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Posts posted by elevenmil

  1. Definitely varies from case to case some don't experience symptoms for years then all of a suddem BOOM but for others it doesn't take long for it to act up.Personally I think there will be a cure in due time. Science is just becoming too advanced and sooner or later a cure will be found. Just look at all the other diseases that at one point we did not have a cure for. Now this virus is a tricky one, probably the most trickiest out of any virus we know of, but we have so many people working on it. We are able to CLONE things, now that's advanced science. If we are able to duplicate a living organism, then we are sure enough talented to cure this disease. It may take a long time, but it will happen.

  2. Looks like you are a soccer lover and a american football hater. Shame on you.For me, I enjoy both of the sports, but, since I am from america, yes, I enjoy football much more than "futbol".The concepts of both sports differ greatly. Football is much more physical, let's be honest, much much more physical than soccer. It is not an endurance sport so no, a player wouldn't be able to run around a field for 90 minutes. I do say, though, that if you happened to stick a soccer player on the football field and let him be the running back for a play, he may not walk off the field. Soccer players suffer from cardiovascular punishment, while in football it's purely physical punishment.I hate sports that has a setup where games can end in ties. The world cup recently just proved to myself how much I really don't like to watch or follow soccer. Who wants to see a game end in a tie? Rather, who wants to see a 100 or whatever length of a game end in a tie. I surely don't want to watch 100 or so with no one scoring, then walking out of the arena without the feeling of winning or losing...it's stupid. In football, that can also happen, yet it almost never does. Even if one was to end in a tie, there was atleast a lot of drama along the way. Trust me, every football game provides many more entertainment value moments than soccer, it's pure fact.I like soccer, but I won't get hooked on it or follow any teams. And heck, you complain about commercial breaks and such, heck, 85 minutes of a 90 minute soccer match is a commercial break to me, with the other 5 minutes going to potential goals and maybe some good individual moves. Also, I do enjoy an injury from time to time, laughing as someone is carried off in a stretcher for having a bruised toe or a lump on their head, only to come back onto the field like nothing ever happened (which is always the case). That kind of stupidness turns my face away from the game. So while I do enjoy a soccer game from time to time, it's rare, real rare. I do admit though, arena soccer is definitely something to watch, since the field is much smaller and the action more intense since there's much less room to keep the ball in control. If I'm going to watch a soccer game, it would probably be indoors, in a shortened field, but again, I'm not quite sure the enhland folks take part in such a variation of the sport.So I guess, um, I choose football over futbol...

  3. Girls are goofballs, lets get that understood by everyone...It's weird when girls are young, yes, they all go at the same time, I think they just go in there not necessarily to relieve themselves but to just look in the mirror and complain and compliment about themselves and others...I do believe their toilets are much cleaner because first off they don't stand to go to do their business, rather, we all know that they have to sit down. therefore, no aiming is required, which results in a clean, effective discharge of their liquid wastes. Men, on the other hand, tend to leave the toilet seat down and rely on accuracy, resulting in moist residue accumulating and later drying into a yellowish paste that is disgusting to clean and a horror when having to take a #2...oy!I hate wiping toilet seats off before a good #2!

  4. Oh man how long ago was it for me since I joined here...long time...but I don't really know how I found this place, probably a bunch of google searches before I landed here...but I did what was expected of me and followed the TOS very closely, when I reached enough credits I applied and the next day I was getting started with my website...a very easy and nice experience, and although I'm not on as much with paid hosting with Xisto - Web Hosting and my responsibilities as admin on IPBGaming, I still check in and post from time to time...

  5. It's nice to know we have a 36 restaraunt owner here at Xisto, a free host, that makes total sense.Anyways, customer service is a rough business. I myself have frequently taken part in customer issues that don't quite get handled so easily. Some people will understand issues that arise, others are immature and looking for that free buck or two. It's the way society is these days, absolutely pathetic individuals we live amongst. It would be a scary thing, me as a business owner, because I wouldn't be able to put up with crap from people, people you know who are trying to find a hole in a sale or be technical about a statement rather than the literal meaning. Throughout my days in the restaraunt service industry, the nice name for it, I have endured many encounters where customers became upset at what they were getting. Sometimes they would be nice about it, other times, it would get verbally intense. I've found that if I can stick my middle finger in their face without actually doing it, I feel much better afterwards and can leave the workplace feeling great...

