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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Does anyone know some good websites that I could find some renders of characters and stuff on?
  2. A CMS cannot be built to fit everyone's needs..Therefore it is impossible to create a ideal CMS with taking up at least 100MB of space.Therefore,I suggest you create Apps on your own needs
  3. More than likely the New York Colocation center
  4. Is there meant to be a border around the edges because it looks a bit empty around the edges
  5. iPod Shuffle's are just for chavs who cant afford the iPod mini.
  6. yea.And the linux version of ASP(ASP normally works with only M$ OS) don't normally work
  7. Yeah I'm not liking the light blueish colour scheme; just stick to something traditional like grays, or black and dark red/blue or whatever. also the iframe having a different background from the rest of the site looks a little bizarre.
  8. iGuest


    Too short, but good game.
  9. i played and i think this is the best racing game
  10. guys need some INTEGRAMOD themes,,(phpbb themes ported to INTEGRAMOD)..anyone ??will donate,..but not the themes on the oofsite ..
  11. Hey I emailed the people before but they never got back to me. Since FNH is going to stay now is that deal off?? I'm waiting on that coupon code, and cannot set up my server database until I get it so some help would be nice... :?
  12. Thats what i meant... Not only that you would people from all over the looking thru their telescopes as the ship made its way to the moon.
  13. iGuest


    Yes i would agree a few years ago, now they just seem to cover 80`s pop hits..
  14. LoL, I dont listen to all the time.. I just like to put it on now and again to bring back those good old memorys from when i used to go to raves...These days i much happier sitting in the pub having a few beers and watching local live bands.. Beside`s theres way too many kids who are off their head on drugs these days.. And a small minority spoil it for the rest of us!
  15. Another conspiracy theory. To anyone who dosent believe the the USA really landed on the moon. For them to pull off such a hoax every scientist world wide related to this field of study would have to be a part of such a lie. Now ask your self do you really think this is the case?
  16. it works fine 4 me. do you have flash mx pro?
  17. Go to the shop link on the top right of the window..
  18. Hello,How can I put colors in my name :?:Cause I se many peaple here have it.
  19. I do believe that man landed on the moon...I can understand that the U.S goverment would fake it.. But i dont believe that all the scientist would allow that to happen...
  20. Ofcourse there were peaple on the moon...Why should they say if it isn't true :?:
  21. Hy maverick, I'm not a webdesign, so I'm not sure if my way is the best approach to solve your expanding problem. I think that all websites should take care of big images (to increase performance). To achieve your dark blue borders effect you can use tables inside tables and set cellpading and cellspace for each table (I'm not sure if this cellpading and cellspace works well in netscape, mozilla and so on. give it a try) To expand your advertsiments area: Slice a image with just your top advertisiments text. Use the bgcolor of <TD> table tag or even the background of your table to expand the area to maintain the color. To expand your content box: Slice a image to the top (text and curve areas) and a image to the down part (curve areas). To the area between the top and down imagens you should use a 1 pixel height image as a background of your left <TD>. This 1 pixel height image should get your left line side (the one with shadow). The right line (withou shadow) should folows the same principle. Make a 1 pixel heigh image. As you can see, the hard part is to choose the right tables (TD, TRs, Background) configurations. If you have problem with that: A good tutorial should be http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
  22. Consider this question... Have you ever seen a rocket take off, land vertically and then take off again? It was attempted once. In 1996 the Delta rocket DC-X toppled over on landing and exploded. NASA is still trying to find a team of engineers that can get a rocket to land vertically. Strange really, they managed to do this on the Moon twenty-seven years earlier. If a rocket did manage to land and take off vertically, it would have blown huge amounts of dust and debris in all directions. However, when the Apollo 11 landed, Neil Armstrong famously left his footprint in undisturbed dust. Do you still think the Americans went to the Moon? Take a close look at these photos. http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php The 'sunlight' in this photograph is clearly coming from the right and flaring into the lens. How come there are shadows on the roof of the exit and why is Buzz Aldrin so well lit? http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php The 'sunlight' here is coming from low down on the right. What's lighting Buzz Aldrin's back-pack? He should be in shadow, like the ground. On TV he bounced down the ladder with both feet together. http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php Very odd this one... The shadows are going in different directions. Sunlight generates parallel shadows. If you draw a line through each of the shadows and find the position where they meet, this will give you the position of the light source. Could this be a studio light about 30 feet away? The reflected light in the helmet is not that of the Sun, nor is it the surface of the Moon. The Sun would generate a very small point of light in the helmet. Note the Lunar Module on the left. Can you see any disturbed dust around it? There should be a large 'star burst' pattern or even a crater generated by the blast of the rocket engine. http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php Why is the horizon darker than the foreground? Sunlight doesn't generate hot spots, but studio lights do. The rock in the background (top left) appears to be lit from the side. If the light is coming from behind, the rock should have more shadow area on it. NASA claim that the camera used on the Moon was designed to be used at waist height. If this photograph was taken at waist height, the horizon would have been lower down. The horizon in this photograph is at eye level, therefore the camera must have been at eye level. http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php No sign of any blast damage on the surface of the Moon. If we assume that the mass of the module is in the region of 5,000kg, a force of over 10,000 newtons would be required to slow the module and act against the Moon's gravity. This amount of force would not leave the surface undisturbed. On Earth, we have not been able to land a rocket vertically. The rocket has a tendency to slide horizonally. If the rocket is even a few degrees off horizonal or the surface is uneven, the force of the engine will cause the rocket to tip over as it nears the surface. Try it yourself with a water rocket... Its easy to make the rocket take off, but try landing it. Whilst the physics is slightly different in a vacuum, the force of the engine would have been reflected by the surface as the module landed, this would have made the landing very complicated. The British Hawker Harrier fighter jet can achieve vertical landings, but it requires four jet outputs for stability. How come every lunar blast-off was perfect? How many engineers did they have up there? http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php The dust being thrown up by the Apollo 16 Lunar Rover is forming clouds. Dust clouds can only form in an atmosphere. In a vacuum, the dust should be thrown back in a arc. If this much dust was moved by the wheels of vehicle, how come the blast of a rocket appears to have moved no dust at all. Kodak say that normal Ektachrome slide film was used. What happens to slide film if you try to use it below minus 20 degrees Celsius? It shatters! Radiation and UV doesn't do it a lot of good either! Transparency film has to be exposed very accurately, an error of one stop will produce an unusable photograph. The cameras that were taken to the Moon had no light meters or automatic exposure system. NASA provided the astonauts with an 'exposure guide'. How could they know what the exposure should be when nobody had ever been there before?
  23. Jeff has sorted this now - thanks dude. Cheers Tim for the offer.Hazaa
  24. I like too muche the first you made (in your signature)But here is not bad!
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