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Everything posted by Darker333

  1. Wait.. all you need is to get WoW and go to that free server link and play World Of Warcraft ONLINE FOR FREE? I need confirmation on this, and if it's true then ill never pay for the game or even buy it, lol ~Darker333
  2. I saw this Modern Marvels on the history channel and a commercial about computer guided bullets.. did anyone see it and if you did can you fill us in? Because if this is true then in 5 years our military will be a bunch of computer gun repair men who fire the trigger blindly at Iran's forces.( Yes I can see the future )
  3. What is the benefit of actually joining? Are you a good leader with good officers and item/help providence? Do you play 7 hours a day? More info plz I see no reason why my lbl 91 should join.
  4. That already exists.. it's when you put the mask on to see through it and all this body equiptment so you ARE in the game..It's now banned in the USA for causing a few death's and stuff, but other than that, in Germany, getting shot in one of these things feels AWSOME!
  5. Ok well I found out that .php does not work with the editor so I just need to know how to connect to the Xisto server and stuff.
  6. Smaller, Faster, and more American. Flexible fold up screens, brain hook ups to the internet and 448 Bit Processors that will make our PC's today look very very bad in a few years.It happened in 1980 and it will happen again ONCE WE SOLVED THE DARN OIL ISSUES
  7. Hi, I have been working with FP 2002 for 3 years now.. ( no duh ) and I cannot figure out how to use the extensions with my Xisto account Can anyone here give me or pm me a way to do it or a guide on the site? BTW: Does it work with .php files or just html?~Darker333
  8. Wow, bullying still happens? Well maybe it's because I was raised on the west coast then..
  9. Good god, this is AWSOME! I bet that snake would love to eat a human, but then again.. we have knifes, guns and super hunting bows so HAH
  10. That is why you set it to HAVE to accept links and it shows the length.
  11. Personally, I don't get why people won't use MSN 7.0. It's so much better! Graphics are awsome, the way the messenger works is overall 100% better now ( 7.0 is awsome ) and.. omg It's so long to list the features, so go to google, type in MSN Messenger 7.0 and download it!
  12. My goal in life.. well, if it ends up that I am related to Hitler, it will be to become rich, buy weapons of mass destruction and use them.Although, it's just to live everything to the fullest. Explore the world and all of it's wonders. And I want to do everything that can be done and one day fight in a great war of super powers to defend my countries priviledges of freedom and covil rights!
  13. Well AIM is now part of the "you have no privacy" thing. AOL has changed their terms of service for AIM. You have no right to any expectation of privacy. Further, anything you say/type can and may or will be used for any reason whatsover. In the strictest sense, I think this makes AIM spyware. Not the damaging kind maybe, but spyware nonetheless. And people look at me funny when I work on their PC's and tell them dump all things AOL. Article From eWeekArticle From eWeek
  14. Also, adding in new types of units would be awsome! Like with soliders and defense, you can have ranged or gorilla warfare units, or even extra powerful suicide spies who go in with a "bomb" and will always have a devistating effect but at 60% more likely to get caught then a spy.. makes you think about Covert Ops and how you will use it..See, if you had a team of coders, you can make a very fun, and actually tactical game.. unlike the ArmySystems that currently exist Not many options, sorry if I offended the ArmySystem :)Also you should have "Race upgrades" each 2 age advances to improve your bonuses or use that upgrade to instead CHANGE your race.. wouldnt that cause alot of strategy changes
  15. For crying out loud, add in some modern day things like ages.. each 2 weeks it advances. Eg:Ancient AgeClassical AgeMedivial AgeGunpowder AgeIndustrial AgeModern AgeALIEN AGEEvery 2 weeks it will advance and for you to go up you need to pay ALOT of cash so it will be an extra factor to the race for survival and to be the top! Every upgrade gives a user a big boost, abilities to upgrade attack solider from medival to a redcoat or a continential marine when gunpowder, or tower to lighthouse, or battlefort to rebout.Get it?
  16. I like to leave on my PC because I either have something going on OR, I am just to lazy
  17. Has it accured to you some of the posts were extremly bad and were deleted and that alot of people abused the forums before and how the "Venting" could have started to go over board? Think about it.
  18. School computer system have issued a new REQUIRMENT for all USA schools in 2004. It states that all computers must have a logger of everything the student does. Every site, application, every single word typed. Recently, upgrades were made so that the PC would be slow BUT fast enough. Basically, it's your every day Keylogger and random students are checked periodically to make sure no improper sites or applications are used. So you see, it's the new age of spying on our children. Sort of ruins the whole "freedom" of speech when every word a kid writes and everything he looks at is being watched.. Funny thing is, they are told this but no one listens
  19. He is old, so we can't help to stop his death. He was not sick and it was obvious he was getting to old to rule. It was a natural death of ageing. Sad thing is, the thing's I know about him seem like a fairy tale that really has no ending until now... Oh well, I never really paid attention
  20. Your views on this type of music is very wrong. It's a black pride, just learned this in history media thing. White people also tend to become posers and say they are black because it's "cool".. still confused?Rap is a popular music but has existed WAY before Jazz in africa and the black community of the United States, but basically it's guys who "Grew up on the streets" singing themselfs up and relating their music to the current social statues, where Casual Sex is common, people Cuss a lot more and know to much about other nasty things WHEN THEY ARE 12 :lol:Basically, it's the whole civil rights thing, which I fully support. But maybe you are right, maybe rap music and the rappers are taking it to far.By the way, your sentence was improper and horrible grammar
  21. An ex. nazi as a pope.. what next? A jewish pope Well Im not religious BUT a Ex-Nazi Pope sounds like the world has something to talk about
  22. So what if someone who was an ex nazi and was still alive became the pope and no one knew he was a nazi until after he became the pope? Would you respect him then?This is going to cause ALOT of conflict, I can tell.
  23. Yes, it is true. The new pope of the catholic religion in the Vatican is German and he was a Nazi in the WWII era! Dear god, for the first time in my life, I am afraid for the well being of the people in the future! Ratzinger was a member of the Hitler Youth. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Notice from snlildude87: All quotes must go in the quotes tag
  24. YAY A GERMAN POPE When was he born?
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