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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i cant upload folders ..... so do i just upload all the content from in them ?
  2. I know for some people its hard to know if there request has been acepted, or rejected.... if you want to know, if your acepted or rejected, look at the picture below do that in your request. So you will get notified of an Acount Creator has reply'ed to your request. Hope this is usefull
  3. I used, two programs.It:"AddWeb Website Promoter Pro", and "Page Promoter".Really, successfully!It is possible to try still, "Pro-surfer Rotator".Successes!
  4. Well. Due to there being a forum on "which is the longest sport", i thought i'd create a shortest sport one . I, personally think that the shortest sport is russian roulette
  5. So what is the aim in this game?
  6. any spare minute I have a spend reading books. just everything that is in my reach. from history till fantasy. love to discuss about it too.
  7. Ah reggae is good stuff. I went to a concert of reggae yesturday - was plenty of good music going on. . Bob marleys 60th birthday this month - if he was still alive :cry:
  8. iGuest


    my very best movie ever can only be american beauty. I just love the typecasting and the eye for detail the director shows.
  9. my favorit sport is typically dutch, it's called slootjespringen and the chance of falling into the water is big so only for the summer :oops:
  10. cheers mate them instruction are soo much clearer for me to follow than the complex stuff PHPNUKE supply cheers ill give that a go
  11. I like Bob Marly and Dan Burtman verry much, the're really sensitive musicans.
  12. hmm, I need to wait to long...I will upload it myself :?
  13. If your using Freenukehosting's webserver do this:Upload all the files and folders in html folder for your phpnuke. then setup a SQL database try to name it nuke then setup a user a/c with password and all then allow that user full access to it go to phpadmin and upload the file in your SQL folder for your phpnuke.go to your config.php file edit the data and upload into your webserver and your ready to go.If not sure please ask.
  14. i dislike netscape ... i ahve tried tonnes of browsers including opera , avant , mozilla firefox , IE6 of course and netscape seemed sooo much slower
  15. just wondering were the cheapest (dot)com domain can be found.I havent found so many "cheap" ones :roll: :roll: :roll:
  16. oh erm Best Game Ever ..... Ill do per console as there are soo manySega SaturnOutrunNintendo 64GoldeneyeZelda : Ocarina Of TimeZelda : Majora's MaskPlaystation 1Tomb Raider SeriesGame BoyMario WorldDreamcastCrazy TaxiPlaystation 2Grand Theft Auto SeriesFinal Fantasy SeriesGran TurismoGamecubeNone It SucksXboxHalo SeriesRugby 2005PCDoom Series
  17. ^^def spam^^ deleted by nilsmo
  18. i have an xbox , and dont see the point in buying pc games really as there are some great online games and the great titles come out on xbox. all i get on PC are the classics and the rugby and football manager sims as consoles really cant compare on them.All i have areFlight Sim 2004Pro Rugby Manager 2004Pro Rugby Manager 2Football ManagerI mainly use my PC for software and web design stuff etc..... as well as all the stuff available online.
  19. Really Really great game, I just got my ride for my Hunter. wooot Lvl 42 (alliance)
  20. I was nearly at the end of level 2 and thought wow thats easy ... then got scared $hitless by a alien thingy. lol gd game.
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