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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. The fear and loathing in las vegas.Don't know if you guys know this movie? it's about 2 guys using every drug they can. :shock: :roll: And tripple is a very nice movie.
  2. post your error(s) in your site here , we will help you.
  3. Yeah ok I will write one but it will take a while, cause im vot very good at writing them lol
  4. I have about 50 invites left to... SO if anyone's interested??
  5. nice move.... fly fly and fly again , shaolin soccer 2 ??
  6. ok , thank you . do you help me download phpnuke 7.6
  7. The best games ever for me are, Urban Terror (maybe not a game, it's a Q3 mod.) and All versions of CM (Championship Manager) and Football Manager.
  8. Football Manager, Age Of Empire II
  9. oh , i known , but i had an account . who need ??
  10. hehhe yeah not bad... april gmail release. i have 600 account invite.
  11. Well, you've got the simple idea, but what if you wanted to use this class but have additional items without changing the class itself? Since there are more things a lightbulb can do, but your class did not have it. Well I'll explain how we can extend our existing class and add more functionality to it. e.g. <?phpclass LightBulb // simple lightbulb class{ var $status = 'Off'; // default status to Off function SwitchPosition($status) // our switch for the lightbulb { $this -> status = $status; // we determine whether it's on or off }}class Dimmer extends LightBulb // add more onto our already existing LightBulb class{ var $brightness = '0%'; // default brightness to Off function check_status($brightness) // check to see if light is on by brightness { if($brightness == '0%') $this -> status = 'Off'; // turn it off else $this -> status = 'On'; // turn it on } function SetBrightness($brightness) // allows us to specify our brightness { $this -> brightness = $brightness; $this -> check_status($this -> brightness); // check to see whether it's on or off }}$first_lightbulb = new LightBulb;print_r($first_lightbulb); // see how it looks before alteringecho "<br /><br />";$second_lightbulb = new Dimmer;print_r($second_lightbulb); // see how it looks before alteringecho "<br /><br />";$first_lightbulb -> SwitchPosition('On'); // switched on our first lightbulbprint_r($first_lightbulb);echo "<br /><br />";$second_lightbulb -> SetBrightness('50%'); // set brightness for second lightbulbprint_r($second_lightbulb); // by setting the brightness, we also set the inherited statusecho "<br /><br />";// fooling our class$second_lightbulb -> check_status($second_lightbulb -> SetBrightness('0%'));$second_lightbulb -> SwitchPosition('On'); // inherited objects can cause undesirable resultsprint_r($second_lightbulb); echo "<br /><br />";?> With the above code, we create a new class that also inherits everything our old class had. This way I could add a dimmer onto your class, without altering your code. How do we really use classes in the real world? We write classes that do all those repetitive things, as well as to shorten our code, maybe we want a class to take care of our web pages for us, e.g. titles, keywords, descriptions, meta tags, etc. We could write a class that does this, save it as ourHTML.class, include it in any of our PHP files and start with $variable = new ourHTML; and then start by filling in all our variables, we'd have functions that will display our page, layout, etc, and we have variables that store the information we want to send to it, like our Title for our site, etc. If you want an example of a class that reduced pages of code (not PHP but in C++) is the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class), at the time it took around 5 pages of code to make a simple window, along came MFC and turned 5 pages to 1 page. Imagine what those programmers were like when they used that class, it just made their life easier because MS took the hardwork out of it. Soon you'll see where classes could come in handy, look for things you're repeating over and over, and simplify your process. Remember the above applies to most if not all OOP languages. MC
  12. heres the correct link http://forums.xisto.com/
  13. Yep. And it's not that hard that everyone says here. I've instaled php-nuke it in 5 mins if I don't count the uploading
  14. Slipknot - Duality yeahhh slipknot :twisted:
  15. I think smartFTP uploads with diffrent ports and that this host blocks port 6*** and that why it stops. I will try Firezilla then. Hope it will work. Edit. Filezilla works great. Sometimes it gets time out like smartFTP but it connects right back.
  16. hey how about me... my name is Andrew Pradana. 20 years old, form Indonesia. Heh, little english too,..... but i learn to make my english perfect
  17. Looks pretty nice, but it looks agressive to. :wink:
  18. when I was accepted to this server ( freenukehosting.com ) I opened my FTP program, loggin, and I deleted all files. And than I uploaded phpbb forum. Now, when I'm trying to install it. My explorer show msg: "404 not found".
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