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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    ImageMagick is being installed on the server and it will be available for use. It should be ready now
  2. Yup, I agree with Sake the 3rd is great. You make it simple yet cool and the rain animation helps too, Well done H4V3NS4C! :wink:
  3. I like the 2nd one, great effects blend perfectly. By the way, is that the ninja from Samurai warrior? Heh heh just being curious Anyway, Good job Kamikaze! :wink:
  4. yeah thats a cool site, i have some more like it in my bookmarks
  5. I'm fine to start. On your marks, get set, GO! :twisted:
  6. Hmm well let's put it this way, Malaysian and Indonesian are from the same ancestor => Malayan, so we have similarities in our languagesAnd the pic in my sig is Devil Jin from Tekken 5 8)
  7. aww too bad I just bought one :x
  8. Unstickyed, had a nice b-day?
  9. yeah but how many users this site got to workers and ur saying u gunna traffic all posts to see that there not nonsence spam .... sounds a bit hard to police
  10. Someone put this on sticky - please remove . Birthdays over - it was a good time.Thanks for the comments all 8)
  11. Sounds cool admin... what does everyone else think? me= that free hosting is even coming back! I'll tell you, it's tough to find another free host like FNH... i truely think it's one of the best out there.Thanks AGAIN! Regards,
  12. ya, i understand what you guys are saying... if anything i can be patient for up to a month, then after that! you better watch out lol ;)Anyways, All i wanna know is ... are we sticking with the vaio-hosting server or are we going to another server and have to re-re-re-request free hosting... ...Thanks in advance for your response.Regards,
  13. Hello, This is a new contest. There will be 4 winners each winner will get a free .com, or .net domain name. How can you enter this contest. You have to replay to this topic that you agree to reset your cash. Your FNH$ will be 0 then, once we start the contest we going to notify you. Who win? The winners will be the top 4 members with the highest cash. Staff are not to be in this contest. Rules: Do not spam every post you post after we reset your cash will count as a contest post and we check them all. If you are going to join this contest to win a free .com or .net domain name: Please read this topic: http://forums.xisto.com/
  14. Jeff just about everything you posted on this subject are the thoughts of some guy name Peter Bown. He's a senior school physics teacher . Lmfao There's certainly more quilfied people in this field to be getting your information from. Here's the site that brain washed poor Jeff http://empusa.co.uk/familytree/index.php
  15. if all you want is an AV (and not a All-In-One) i would recomend Symantec Antivirus client (from Symantec Antivirus Corporate) or McAfee Viruscan Corporate, because both are very light on size and low on consumption of machine resources.Symantec's is lighter than McAfee, but i believe the second one is more secure.Be Well 8-)
  16. no need to get offensive either.. he made a mistake (intentional or not.. that's not for us do decide) and it'll be fixed when possible.gian if you read the rules (all of them) you would have read a part about flamming... 'cos it's there.as for the topic.. most already know those programs and their flaws. there are other networks for those purposes but as i usually say in another forum.. "google is your friend..." (and no.. no commercial purpose here :wink: )Be Well 8-)
  17. iGuest


    oh, lol...I dont know, sorry :oops:
  18. me neither, I'll figure it out I suppose...
  19. I'm good to go, right random
  20. you know whats funny? I saw this song on another website before, so I went there today and it was you that posted it!! it was funny here is the website http://www.daretosing.com/index.php?class=n=view&id=17997
  21. I think you can use some special programs - like zone alarm (but it will block ads only on your computer)You can get some scripts on your site that blocks ads, but when admin will see that - you'll be banned 8) (i seen that script on lycoss) - so i dont think its a good idea... better change hosting service (like FNH :wink: )
  22. allways gets back to cheats....doesnt any1 play on abilities anymore
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