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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. this is game is fun!i love this game
  2. I've a internet radio. Yesterday i build my new website. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. But the site is dutch, sorry, my english is verwy bad :oops: tell me what u think
  3. I did that, I posted the site as a reference. I noticed the other accounts were created Oct 2004 so maybe they don't have the update? I GOT my laptop in November
  4. Halo 2 + xbox live is fun stuff
  5. Can't afford paid hosting... especially when I don't even have a method of paying for it.
  6. Feel free to contribute your own in a reply Date and Time in PHP http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ QuoteMaster http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Capitalize first word of every sentence http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Quick Sort Function http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Add commas to #'s http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ MyPHP Google PageRank http://www.tapouillo.com/firefox_extension/sourcecode.txt Dynamically Created PREV/NEXT Page Links http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Complete recursive directory listing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ CodeWalkers https://codewalkers.com/ PHPBuilder.com - The Resource For PHP Developers http://www.phpbuilder.com/ Very Useful CSS Tricks http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ CSS Page Layout Templates, Free Site Templates, SSI-Developer.net http://www.ssi-developer.net/main/templates/ CSS TEMPLATES by intensivstation http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ A few useful templates for basing designs upon.
  7. I've got cable... can't remember the exact speeds though.
  8. Hey all! Great looking place here.
  9. RESOLUTION To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft Windows XP. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: How to obtain the latest SP source: microsoft
  10. Apparently there are two other people listed with the same IP address as myself - is this possible? I found this site at microsoft https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/830993 but otherwise I'm in the dark.
  11. MTA Rocks only i can't login at the server My clan has also a 100 mbit server. For the IP conntact meps. There's a new version of mta, (MTA 0.5) You van download it @ mtavc.com
  12. I make funny ''jackass'' movies with friends
  13. The Girl next door sux, that movie is verwy boring
  14. the best movie ever? mmmm... The Godfather
  15. im listening to Pioneer by Bloc Party.there a cool indie rock band 8)
  16. yeah i like ska! im in a ska punk band 8)
  17. Being a designer, sometimes it's easy to overlook the little things that you'll hate yourself for later on. For example, what if you change your domain name? Do you really want to change all 3254 links on your site? Isn't there an easier way? Yes With a global settings file, you can avoid this altogether. Here's a template for creating such a file. <?php/********************************************************** * Functions, Variables, Ect for Revamp * * Author: VampyreVein * * * * All rights reserved. * ********************************************************** * Launch Date: Currently Beta testing * * * * Version Date Comment * * 1.0 1 August 2004 * * * * NOTES: * * Requires: PHP 4.2.3 (or greater) * * MySQL * **********************************************************/// ---------------------------------------------------------// ----XXXXX-x Site Info x-XXXXX------ //$Domain = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ domain.com/";$SiteName = "Your Site Name"; //This name is printed on most pages, choose carefully.$Years = "Date of launch".date(Y); //The dates of your site [ date(Y) prints the current year ]
  18. 1mbps down donno bout up i'll find out tho
  19. iGuest


    im sorry im just too lazy but i will follow the links ;)just some of the linux sites send you to an ftp and they have loads of different files which is just confusing.
  20. You might notice that on most professional sites, the title looks something like: This is conviently done, and it can be change with one file for the whole site, if you set it up right. Here's how. Create a page in the root folder of your site with PHP installed. Name the page GlobalTitle.php. (You can also include this in another file if you rather, like say settings.php, config.php, or functions.php. Do this if you plan on including other things in the file.) In the file, paste this code: <?phpfunction PageTitle() {global $PageTitle; //on each page, we'll set this variable to be the second part of the Title$SiteName = "YourSiteNameHere";//SiteName for title. echo "<title>" . "$SiteName" . " :: " . "$PageTitle" . "</title>"; }?> Now inside the header of each page, do this: <?$PageTitle = "Whatever title this might be";include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/GlobalTitle.php'); PageTitle();?>
  21. Found the link its http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And H4V3NS4C, it doesnt seem to be any downloads
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