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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I could use some FNH$ for a cool title name i only have 76 FNH right now :?
  2. But other people that are curious are going to have the chance to try out there skill
  3. Possible for the Admin to extract the SQL Databases for us? Also is there an ETA on Apache repair?
  4. lol eBay.....the cyber space of mysteries....
  5. The Chronicles of Riddick was bad for any sort of movie...
  6. Yeah I saw it yesterday its pretty snazzy.
  7. This is one of the games, along side Zelda that I will be buying this year.I'm glad they've slapped an 18 certificate on it. TS2 just seemed to lack the gore factor.
  8. Only ever played GT 2. It was so crap. Seriously I had never played such a bad racing game. Also they no longer appeal to me that much. Give me a FPS any day!
  9. Do you see the funny side to it? Just wondering?? Wonder if there is a mod that allows random name changing - that would really confuse people.
  10. These still make me laugh! This is the third one - I'm amazed they can even use a PC
  11. Moving to the tutorial request part of the forum.
  12. I'm concidering getting paid hosting, now that there is 30% off!
  13. My opinion is the same as Ghosts. Locked. Hazaa
  14. What plan are you on? 0.o The 15 GB space with 150 GB Bandwidth is $9 dollars US a month, not $4... And plus the domain? thats not in with any plans.....what host are you with? or what plan?
  15. iGuest

    My name

    It's gonna cost me $1,600FNH to get the h to a H Grrr lol. I will change it at some point!
  16. She has it alright, or i would not be here.
  17. iGuest


    9/10 love your sig good job
  18. iGuest

    My name

    Hazaa is better then Hazaa3000 What about my sigs, do they pwn? lol
  19. iGuest


    I can give it a try..(If I have time)
  20. where? any suggestion?
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