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Posts posted by vmatosc

  1. Cycling is a great way to see the outdoors, take in the fresh air, or simply get around town. It’s also an efficient way to burn some extra calories and build lean body mass. Depending on your body weight and the intensity of your ride, you will probably burn some where between 400 and 500 calories on a one hour bicycling trip.
    The motion of bicycling, especially uphill and high intensity cycling, is a great way to develop lean body mass. As both the large (quadriceps and hamstring) and small (calf) muscles of the legs work, they become stronger and more developed. The beauty of developing lean body mass is that it not only makes the body look leaner and stronger, but it raises the resting metabolic rate. The higher your resting metabolic rate, the more calories you burn even at rest.

    So eight hours after your bike ride, sitting on your couch, you’re still burning extra calories!

    Bicycling also works to strengthen the core region of the body, the abdominal and back muscles. A strong “core” is essential for good balance and posture, and beneficial for activities of daily living such as lifting groceries, carrying children and doing yard work.
    Cycling for Weight Loss

    * Eliminating Roadblocks to Weight Loss

    If weight loss is your objective, cycling can be very beneficial. A gradual weight loss of approximately one pound a week is a wise goal. Gradual weight loss helps to maintain lean body mass (remember sitting on the couch burning calories?) and will greatly increase your chance of long term success. People who lose a great deal of weight quickly, often through deprivation-type diets, are very likely to regain the pounds within the first year.

    Eliminating or burning 3500 calories will result in a weight loss of one pound. Assuming that you burn approximately 500 calories on a one hour bicycle ride, a daily ride would equal a one pound weight loss after just one week!

    One side note about lifestyle changes: they are best made one at a time. If daily physical activity is a new part of your life, deny the urge to make too many other changes until the daily activity is established. Oftentimes people attempt to reform themselves in dramatic and unrealistic ways and the outcome is doomed for failure. (Consider some of your past New Year’s resolutions.) In other words, it is probably not a good idea to start exercising, give up sugar, caffeine and cigarettes all at the same time.

    Once you have established a regular cycling routine and are reaping the benefits of feeling stronger and healthier, you may want to make some small dietary changes. The key to a healthy diet is increasing whole foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other foods that are naturally whole and unprocessed) and decreasing processed foods. Eating a diet rich with fruits, vegetables and whole grains will support the loss of extra pounds while fueling your body on cycling excursions.

    In time, cycling will help you to feel stronger, leaner and more positive about your body. If you continue with daily activity and healthful eating, a better body is a sure thing.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Anything you copy must be in QUOTE tags. Please check the readme and BBCodes.

  2. Determining Your Training GoalsThe first thing to do when considering taking a martial arts class is to determine what you hope to gain from martial arts training. Everyone has a reason for their interest in the martial arts, and it's important to know your options and goals so that you can really get the most out of your training and have a postive experience. Below are some common reasons for studying the martial arts and some examples of styles that fit those reasons.

    Fitness/Fun Related Interests
    The most common reason for training that I hear is that people want to have fun and get in better physical condition, whether that is losing weight, getting stronger or just getting more active. Martial arts is a great way to get in shape and can be really fun to learn. It will improve endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, balance and helps with overall stress levels.

    While all martial arts training involves some amount of physical training, these styles are great to try for overall physical fitness:

    * Tae Kwon Do
    * Brazilian Ju Jitsu and other Grappling Arts
    * Capoeira
    * Non-traditional martial arts schools that feature fitness as a large part of their overall direction.

    Self Defense
    The second most common reason for studying martial arts is self defense; a very valid and important reason for learning. The following arts certainly aren't the only ones who teach self defense, but they are known to have self defense as their main focus:

    * Hapkido
    * Krav Maga
    * Various non-traditional systems which are organized solely around self defense, often specializing in either law enforcement training or women's self defense. Many of these programs are offered by martial arts schools in addition to their core curriculum.

    Interest In Traditional or Cultural Arts
    Many people take great interest in the cultural or traditional aspects of martial arts training. They enjoy the discipline, traditions and methods of very traditional arts. A traditional style will features very structured training, and many people love that aspect as well. There are many traditional martial arts styles out there. Contact the classes and schools in your area to learn what is available to you.

    * Shaolin Kung Fu
    * Shotokan Karate
    * Kuk Sool Won
    * Iado
    * Wing Chun
    * Bujinkan

    Full Contact/Combat Sports/MMA
    With the success of such promotions as UFC, Pride and K1, there has been a surge of interest in training of this nature. The following arts have a full contact or combat sport focus and many times aren't traditional asian arts, but rather a mixture of multiple styles.

