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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. this forum is being error.... sometimes i also can't acess forum..
  2. yeah it is cuz my website works fine :roll: Your site isn't routed through vaio-freehosting.com is it? I'm pretty sure this only applies to free hosting folks related to that domain, I think it may have something to do with your join date. For example my site (http://www.mmasonmusic.com/) isn't subdomained to vaio-freehosting.com, but it is down.
  3. here's a tutorial that ive used.. https://www.wired.com/?tw=programming (hoping that might help you guys.. good luck!)
  4. hey I create music at home on my PC.
  5. WOW ther's only 1 good Bandhm..ok 2 ;)IN FLAMESandPARADISE LOST
  6. thanks for the that!yes sir.. no spamming.. ;) more power!
  7. iGuest


    Nice movie about love. And the things that some of us don't known
  8. wow thanks! sorry for being static.. im still working on my php site.. i'll get it posted ASAP!
  9. iGuest


    Yo I wos scared to death watching that film :shock: :shock: :shock:
  10. iGuest


    i guess it's my trademark.. thanks for the comment anyway!
  11. Hey it wos nice, but not so good.
  12. AVIATOR :evil: :evil: Horrible :evil: :evil: :evil:
  13. Mandrake is good for begginers
  14. hm.. i would say that "Saw" wos nice :]
  15. iGuest


    Overrated. I really did not like it.
  16. Once a month but I wacht tons of DVDs
  17. I hated the new version of Dawn of the dead
  18. iGuest


    Great movie with a very bad acting. The end really surprised me.
  19. I've being running nuke since 3 years and I am happy with it. Big hello's from Berlin.
  20. One of the best films!!!
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