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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest

    Sup guys

    Welcome to FNH. I hope you enjoy your stay. Anyways, if you got any problems, PM me or someone with "experience" lol.
  2. I voted for male, becouze that i?m is a male
  3. Try Bryce 5 Its pretty sweet. It's made for landscaping but you can make some sweet abstracts with it which are great for signatures, banners, etc.
  4. Mapple Story is a FREE MMORPG that is begins to be more and more popular. Here is the description of the game: At Maple World, hunting and engaging in battles are not the only options you'll have. You can explore a totally new and unknown world you have never been to, put on beautiful clothes and gorgeous accessories, and even attract other users in the process. You may begin the journey to explore the world of unknown alone, but you may come out on the other end with numerous new friends through hunting and chatting. If you're tired of hunting and competition, how about playing minigames with a friend for a change? You'll become a brave adventurer protecting the Maple World, and if you're exhausted from all the intense battles and competition, you may one day build your own house at a quiet rural village, enjoying the life of a recluse who welcomes visitors At Maple Island, you will learn from the NPC's simple hunting skills and basic control of the game to help you ease into the game. Then, you'll board the ship that heads to Victoria Island, and that's where your journey REALLY begins. From Lith Harbor that welcomes you from a long journey from Maple Island, you'll run into such fascinating towns as Henesys - the village of bowmen with comfy mushroom-shaped houses gathered together; Ellinia - the village of magicians with mysterious spells embedded between tall trees; Perion - the village of warriors with the fighting spirit typical of the Indians living in highlands; and Kerning City - the village of thieves that reminds you of the back alleys of dark cities. You'll be playing the game at Victoria Island where all these diverse and unique towns and fields coexist. Here, you are going to be just a regular gamer hunting down monsters and protecting yourself in the process. You'll be given 4 paths to choose from, 4 that will define your life in MapleStory: Warrior, Bowman, Thief, and Magician. Through leveling up and meeting some requirements, you'll be able to make job advancements and nurture your character in your own, unique way. Source: Mapple Story Official Website Visit their site for more infos, about job changes, skills and all stuff related to mapple story http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Oh! By the way, my nickname in the game is xXCloud03Xx, See ya in the game
  5. Simpsons are still WAY better compared to family guy... I can't stand watching family guy.
  6. There is no account limit, but there is a bandwidth/disk space limit
  7. Good point, very good point for that matter. I am.........MALE What do ya know. Maybe a reason for this is that guys are cheaper so they get free hosting while females aren't. Idk. Just a thought I am still a male.
  8. I personally think that Xbox has better online features and better offline games. I have had two PS2's and both of them broke. I recently bought a skinny PS2 & I have only played it a few times.
  9. Is there a limit to how many accounts are held on here? I figure that is why the thing crashed.
  10. I voted IN also. Now its tied 4 to 4
  11. Here is my blog....I just redid everything today. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <-- Please Register
  12. ya, but see... why not keep creating accounts so once the server starts working, you dont get jammed up w/ all the ppl who wanted accounts earlier... but i do see your point...
  13. Say can this skin: http://skins.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/1556/size/lg be put on a phpBB forum?
  14. I plan to buy it soon, but I looked some pictures of it and I can say its awesome...
  15. Due to the new mod here on FNH, which allows other people to give me FNH$, I will be opening a scripting shop. Here, you can get me to write you scripts in exchange for FNH$. There aren't any set prices, at least for a while. We can discuss them. I can script in these languages: PHP/MySQL-Pretty skilled, I could write an entire website for you. Javascript- Very skilled, I can do anything in this. CSS-Perfectly fine with this. I use it if I'm doing any HTML. (X)HTML-I'm good with this too. I can make it conform to standards. Graphics-I'm not so good with creating layouts, so you should probably find one you like and I'll code it. I can make sigs/banners/logos/avatars/buttons/etc. I'll also install entire CMSs for you. So I'll get PHPNuke/phpBB/any other system completely running for you, including templates of your desire. I've done this for a couple of people in different places, including RomanNuckles here at FNH. I can also do phpBB and PHPNuke mods, and I could probably do mods for any other system, given instructions. :wink: Just ask. So basically, I can do anything relating to coding/scripting.
  16. just wondering...if there is problems with the server, shouldnt you shut down requests for a bit? then they wont jam up
  17. Oh i see. Well seems cool.
  18. Please refer to the topic in the Feedback forum title FNH$.
  19. What is this new feature? It sounds interesting. Please tell me.
  20. Ooo. Nice **Goes to invest**
  21. every 3600 seconds = 1hr
  22. Yeah, but I want to make sure no one objects before I do something drastic.
  23. Use Mod Ban Panel...
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