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About lesmo_sft
Sorry, but I didn't rode all the other posts... This is a very interesting topic. Since it's against the rules of here, I will just say that I'm by the South of United States, I speak Spanish and I'm 2 years yuunger than you (who posted this topic).The School System over here is poor (even a teacher admitted it). Even dad told me "School only shows you to be responsible, the rest can be done on your own". The problem is that not every one can have the "Free Text Books" that the government give to the students. With those books WE can pass the exams needed to get that "diploma" (called over here "certificate")... But let's say you got the recent books of the School Program, how do you manage to get that exam on your hands BY YOUR OWN (not with your parents help)? But I got to say not every one is alone... I mean, most of us have our parents %%apoyo%%.But any way... It's the got damn law, rules and stuff we got to do. I still don't know how the "Smart Kids", who already are Doctors or what ever, did that (not about the brain, the legal stuff).
I also hate that... But what can we do? I think Microsoft isn't planning to returnto the old way VB was compiled. Well... I'm not sure about the differences between the Express Edition (wich is free) and the Professional. But anyway, let's see: YOU CAN compile the to an EXE, but as he said, users will need the .NET Framework installed. To "compile" (the only thing it does is interpreting it to IL) the project you must click on Project menu, choose Properties (I'm not sure, Idon't remember. But is one with an icon of a lot gray) and, where you was coding or drawing the form, will appear lots of options, boxes and etc. You must look at the left part of there and click on Publish. There you should fill some things (or not, it's your choice) and click on Publish (in the center of the screen). After it is done, there you got. Where is it saved? Well, since I'm not sure about the diferences between the Express and Pro Edition, they should be stored in your My Documents folder\Visual Studio\Projects\Project Name\Project Name\publish. There will be other files and the exe file. You can copy only the exe and it will work (with the .NET Framework installed). Hope that helps
Well... I don't do that usually, but when is needed (like most said: because i'm sick or something) I do.But anyway I like that. After all (I got to say THANKS GOD!!) I'm pretty good in almost everything that requieres brain (like Math), so I usually don't got problems the next day...
Looks like this discussion is a real discussion (because we are discussing)... I rode some time in Google News, or the radio, or TV, or any where else, that Microsoft doesn't like to take the risk in innovation... You know, Apple has a lot of sales with iPod, Microsoft creates the Zune. And I think this applies to this topic. Some times they try to make it better, some times not. So... I think Microsoft is well known, but also other companies are better (like Apple) in some things.
Well... I rode in a text from the internet (in Spanish, my language) that to create a VideoGame from the very beginning (I mean, cero code), ou must choose the correct Programming Language. But also there are many other Softwares to create VideoGames, like RealityFactory (free). The problem (and I'm talking about my own experience) with creating VideoGames using the .NET framework is that, since you must keep in "virtuall mind" (the PC memory) scores, enemys, objects, etc. etc. will make the load (and possibly execution) very slow... BUT I think that Microsoft made DirectX to make 3D stuff easier... or not? I think I will search about DirectX. So... Why not? You say that you got experience in VB, and I in VB (the same thing XD)... But anyway, you asked for tips; here are mines: You should read a bit about 3D Modeling (should come in that book you got) Once you did, try to keep Polycount (What is that? Read about 3d Modeling ) as low as possible Try to find ways to make your code smaller (maybe, a rule for programmers making anything... I'm not sure since I'm in High School) Don't show all cool stuff so fast... Like super guns in the level 3; leave them for the level 8 (except for arcade games) And... Don't know what else... Just good luck,