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Posts posted by hibbso

  1. ive got some.How do you explain colours, excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life?Get a red sheet of paper, and stare into it. Look closely at the "colour" itself, examine it. Think about what it looks like. Notice after 15 - 30 secs you cant see the colour. Its invisible. Is that what colour looks like?Why do they have frosted windows on the toilets on a plane?and some more...If the Big Bang Theory is true, and all matter was condensed into one extremely small and dense area, then what was outside of the area where all matter existed?Does a mirror have a colour?If it is 0 degrees celcius one day and it is twice as cold the next day how cold is it the next day?If god created everything on earth then where did God come from? Did he just appear one day and decide to create us? Is there a God who created God?Is it better to be burnt alive or frozen alive?

    Notice from rvalkass:
    Avoid double posting. Your posts have an edit button, so please use it if you want to add something to a previous post.

  2. mine was a NES, then i got a SNES, then after that i got a Gameboy, then a SEGA... Then a ps1, and then a gamecube, then a xbox :).The NES and Gameboy was given to me (NES for birthday when i was 6 and Gameboy for birthday when i was 11) the rest i bought my self. I did the papers! :XD:

  3. Probably the most popular theory right now is the Space Theory. This theory was so said that a large comet - asteroid - meteorite (or how ever you may say it) collided with Earth about 65 million years ago. Scientists think that such a large collision would throw so much dust into the air that sunlight would not be able to shine and plants and animals would die. The changes in climate that resulted from this huge collision were too much for the dinosaurs. They were not able to survive. The either suffocated to death or died from reactions. Another theory that could explain how the dinosaurs became extinct is volcanic activity. A huge increase in volcanic activity at around 65 millions years ago could have pumped so much ash into the air that it blocked out the sun killing the dinosaurs. Some scientists believe that there was a severe ice age. Throughout Earth's history there have been many ice ages. The last one ended about 10,000 years ago. A very severe ice age could have changed temperatures and frozen a lot of Earth's water. The dinosaurs would not be able live under such conditions and that is how the dinosaurs became extinct. It has also been suggested that desease killed off the dinosaurs. A very deadly desease may have circulated among the dinosaurs forcing them to become extinct. The last theory is that the Earth just gradually changed in climate over a long time period and the dinosaurs were not able to adapt to the cooler, dryer climate. Like how human are destroying the climate now. If we carry on we will kill the world from poverty or may cause an ice-age. NB: this text was NOT copied. I have taken notes from several websites then put them together!:XD:

  4. I need some help for my psp...Is it possible to get the latest flash player or the latest anything on my psp? If i click to download it, it just saves to my /psp/common folder. And doesnt installOR even is there even a way to get the latest players to work?I want to see youtube or play flash games :D Please help me im stuckOh yeah by the way. Please dont make it homebrew :XD:Hmm, i did a bit of googling but nothing came up... Some one said something about updating my psp but ive got the latest version... 3.51.Unless ther is another one out :)

    Notice from rvalkass:
    Please don't double post. If you have something to add to your post use the edit button. Thanks.

  5. Get the xbox360Because its cheaper from the ps3 (by a longshot! xbox ?200 - ps3 ?650)Load more games than the ps3 or any other console.Microsoft :XD:Hd readyxbox liveinternet+ a load more..technically you can buy the xbox360 and the wii :). DONT go for the ps3 due to several bad items..Yeah its got the internet! but you dont get gamerpoints and online msn like the xbox. The xbox has internet anywayIts a rip offUgly..and many more...Oh and by the way the Wii is alright but the graphics is a let down. Dont use a plasma or LCD telly if your gunna use one

  6. i would say Gmail is better. Not the fact though that you dont get live chat but for a start its operated by google. You get unlimeted accounts free and its easy to get them. The inbox is javascript :) so you dont need to refresh :XD:. umm yeah. Gmail has no ads, better features and better stuff. And easy interface. Hotmail is rubbish (in my opinion,) because of:adsmore adspop-ups only a few things like- add friend, email, talk.Gmail is the best!

  7. like???? WOAH!! I can (sorta) PHP now!!! Thankyou very much ghostrider!!!! It took me nearly a year to look through the internet to find php tuts that i can understand. Then a bloke says go to topic :XD:. Im gunna make you famous lol.


    once again. Nice tutorial(s). (i read your others)





    By the way didnt you say a tut will be released every 1-2 weeks?

  8. I got a (sub)domain and a hosting package ealier on. Xisto says it is easy to set up a website and get going. But ive been fiddling around now for nearly 5 hours and i cant get a thing on there. I would say Xisto is pretty much the same to other hosters but trap has a lot more features. By the ways i still cant edit my homepage. I dont know where to find it!!!!lolPeople say trap hosts forums?

  9. Yeah this is pretty much notepad ++ . The only difference is that it aint got a panel at the side. + there is no installation which makes it pretty darn ...(:P)... You gotta click 'RUN' every time you wanna RUN it

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