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Posts posted by john_meikle

  1. I use Gmail, Hotmail (a .co.uk Addy :) ), I Have a Yahoo Email but thats full of spam, because someone signed me up for a.... naked woman site :lol::D never even read they emails, GMX ive never heard of :(

    I used to use Hotpop because it was POP3 and SMTP so you could use it on a Mail Client

    Heres the Website for Hotpop if anyone is interested Hotpop

    The one I use the most is Gmail and my hotmail one is for my Contacts on MSN to send emails to :D

    By Far the best once again Gmail, its probaly got 3 GB Right Now :D or has it :rolleyes:

    If GMX is POP3 & SMTP Enabled, i'll give it a shot B) How much does it offer in space ?

    My Brother uses the ISP Email, because he pays for the internet, :) im only 14 B)


  2. Why couldnt you have just told us the link instead of copy & paste it from the site, thats what I did and I regreted it, dont let that happen to you ! :lol: Or did you write it all down, or got it from the BBC or something :D let us know or we'll blow your head off :D So you have disobied 1 Rule, and your a begginer so they'll let you off !and I think that woman is innocent, I think the Baggage guys :D put 4 kg of Marijuana into her bag, but it could be false :rolleyes: And its quite ashame because she is only young and wont get any kids because she is serving 20 years in prison, she might already have kids who knows :) Well sorry for the mumble jumble B) im off :)

  3. Thank you for the websites whyme ! :lol: And what news provider should I use for example: CuteNews, SiteNews etc.Any good ones that a free and good and easy to update ! :) if so please, please put the site here that has it availible for download or if it is a News Provider that is Self-Hosted and you need to just register to it, please put the site down, lolHmmmm...... I need some help with domains, im not 18 yet so I cannot register a domain, the only thing I can do is get a FREE DOMAIN if thats possible but I dont want to enter Surveys and to get visitors or that junk, it would be better to just get 50 credits and you can get a .com or a co.uk etc.So the only domain I can get is Domain Fowarders like cjb.net/.tk/uni.cc/co.nr or just the Xisto subdomain :D If there is any further information for you to tell me please post it here or email me @ johnmeikle@gmail.comAnd once again Thanks for the Help !, and I already knew MySQL :rolleyes: Thank You, lol

  4. :D Well after a long time when I thought Xisto was down ive finally came onto well logged onto Xisto Forums because I thought they were down, Now my site is buggered so im going to delete it and make a new Sub Domain, Now to get to the point.See when you create a sub-domain for your site hosted with Xisto and in Cpanel you can create sub-domains for your site, are they PHP enabled or only just a simple Sub-Domain ? But I know it has a CGI-Bin :) and can you give me a tutorial on how to create a good template, in other words a good Website :) lolIf anyone could teach me on how to create a brilliant template and even a few pointers on PHP, MySQL etc. because when you look at all these sites there Index page is PHP then u browse the site and it comes out as blabla.php?=cat1&bla bla bal etc. how do i get that, :lol: I Know its to do with the scripts you have on your site but, Heres a site that is good Snildudes site, Nearly every Fellow Xisto'er has visited his site its #1 because its jam packed with fun stuff to do. and hes got good PHP Pages :D Here is what I need to know1. How to create a Good PHP Template for my Personal Site ?2. A Few pointers on PHP, MySQL ?3. How to create a Successful Site :rolleyes: ?Well if anyone can help me God Bless them :D and God Bless the UK instead of America B) Please Help Me, I wrote this post for about 10 mins, dont want it to go to waste ya know !!!!If you have any info please post it here or email me @ : johnmeikle@gmail.comThank You, John Meikle

  5. It Doesnt get picked up by my Anti Spyware/Adware program ive got Ad-Aware SE Personal and Microsoft Antivirus and Zone Alarm Personal Firewall and AVG so i sounded quite protected :S lolBut ill give it a shot :P

  6. Well first of all ive got a virus, something to do with Java or something like that every time I scan it with AVG Free Edition it does not delete it, I dont know if its a major virus but it might of had it for a while, and that virus may of deleted my bookmarks :( So can I get some help on removal details.Virus Names: Java/Openstream and another one the sameFile Names : InstallerApplet.class and javainstaller.jar-3c93670-3b40cbfc.zipLoacation: C:\Documents and Settings\-------\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\javapi\v1.0\jar\javainstaller.jar-3c93670-3b40cbfc.zipandC:\Documents and Settings\-------\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\javapi\v1.0\jar\javainstaller.jar-3c93670-3b40cbfc.zip:\javainstaller\InstallerApplet.classWHO CAN HELP ME ! And I dont know if this virus is serious :P Im gonna kill myself.... Arhhhhhhh..... :( Please Help Me

  7. Well im here to tell you about this game you may have heard of Habbo Hotel :P
    I play it, well im making a fansite for it but lets just keep to the game so I dont get BANNED ! :D Now its a game where u are in a virtual hotel where you can create your own room a put furniture in it also known as furni as the game calls it. or you can make a buisness in Habbo Hotel such as a Cafe, Fallin Furni, Clubs, etc. but they are the same as creating a room but u make it look like a club.

    Here are links to the Habbo Hotels if anyone is interested :(

    Habbo Hotel UK
    Habbo Hotel US
    Habbo Hotel CA
    Habbo Hotel JP
    Habbo Hotel AU

    Theres more :( probaly, :(


    Hope you like it, I do, I have furni

    I'm on the UK one called -=blue.boy=- if anyone wants me on it

  8. Would anyone tell me anyother PHP & Ad Free Website Hosts offering about 20 Mb or more because I am thinking of switching hosts since they took all my credits.Please post the best hosts (Apart from Xisto and that other one that requires forum posting)If no one knows any hosts with these features ill stay with Xisto and maybe they will give me my credz back :( or not :P1. Cpanel2.PHP, CGI3. MySQL (5 Databases or more)4. More...... (If possible)20 Mb or more & 500 mb Bandwidth or more.and the most important one FTP :(:( Can't stand sitting and uploading every single file by hand and folder by hand, its so furstrating, LMAO !Who ever can stand doing that.Well I hope NilC or the Webmaster will give me my credits back :( PleaseMy Friends are counting on me for this site :-)"Well See Ya All" :D

  9. Ok first of all Xisto i'm very sorry, I just wanted my hosting credits back because I had trouble with my ISP can't help that so I couldnt email and I was on Holidy :( But I'm very sorry everyone for the trouble ive made :( This was just a Apoligie Post.It came from the heart :( and hope to get my website back.#1 Hosting Xisto :P

  10. Wow, There small for a background and, me too I think the blue one hurts my eyes :P But the Red one is alright, but I wouldnt use any of them as a website background or a Desktop Background, but it's good how you made them ! :)

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