    * San Shou
    * Muay Thai
    * Schools that focus on "mma" or mixed martial arts. These schools teach a combination of grappling/ground fighting such as Brazilian Ju Jitsu or catch wrestling, stand up fighting like boxing or kickboxing, and throws and submissions.

    Sport, Tricks & Competition or "Xtreme" Martial Arts
    Thanks to an increased presence in movies and television, a rapidly growing reason for training is for the flashy and acrobatic "Xtreme" martial arts, which combines martial basics with difficult jump kicks, flips and speedy hand combinations, done primarily for competitions. Schools that have a sport focus usually teach either a traditional or modified version of a traditional art, and simply have more of a sport focus than other schools. While competition is probably not the main feature of these schools, it can be a large part of what they do. Sport or Competition schools will teach things like traditional and creative forms or katas, gymnastics or trick martial arts techniques as well as light to medium contact sparring. Some styles where you will see this focus include:

    * Tae Kwon Do
    * Many otherwise traditional schools, most commonly Karate schools.
    * A new breed of schools created specifically for teaching sport martial arts, run mostly by current or former champions. Hard to find, but they are certainly out there.

    Once you know what you want to get out of your training and your goals are clearly defined, it will be much easier to pick a style and a school. You won't be so overwhelmed by the variety of martial arts schools available, and you will make the choice that you will be happiest with in the long run.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    If you copy content you need to place it in QUOTE tags. Please review the readme and the list of BBCodes. Copied from http://martialarts.about.com/od/

  3. The yoyo is a toy but it can be classified as a sport if it used for sporting purposes. A toy can never be classified as a sport, unless you do it for sporting purposes, like for example a bike to a kid is a toy, however it is used for sporting purposes, the athlete has to train for long periods to perfect his technic.
    Here is the information for the 2007 yoyo contest:
    he 2007 World Yo-Yo Contest will be held during the first week of August, one week earlier than last year's event. The hall will open Wednesday evening August 1st, with competition starting on Thursday morning August 2nd and will close about 11pm on Saturday August 4th. There will be no events on Sunday August 5th.

    The 2007 World Yo-Yo Contest will crown World Yo-Yo Champions in the following seven divisions:

    * 1A (one-hand string)
    * 2A (two-hand looping)
    * 3A (two-hand string)
    * 4A (Off String)
    * 5A (Counterweight/FreehandTM )
    * AP (Artistic Performance)
    * Combined (Aerial + Dual + 1A)

    There will also be two Sports Division yo-yoing competitions:

    * Sports String Tricks (S1) and Sports Looping Tricks (S2)

    The 2007 World Top Contest will crown a World Champion and will also have a Sports Division Top Contest Ladder.

    Other competitions which will be held include:

    * Diabolo Sport Ladder Tricks (DI) Yo-Yo World record attempts
    * Yo-Yo Modding

    Workshops and panel discussions, covering numerous topics of interest, will be held during the three days of competition.

    The event hall has over 10,000 feet of yo-yoing space with 22 foot ceilings and will be open 24 hours a day starting Wednesday night, and ending late Saturday night.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Copied from http://worlds16.com/ Please remember that copied material needs to be in QUOTE tags.

  4. First of all the best formula to gain weight is a diet hight in carbohidrates, sugar and fat,


    Food that contains carbohidrates: Everithing that is derived from Flour, Rice, Wheat, Corn, etc.


    You must have a good diet. I have to

    admit, this is one of my biggest shortcomings - I'm somewhat

    of a lazy *bottom* when it comes to eating and dieting, but

    I try, and do manage to fine... most of the time. You must have a half decent workout

    program that will stimulate growth - I'm a firm believer

    in using heavy weights and low reps compared to lighter

    weights, and higher reps.


    Finally, you have to remember that

    supplements, are just supplements - you can never rely

    on supplements to make you grow, only you can. Using the

    right supplements will help you accomplish your goals,

    but you should never put all your hopes on a magic

    pill As always, there are loads of supplements

    out there that just doesn't work, but on this site, you

    will find reviews on those that do work - to very nice

    effects, I should add.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Please be careful when making posts that you do not submit the same message multiple times. Also, don't make two posts in a row - if you have something to add, use the edit button and expand your first post. Thanks.

  5. Fireworks is great, but whether it's the best depends on what you're actually trying to achieve at the time. Photoshop and Illustrator are both more appropriate on occasion.I do love Fireworks, and it's an essential part of my toolkit, but if I had to only use one program, then I'd pick Photoshop. I'd miss out on the superior vector-based graphics in Fireworks and Illustrator, but I wouldn't be able to do without the control for custom filters and the industry standard file formats that my clients and associates require their images saved to.In the real world, I use Photoshop, Illustrator and Fireworks and wouldn't want to be without any of them, as they all have their strengths!

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