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  1. is this really works? btw tell us how to use it pls...how to test it...should i only open email.php then click what to click inside that file? ok will test it later hope works for me. ty for this information man :XD:
  2. man this is just a part time, i wanna join tnx for this :XD:
  3. omg you are in love, ummm will you betta tell the person to whom you love to. that you fall with him lol so it wont bother you anymore and ask him if he already has a gf if not then try to ask him can i be your gf haha just kidding...just cope up with your interesting love story :XD:
  4. so mean once we use GMAILFS we are violating their rules? who made gmail? gmailfs is not a gmail software ryte? omg i am using my very love gmail account for uploading files now should i delete my files there? and made another account? man once i use gmailfs am i already hacking gmail account? need more clarification pls reply thank you.
  5. hi i really wanna have my own Xisto now :XD: just try to experience the feeling of being hosted by my own domain name is it? i have a question is it really true that when hosted by Xisto you can choose your own domain name like example.com? if so w0w i think i already found my way to have my own domain which has free of charge. thanks Xisto hope ur free hosting plan wont be changed.
  6. wow really? man i need to know how to set up pop3 and smtp, ty for the info man.
  7. man graphics is kewl but tell us what kind of image is this? u made it wif photoshop? btw good effort man keep it up :XD:
  8. mysql have charge :XD: i tot its totally free my old host is better where i what i am using ryte now, just need more db space due to big amount of data to be stored in...i am really looking for a nice hosting site which has free of charge:)
  9. w0w i this is what i am looking for...its been 2 months now still dunno how to put my site to google.com i trying all the scripts i got but then when i type to search box i found my site not well i betta use this guide now if guide dont work can i pm u? give me ur MSN pls, umm man do u got other guides? share it pls :XD: cya
  10. guys i suggest you to play MU it has a kewl graphics, btw i have a friend which has his own private game server, first you must know how to play MU as well, i think nobody's playin MU here right? well you can try jetforcemu that server is kewl and got a good xp so you wont bore fast there also a lot of event where all GM are doing as well...see u there i can help you if u just play, now admin jet is giving full option items which can just be got if u are just inviting a lot of friends since this is a game topic then i try to take u there cya.
  11. thanks for the site man i actually signing it up now...just want to try their hosting plans if good then i will try to stay there...i really also got a good hosting plan but i want much unto it with free of charge =)
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