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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Does anybody know where to get the pnp buddy list for PHP 7.0? I don't like PNP much so I have php anybody know? I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. can someone please help me i cant install phpnuke on my hosting space with u guys can someone please do it for me i have a forum set up on there
  3. ipb is the best. however there are less mods for it. but it is way more secure and has better admin cp. plus is more clean and professional.
  4. trillian is good but has some compatability issues
  5. half-life 2 is the best game ever. beats halo 2.
  6. Cool! Well my email is visiongrey@gmail.com
  7. Everyone with a brain knows that X-Men the movie was awful but X-Men the cartoon was awesome. Thats the way it is, thats the way it will always be.
  8. blade 3 owned in my opinion
  9. they took the series off air in australia
  10. my favourite film would be revenge of the nerds or porkys
  11. oh come on everyone knows xmen rule all
  12. Well it has to be the Egyptian Hieroglyohics/English Dictionary! Im not kidding. Its so cool writing in pictures.
  13. Welcome To FNH, enjoy your stay.
  14. Hey people i'm here to let you know about a new and different wallpaper site. If ya visit there's link where you can send me urs and i'll post'em
  15. ? Lol, too colorful for me!!! :wink:
  16. tough question............ I kno this isnt answering question but......... the coolest idea for a superhero would have to be spiderman or daredevil(the movie sucked tho). Xmen one sucked too, but the second one was great. Hulk sucked. I didnt like the batman movies that much tho but i like Batman himself. Superman is pretty stupid i think cuz he has no weaknesses like previously mentioned. Spiderman one sucked too. Spiderman 2 you can only watch once. thats all
  17. Welcome TO FNH, Enjoy your stay.
  18. i dont no try ftp.yousubdomain.vaio-hosting.com in your internet browser
  19. I installed it for the member.Mods please close.
  20. I like the WinXp SP2 Firewall... I use it only
  21. GTA, Half-Life... this is good 2 series of games
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