  6. This subject really touches upon some religious aspects that I can't really explain in a short post, and this will not be long. Although I have mixed feelings about reincarnation, it's kind of hard to believe. Then again, sometimes I get mixed up with the Bible and if it is all true or just a book written to fool future generations. So with that, I can't really take a stance on this. I see the topic opener and am enlightened with yet another thought on the process of us and our souls. But all we can really do is continue to ponder, or believe, the thoughts and beliefs that are presented to us.

  7. It's not a bad idea to avoid her now that its summer. But if you live relatively close, that may be an issue. If you don't want to talk to her, but feel bad for not doing so, then every once in a while say hi and few other things, i.e. whatever, but keep the conversation brief and don't let things extend.Generally you want to distance the relationship by talking fewer and fewer as the days progress. Now that your out of school for a few month...(right?)...make the move.It's sometimes a hard thing to do but you have to find a decision you are comforable with, and once you make it, stick with it and don't change your mind and get everything twisted. If you want her to stop liking you, you have to not be around as much for her to keep thinking about you. Hopefully, with that, she can find someone else to be attached to, and with that, you're off the hook.Good luck and keep everyone updated.

  8. Nice long thread we have here...I've used IE basically the entire time I've ever browsed the net. Since I'm an admin of IPB Gaming I've had to experiment with other browsers to see the effects of changes to IPB's (mod's and such) but I always go back to IE in the end. If IE were to go extinct I would probably switch to Opera, which is okay for me, but I don't use it as much because for some reason it eats up alot of CPU usage...

  9. Not bad...but unfortunate that it took you seven hours to work on this...I say that because although it is fairly descent there's still stuff that could be improved...the one thing I think is that the skin is slightly boring...sorry to say it but I feel it is. Additionally, I think you could spice up the header image, maybe make is more image-like...a detailed graphic header catches the eyes of guests...Overall, 7/10

  10. At IPB gaming we've toyed with displaying certain balances on every page. For instance, we displayed members' casino money balance at the top of each page. See the 'my controls' link at the top of the page. Well, to the left of that, the balance would be displayed. We had that running for awhile until somehow it started creating a few problems for us, so we took it off. Overall this is a good suggestion but as you can see OpaQue has already expressed his opinion on this issue. I'm sure the thought popped up in his mind well before this topic was ever created, and I feel the way it is found now is completely acceptible and legitimate.

  11. Yeah definitely need to see some credibility to this report, although with today's technology it's definitely possible. As for the food issue mentioned a few posts up, obviously soon enough we'll discover ways for that as well...I mean come on, look at all the fake and chemically preserved and made food we eat today...I don't doubt one day we will have humans living on the moon. Won't be costly at all though :)

  12. Here is my situation.Currently entering senior year of collegeMajor - elementary educationminor - communications mediaconcentration - mathematicsSo I'll be able to teach K-6 all subjects, and I will be able to teach 7-12 Mathematics. A minor in Communications Media brings a whole new set of possibilities. Currently I am a producer and anchor of a sports show for my college's TV station, so becoming a broadcaster is also a possibility.Lot's of things I could be in the next few years...

  13. Adding a blog would take up even more resources than we would want I imagine...Mainefishing you need to learn how to accept both positive and negative feedback...*insert bright flashing light bulb*But maybe since OpaQue likes to coin sections of the forums like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, how about suggesting a different website that is the official "Xisto blog site" like trap17blog.com or something like that...*unplug lamp, light bulb fade*

  14. Always suggesting and not arguing! :)I still feel members should be obligated to post at least 40-50 characters per post, maybe smaller for what you mentioned OpaQue. I always hate seeing 4 or 5 word posts that I don't see as much anymore because I'm not on here all the time like I used to be. But since this mod had already been tested on the site and you don't feel the need for it, then be-gone with the idea!

  15. I don't believe there is a mod for what you're suggesting but you wouldn't necessarily need a modification for that...

    All you would really have to do is log into acp and add these !!!!!!!!'s and such into the bad word filter. Even though that's not the purpose of it that's one way the problem you mentioned could be solved.

    Yeah but some posts can be made in a small amount of words if you are answering a question.

    Answering questions on this forum should not consist yes or no's. You are to contribute everytime you post, I truely believe there isn't any reason why each post made isn't longer than one line in length. Look through my post history and find all the one liners I've made, needle in a haystack-type comparison. There's no valid reason to post less than 40-50 characters in one post, that's just my opinion.

  16. Seems like no one wants to say hello so I will.Hello.Yes Xisto is basically the best free hosting you will find anywhere on the web. The "sis" is right and you'll receive the same treatment she has. Enjoy your stay.

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