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Posts posted by megabytemb

  1. i would like the ability to stop time.like stop time, get on a plane, start time, go on the flight without being noticed, stop time, get of the plane. a free plane.also if your about to crash, you could stop time and get out of the car and then watch it crashyeah to stop time would be better.its like inviable but betterbut it would be nice to have bothof even better, what ever you think will happen instantly.so you could think "invisible" and you become invisible. now that would be sweet :P:D:P :P :P:D:P:D:) :) :) :) :)

  2. i don't think so because all you are physically doing is pushing buttons and turning knobs.like i play Grand theft auto and i don't go up and punch someone in the head.but at the same time some people are like monkey see monkey do. like my 11 year old sister saw me riding my motorbike so she decided to have a go without anyone around and crashed it into a wall and broke her arm.so yeah monkey see monkey dobut most people aren't that dumb

  3. Global Warming isn't real. I'm not believing that temperature readings from one hundred years ago are remotely accurate in telling diminutive degree changes. Their inaccuracy is probably in if not over the innacruracy rate of today's temperature reading technologies.

    dude how can you say that. it grinding to my ears
    history always repeats its self. just look at all the ice ages

  4. if you are going to buy a new laptop and will possibly rely on customer support, DON'T BUY A COMPAQ/HP.


    about 6 mounths ago i had a compaq laptop (can't rember the model) and windows stuffed up. so i had to send it to customer support to get fixed. well 5 weeks later, they had fix the windows problem but created about 50 other problems. there include

    a very bad battery life (i used to get 4 hours out of it and then it was 5 minutes)

    a cracked screen

    broken keyboard



    when i asked them about this they said

    it was like this when we got it

    which it wasn't. it was in perfect condition when i gave it to them (except windows)


    so if ur going to buy a laptop DON'T GET HP/COMPAQ

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