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Posts posted by elevenmil

  1. There are certain other ways to prevent that. Obviously, it should be set up that staff closes threads that are older than a month or two. If no one replies to a thread for over a month, obviously there is no more interest. Tons of members flow in the forums per day so lets understand that as well. I try to do that at IPB Gaming, closing old posts.Yes, people on the forums don't take the time to look at dates, that's for sure. But it's not as bad as it once was here. I remember times where spam posts were made at an almost uncontrollable rate. I'm not on as much as I once was, but I rearely find that much spam around here.

  2. I will assist you BH.Don't think it's a big problem. Most of the time guys like to hear that, and unless the guy you like is extremely shy, he won't be scared away when he hears you said you liked him. Like others have said, act like youself, don't act like things have changed (yet) just because you opened your mouth about your crush. Depending on the personality of the guy depends on what I would advise you to do, it all depends on how the guy takes it all in if and when he hears it. Since you are already friends, seems as if he's not scared of you atleast...there is some sort of attraction going on...Good luck but don't fret, things aren't as serious as you think.

  3. I have had a similiar experience as to the one you are in right now. Unfortunately, what I had to do is something I'm sure you don't want to do.Like a joke, I failed to make a recovery disk. So when I went through an issue very similar to yours, where I tried to do a restore and my computer failed to start up again, I had to do a complete system recovery and start from scratch. I would contact support with your computer company, hopefully you are still in coverage so it's free.Don't have much advice, only hope you don't have to go down the same road I had to, because I lost everything :D.

  4. First of all you need to quote that.There were many doubts right off of the get go about him being the true killer of the girl. I for one wouldn't think it was him although it does sort of fit his profile, with him being into the kiddie porn stuff.With this though I do believe the case has been reborn and hopefully will be solved once and for all. It would be a shame to see this case never be solved.

  5. Log onto cpanel. On the home page of cpanel browse to find the backup image and link. Once you click that you'll be directed to where you can select the database you want to backup. It takes three or four clicks once you get into cpanel. Look around I think it's under site management in cpanel. Once you backup the database you can delete it off of your files and restore it once you create the new forum.

  6. Maybe I don't fully understand, but here's my advice.If I think I know what you're asking, this should be very easy for you to do. If you are using the same kind of forum, say SMF, back up your database in cpanel. Once you backup your database simply delete the forum and everything under it. Then create the new forum, upload the database, and you should be good to go.Everything can be done in cpanel you seem to be a new member and might be a newbie at things but take your time and look around.

  7. chmodding can be challenging for some especially those newbies who are just starting out. With cpanel here it's not that hard, and even with ftp it isn't hard, but again, for those who are just starting out in webdesign, it can be a challenge. When I first started out I was like "whaa, chmod?"

  8. This is why I could never have a job like that.First of all I'm not the best at understanding code in the first place, I'm descent, but no master. I try to organize my work and changes that might be the one thing I do descently.But I do understand the frustration but hopefully as you gain experience in the workfield you will also climb the ladder and not have to work under such idiotic individuals.

  9. Dude so you're 16 and asking about online relationships? You need to reconsider seeing who you can see before this.People who are older and more desperate for having a relationship are usually the people we hear of, but in your case it's a little different.Take things slow, you're right, it's pretty much a definite that this relationship won't work out, even if it does short term. You're young, so take advantage of it by looking for someone you can see on a daily basis.

  10. So if a robber comes into your house to rob it and falls down the stairs because the top step was tricked with vasaline and paralyzed himself/herself that means he/she could sue? No, unless you have a terrible lawyer there's no real way you could be sued for such an incident.Now if the outside of the house did not have a sign saying there is security and it is private property, DO NOT ENTER, then you can possibly get into trouble, especially if it is someone you know who isn't trying to break into the house.It could potentially be a complicated case but for the most part quite frankly, only a dumb lawyer who worked for you could get you into trouble. Other than that the robber is just a poopeater who stepped into the wrong house.

  11. whatever the case this could've been a disaster of gigantic proportions. We must give a lot of praise and congratulations to the authorities who helped to prevent this potential disaster. I haven't been too up to date on the news and stuff but this comes directly via front page of the newspaper. It was shocking to see it and it came out of nowhere, evidently though this investigation has been ongoing for a good while but the public hadn't a clue. I dont get this. Why all of a sudden is the terror level bumped up on this fresh public news. Why wasn't the terror level upgraded to the highest level when this investigation first began? I still feel unsafe...

  12. As for getting back to the original post...Sometimes God talks to us in odd ways. If you can, try to remember when at what points you had goosebumps throughout the sermen. Now you might've been just cold, but sometimes you get this funny feeling when the pastor is talking about something that you can relate to...did you have them during when the preacher was discussing certain things that you can relate to in your own personal life?He speaks to us in different ways, maybe for you this was one of them, but don't get it mixed up with natural occurrances, it might've been just a little bit cold in the room as well...

  13. There is a nice link at the bottom of the forum in the stats area called "the moderating team" maybe you can click that and find the answer.Yes this place does have a ton of members but that doesn't mean they are all active. Nice to see a elder member like yourself checking in from time to time I have a hard time doing it myself.

  14. I don't like to go to movie theatres so I don't really have a problem with it. Although, why don't I go to the theatres for a flick? Because I like to enjoy movies in peace and quiet. Don't care for excessive noise that occurs in a good comedy or a thriller. I just want to sit there and have my full attention on the screen, not some dude, girl, or child making absurd and excessive noises two rows up.So no, I don't really hate children making noises, only because it's rare that I actually put myself into a situation where I have to put up with it.

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