hosting on xerox-hosting, xerox-hsoting went down, so the site went down. It didn't even exist when you posted! Please, mods, delete this post. :!:
  11. I realy like online games becose i can play with real player and my freinds not like with bots or single player missions
  12. yeah, their not here for anything but the hosting....
  13. iGuest

    My Wiki

    Don't spam. No more warnings.
  14. lol..well I suppose I still don't know 8)
  15. Not the right place. Mods, if you would be so kind... Chit Chat possibly, or maybe somewhere in the tutorials section?
  16. What do you mean? Are you looking for something that will reload the presentation only, or the entire page?
  17. The question has been answered. ~Locked.
  18. I think this is the site your looking for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Well the most realistic game is Sims 2
  20. Read the sticky. ~Closed.
  21. Need a free domain? Go to http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en and get your name today. Or for a subdomain: 1. http://www.shorturl.com/ (your site will be http://www.shorturl.com/unknown.cgi?user=yourname&domain=shorturl , http://www.shorturl.com/unknown.cgi?user=yourname&domain=alturl ,http://www.shorturl.com/unknown.cgi?user=yourname&domain=2ya , and many others) 2. http://www.cjb.net/ (your site will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) 3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (your site will be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) 4. http://www.ripn.net/en/
  22. iGuest

    GTA 6

    Grand Theft auto: New York should be 8. lol that would be a big map 8)
  23. My favourite game is Counter-Strike: Source
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