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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Indeed you for the link
  2. Cracks are illegal and should be posted or asked about here.Mods please close
  3. I beleive 10 gb is enough for free man
  4. Hi folks! My name is Vladan and i'm fan of electronic music and music productions. That explain why i'm become a DJ.Is anyone here DJ?[/i]
  5. i'm i blind orsomething?? whats the website??
  6. I thought you were a IBP user? And phpBB v. is the same looking one for all version of 2.0.
  7. Someday i'm gonna take this serious --- dutch --- Dag jasper, welkom op het forum van FNH, blijf actief en spam niet enzo... niet zoals die ene andere nederlander die gisteren is gabanned 8) --- english --- Hello jasper, welcome to the forum of FNH, stay active and dont spam... not like that ducth guy who was banned yesterday 8)
  8. Netherlands, TheYeah the country of cheese, flowers, windmills, WATER :mrgreen:
  9. studio monitors, midi controllers, audio cards....where to find the best price?
  10. Florida, and no i'm not good with numbers :roll:
  11. I think we need an admin who lives in another GMT so he could deal with spammers etc. The how did i become moderator -> acount creator 1 word: connections... i was moderator with another Free hosting provider, and "Nasway" and "FNH" had become 1 big free hosting provider... but when i joined FNH, they didn't need more mods, but i was on top of the list :wink: 8)
  12. iGuest


    doez anyone know anything about "exit fest"?
  13. what R U think, what is clubbing?
  14. Yo Jasper.I am Dutch too!
  15. We have one mod postion open, if you would like it please send me ?500 or $700 to me via paypal - ThanksBut seriously, before I'm swamped by PM's, admin will let everyone know when positions open up. At the moment I think we're fine, we have a very strong team and I proud to be one of them - LONG LIVE FNH
  16. lol, nice to see that common folk can move up on these boards and it's not ALL about who you know.. 8)
  17. anyone have a crack that work?
  18. 0% of 250.0MBgrrr did it all right this time still nothing.. ; I even tried to delete the account I just made lol not knowing you have to wait 3 months to re register lol. wth ;
  19. Like type into the box and click on "Submit". How are you going?
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