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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I have friends living in Sittard lol, anyway, birthday gift on its way!
  2. iGuest


    I have a pc version of lemming, i could send you it... As for the music check out http://ocremix.org/
  3. hey! happibirthday to you too!
  4. Hey, happy birthday!It's my birthday today too!16 years now...
  5. I will give you 1500 if you upload that, config it so it works and upload and config a gallery
  6. Whats the difference between IRC and java based chatrooms? is there more admin and moding options..
  7. Lol, yea.I always sucked at getting my plane back on the ground...so I de-installed it and moved on to another game.
  8. Ah, now that's cool. Thanks Whizz - sorry i forgot to look at this ;)Your 500FNH$ is on its way
  9. if you have too much fnh$ you can donate to me ... :oops: lolll jokes!
  10. uploading wouldn't be a prob ;)just mail me the ftp info (FA.Whizz@gmail.com)
  11. If you upload PHP nuke platinum for me
  12. Congrats tron, present is on your way
  13. better translation:yes, first learn dutch, then post here :twisted: )
  14. hazaa, would you bother transfering some 1000 to me? :|
  15. ***gianI can not this find just.
  16. Mayby you could make a sticky about the chat box? I'm on it much, so peepz can ask questions there
  17. I already have 20,000 FNH$ so does that mean I've already won :mrgreen:
  18. I've re-done the support forum bit.What do you guys think?I welcome all feedback and suggestions.Hazaa
  19. You could organize some kind of competition similar to "Want to be a millionaire?" so that people can get FNH$ easier ;)You could put a minimum requirement of posts, like 75-100 or so, so that people don't create new accounts to play more times ;)The prizes could go like:0 -> 0 FNH$1 -> 5 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money **2 -> 20 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money **3 -> 50 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money **4 -> 100 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money **5 -> 250 FNH$ ** The player can go on playing without losing the 250 FNH$ **-------------------> Earned FNH$ amount recorded6 -> 500 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money, else, he will win 250 FNH$ **7 -> 1000 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money, else, he'll win 250 FNH$ **8 -> 2500 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money, esle, he'll win 250 FNH$ **9 -> 5000 FNH$ ** The player must stop playing to get this money, else, he'll win 250 FNH$ **10 -> 10000 FNH$ ** This would be the greatest ammount of FNH$ you can win **Or some kind of similar game :DAnd about the questions... you could ask some people to work as question makers, but they would not be able to play the game under any circumstances
  20. iGuest


    You will need to request again when the request forum is open.
  21. Hmm, tron still has to donate to me lol, but I'll donate you guys both a birthday present
  22. Yeah, it's quite handy, I'll be installing it into my own forums!
  23. Ja, leer eerst normaal nederlands :twisted: (translation: yes, first learn netherlands, then post here:twisted:)
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