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Posts posted by john_meikle

  1. XP Theme has released a new skin claiming to say that this skin has the LongHorn side bar that will be in the New Windows OS (LongHorn)


    Here is a picture of it



    Is This Really What The New Windows OS's Side Bar Look Like ?




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  2. Did You Copy&Paste that Review From Your Site, You Could Of Just Told Us Your Site and We Would of Read It There Instead of Copying and Pasting, its against the Rules in Xisto !Please Dont Do It, Its Not Worth It, I Got Busted For Doing It, And You Should To :(To The Point Now.I Only Like Windows OS on PDA's and IPaq's :P So Thats Not My Cup Of Tea Nice Design Though, and Its a Sony One Too :P

  3. Does anyone know how to fix up my template :D Ill send the files in a zip to someone who wants to fix my template, I would Really Appreciate it if you do


    Please Email me or add me on MSN


    Email : johnmeikle@gmail.com


    MSN Address : john_meikle@hotmail.co.uk


    because im a begginer to Template Designing, thats the 1st Template ive ever tried to make, but with someones help to fix the borders, tables etc. I Would Really Like that to happen :( and maybe add a surprise in it.


    Please Help Me



  4. Nice Information :( Protecting the innocent children from porn and viruses etc.So if they see a .xxx domain theyll think to them selfs DATS A BAD SITE :DIm a child myself, lol, Ill need to watch out :( And I dont go to porn sites, Never have and never will, Im a little Good Boy, and Obey My Parents :D

  5. If there is 5 Yesses I'll Put the Sneek Peak on.If You are Wondering, im a Very, VERY Young Website Designer.So please dont ban me :D Im actually 12 :( and im a Wannabe Website Designer.Tell Me If You Like the Template I Made Myself. :( 0 Yesses, lolHeres the Question please reply with your answer and put it on the poll aswell.Put a Comment on your reply if u want :D

  6. Whats the DNS For Xisto, do you have a personal DNS When You Register Xisto or do you all share the DNS.Example in the email I got wad ns1.trap17.com & ns2.trap17.comI entered that into a free domain .usa at the DNS or NS or something bit in the Domain Control Panel and I dont know what to do after that :SHelp !

  7. I think were all firmiliar of search engines, :rolleyes: but thanks for reminding me of MSN and Yahoo even though I already know em !Here is a search engine you might not know http://www.use.com/ I think it is :SBut Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc. are the BIG Search engines so I think everyone in Xisto will know em incase they are just a newbie to the net ! :lol:Thx Anyway, :D

  8. Why not go out and Buy Macromedia Dreamweaver ?Thats the one I use, but Xisto offers Frontpage Extensions or something to enable the Frontpage Scripts on your site such as the Forms you make and the hit counters you put on using frontpage ! :rolleyes: But if your more advanced you would probaly be doing the Scripts off by hand :D But im really just a begginer, im no expert in websites, nor Scripting :) But i'll be an expert some day, im only 14 :lol: and a make some crap sites :D thats how I struggle trying to get a Good Template ! :lol:But Who Cares no one can Be Perfect !

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