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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I will help u but not now it is really late here right now. Ill post back when im back on, within a day.
  2. I want to buy an AV but i have no idea which is the best. Can you ppl give me some recommendations?
  3. I think that phone looks really nice, though it seems awkward to hold and talk in at the same time. The shape of it just doesn't make it seem like one can hold it well.
  4. and also please lock the topic after reply/move! :mrgreen:
  5. Glad to be part of the group.Guess I'm the FNG on FHN. Wonder how many times that joke's been used.
  6. I know its foul nowdays. Its not racist but I think its trying to be "edgy" and "contaversial" instad of "funny" and "clever"
  7. I haven't actually ever used the addon domain before so im not sure what other info you have to put in the other fields. i'm sure someone with that knowledge will see this thread and be able to help you with that.
  8. How Fox approved that racist piece of tripe is beyond me.This formerly faithful Simpson fan is never watching the show again and is chucking all his Simpsons stuff into the bin.Can the Simpsons go any lower? We could all see the writing going downhill quickly but was it ever supposed to get this bad?
  9. its cheerful to hear this news!
  10. iGuest

    HELP ME!

    Ask in the Trading Market. You could pay in FNH$ you have plenty
  11. haha i couldnt help but laugh at the destiny's child one!
  12. Thank you for the correct nameservers. I'll fix that, and I still am not sure what to put in the fields on CPanel.
  13. iGuest


    First, I'm a big fan of SU so I'm totally biased.SU and BC have strong teams and figure to do well this upcoming year.
  14. These are the nameservers you should use ns3.jb-hoster.comns4.jb-hoster.com
  15. I could never figure out why Shreck was so popular. Yeah, it had good satire and kept you on your toes for inside jokes but was it really ever a good kids movie? The word 'sexy' was used several times in the last Shreck--a way thumbs-down for DW.The Incredibles was far more creative and used satire as a plot tool not as a plot itself. Definitely deserved to beat Shreck 2!
  16. iGuest

    HELP ME!

    Clean desktop is the best desktop, but i havnt found a theme with what i want, so for now i just have the basic icons on my desktopbtw, if anyone here can help me make my own theme using photoshop CS, email me plz @ dmeza@wi.rr.com
  17. The Simpsons was the best show on tv in its first, oh, 8 years, but then the writing got very stale and hackneyed and now they go for the lowest common denomiator instead of spot-on social satire.I don't even want to get into the last episode. I saw 5 minutes and turned off the tv. I'm going to destroy my Simpsons stuff and never watch the show again.I wish Fox would bring back Futurama like they did Family Guy.
  18. iGuest

    Php nuke

    It got many cool design theme
  19. Get my account modified? How would I go about doing that? Sorry for asking, I am new here.
  20. I just saw Robots with my 6-year old cousin. While it was very pleasing to the eye, had good "only-an-adult-would-understand-jokes," and kept the attention of a small kid, it just didn't have a good story. I felt like I was watching Shark Tale except with robots and ST sucked. Robin Williams did his normal schitck but it seemed out of step with the movie as a whole so his contribution was wasted. I can't even figure out what role Halle Berry played. She had more exposure as Storm in X-Men (i.e. next to none). Good DVD rental, don't buy.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks for looking!
  22. This look great try this it already ready made to port into few types of cms easy install and advance options http://coppermine-gallery.net/
  23. This is a really cool game. It is based of Age of the Empires. It is really just a Star Wars version of Age of the Empires, but I think it is so much cooler. Anyone else have it?? Maybe we could battle each other
  24. iGuest

    HELP ME!

    Yeah - before anybody noticed - phew! 8)
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