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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Hey! I think we should at least click on those google ads to give him a small revenue. Click on it each time we come to this site so that it is a way to support him.
  2. Indeed And the paid plans are not the only source of income theres advertisments also
  3. <?var $obj = array ( "sql_database" => "yourcpanelloginname_db" , "sql_user" => "yourcpanelloginname_user" , "sql_pass" => "password_of_your_database" , "sql_host" => "localhost", "sql_port" => "80" , "persistent" => "0" , "sql_tbl_prefix" => "ibf_" , "cached_queries" => array(), 'debug' => 0, );?>
  4. Welcome to the forums! Please remember not to SPAM and post topics in their respective sections(catgories). Have fun. 8)
  5. I'm going to break in this conversation to warn Dizzy to not SPAM. Please do not just post "lol". 8)
  6. I like helping people. And to my gratitude for hosting my website, I will helpout on what I can with the administration part.
  7. iGuest


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ demo free
  8. I like the first one the best. It isn't to hard to design sigs, you just need abit of time if your learning.
  9. phpBB is free that why some person prefer that, but when it comes to featues IPB and vbulletin are loaded with them!!
  10. http://www.nbc.com/ watch something useful..........The News
  11. https://www.phpbb.com/ bug de phpbb 2.0.11
  12. I am using http://freedns.afraid.org/ for my FNH account. You have to: add a NS type subdomain and point the DNS to ns1.vaio-hosting.com ( put ns1.vaio-hosting.com in the address field) then save. then go to fnh cp > addon domains and complete with you subdomaind saved before. that should be all.
  13. Personally, I like the first one. All the stuff around the edges are sweet Did you do that stuff yourself? Or you found a psd somewhere or something?
  14. I've tried using http://freedns.afraid.org/, and tried setting up the DNS stuff, but had no idea how to do it . Any chance of a tutorial?
  15. ok, i found out why it wasnt working. it was because nothing on my account has been set up right on teh hosting. now i have to wait like another 2 days, grr.
  16. The controls on resident evil games are retarded. I can't play them - I always end up going round in a circle.
  17. Nice, got some cool effects going. Tutorials will be a good idea.
  18. If anyone wants to know why? It cause it would take too long.
  19. Well, free nuke hosting isn't all free, admin also has a paid server with a couple different hosting plans. So the majority of his income (im guessing) to keep free hosting up comes from that, because banners alone won't keep enough cash flow coming in.
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