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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Really now...What's that have to do with phpnuke and bullintinboard :S...
  2. Does the instructions say you have to change any .tpl files? if not it should work with any theme you have uploaded
  3. mmm I guess I really like FF8 but DDR is also fun
  4. Yes, all you have to do is upload the same files onto your FTP. After that you change any links from your old hosting to your new hosting links. 8)
  5. Does anyone know why I can't get images to show up on my forum? Is there somewhere I have to go to allow them?Thanks
  6. Welcome to the forums, and like Miketron said please DO NOT SPAM and post topics in their respective forum sections. 8)
  7. Hi dan, welcome to FNH - this is the place to be . Stay active here, and refrain from spamming
  8. hello i am Dan and I want to get free hosting and this forum is the coolest man
  9. iGuest


    I think youy have to diable your wall then when you are don able it
  10. I want free hosting so I am trying to post and I have a question if you have another site and you want to copy the site to this server ca you do that
  11. I heard that google will automatically list you if your index page gets updated regularly, you can use search engine submitters too, but google is one of the best s far as I'm concerned. You can submit your site for free.
  12. At the moment I'm listening to the sound of my pc fans whizzing away... not very exciting, but a few minutes ago I was listening to Willy Mason - Oxygen, it's quite a catchy little ditty. Shweet.
  13. If you have a phpbb download the quick reply hack from phpbbhacks.com it comes with instructions
  14. Account modification would be cPanel username or subdomain/domain change
  15. Yea ditto i'll mod any that need it
  16. I need to know how to add a quick reply box to my forumsThanks!
  17. nice site looks awsome killer on the eyes =P
  18. ouch that must suck how long were u in for?
  19. thnx, hmm why didnt i thought about itanyways i will try it out
  20. just good I wont say best game ever that will be Brothers In Arms
  21. I, for one, have never heard or seen laura pausini :|
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