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About ironchicken

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    Member [Level 1]
  1. Nice tutorial, although I'm not going to use it. My spam folder is not 100% spam. But I don't see why you hate Windows Live Mail. Okay, I agree that Gmail's better than Live, but Live looks much better and I have an account in each of the two. Da Chicken
  2. Hey jlhaslip, thanks for the link. I was thinking of maybe purchasing a domain with GoDaddy, but if I can buy from Xisto - Domains, that would mean that I'm supporting Xisto, so I'll do that.
  3. I'm somewhat of a newbie, so can someone explain to me how to configure my Xisto account to work with a domain?Thanks in advance.
  4. I heard that Yahoo was going to implement OpenID, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone else can post here, if they know.
  5. I remember on my visit to Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, they used iris scanners to confirm my identity.
  6. It's a good script, but could be better.Notice to mods/admins : The same post by the Trap Feedbacker as appeard twice.
  7. Well, yeah, WAMP really good. I think it's better than XAMPP, which I used to use. XAMPP has more features but WAMP is more user freindly. So I'd recommend WAMP to anyone who wants to run a web server to test PHP or whatever on your Windows computer.If you use Linux, you could use LAMP, which I use on my (outdated) Ubuntu.Btw, I dual-boot between Linux and Windows, is that kewl or what?
  8. Or try this site. http://www.maxdesign.com.au/articles/css-layouts/
  9. I use FileZilla 3, but fireFTP sounds good. Maybe I'll download and try that...
  10. Nice article, I've always known that DLLs were important in programming and I've even modified some with ResHack, but I never really knew what they were.
  11. Well, normal matter has gravity, so it could be that antimatter has antigravity. I'm certain that there was something about antimatter in the WikiPedia article. By the way, not really related, but has anyone read Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons"?
  12. I singed up for Payloadz and want to test it out. If any of you can purchase a test item with your PayPal account, please post below and I will PM you the link. The test item only costs $0.05.Thanks in advance.
  13. A Schwarzschild wormhole is a combination of a black hole and a "white hole" (A white hole is a hypothetical object which does the opposite function to a black hole, it exhibits infinite antigravity, as opposed to a black hole's infinite gravity). In theory, you can use this to travel to a parellel universe? Kinda freaky, isn't it? Here's a quote from Wikipedia:
  14. I want to know how to put an image anywhere in the page using HTML/JavaScript.Please Help.
  15. I managed to succesfully install FMDeluxe onto my Xisto account. For those of you who don't know, FMDeluxe is a PHP/MySQL download database script. It lets visitors browse a database of downloads and select one to download. You can see it in action at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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