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Psycho Atomic

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Everything posted by Psycho Atomic

  1. Hi guys, I run a website at the 8th-circuit.com and we have recently passed our one year anniversary. We are now looking for ideas to redesign the site, and we're hoping for some opinions/advice on how to proceed. Any ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Even if you have nothing to comment on the design, we would love some opinions on anything related to the site, content, formatting, anything. If you would like a little info before you click, the 8th circuit is an entertainment blog. We cover a number of topics relating to media and geek culture including gaming, movies, music and comics. If you have a few minutes, we would very much appreciate your help, thank you!
  2. BWAHAHAHAHAHA...HAHA...Heehee.. hehehehe.... wow
  3. ah man, Sim City 2000 stole my soul for a good couple of months
  4. Considering most modern FPS's, those system recs are very reasonable.
  5. I've trained at academies of both associations and I really think that WTF TKD is on average much much less practical than ITF.
  6. Is it a new game? Or does it just add to the old one?
  7. Hey, I found this site today browsing the web. It's a flash game site (of pretty high quality though) that's free to play. The cool thing is that you earn like coins or something whenever you play and you can cash them in for some pretty good prizes. The downside is that the good prizes cost quite a bit of coins and the games are aimed mainly at kids but if you want to check it out, here's a link. Cheers mates Notice from Plenoptic: No Referral links are allowed on this forum. Please review yourself with the Xisto ReadMe
  8. Psycho Atomic


    All I can say is: You Have Been Eaten by a Grue
  9. Dude, this game is going to rawk out loud. I just hope that it will allow you to play with a GC controller instead of the wiimote.
  10. Maple Story is a great, innovative game. However, like a majority of free MMO's, I find it extremely limited in its content; much of which sooner or later boils down to grind-fest. I'll admit that Maple at least tries to innovate on a over-used concept but I still feel it misses the mark. And by high tech do you mean like high tech compared to like... runescape? Because otherwise its pretty darn low tech, pretty, but still and purposefully low tech in order to appeal to a wider market.
  11. oy, post some screen shots and a features list and then you can start talking money
  12. I used to post on Gaia a lot but found that at least 3 out of every 4 posts were just utter and blatant spam in order to earn gold. It's can be pretty hard to carry on a discussion in a thread when half the posts are "yayy gold!!!!" or "bump!!!"However, I'm on occasionally, if you want to add my I'm Angel_Abaddon. Cheers
  13. The Decline series is most likely my favorite video game parody flash animations, the quality of animation and writing is just superb. I can't wait for the next one.
  14. Are they still doing this or was this a one time thing? If they are still streaming live events I would love it if you could send me the date and card of the next event. Cheers.
  15. After training in TKD for almost 11 years and earning a 3rd degree black belt, I think I'm pretty qualified in saying that in my opinion TKD is very far from the strongest martial art. Kickboxing: Unless you're talking about Tae-Bo or some other B.S. "cardio kickboxing," the average Muay Thai, San Shou, or even traditional full contact kick boxing fighter would destroy most TKD practitioners in a real fight. Traditional TKD incorporates outdated and limited techniques that do not allow for the versatility and adaptability that modern combat sports give. Modern TKD is even worse as the Olympic incorporation of the martial art has created a style in which significantly damaging and/or incapacitating an opponent is no longer an objective, instead giving way to a limited contact "point sparring" in which the objective is to attack with the minimal amount of force in order to retain maximum speed. This often gives TKD matches an aesthetic appeal to them but hides the fact that the techniques viewed would do little or no damage in a full contact situation. On the other hand, most styles of kickboxing, especially those that have continued the tradition of full contact competition, still require its students to be adept in both avoiding and causing fight ending injuries such as knockouts.Karate: A real tossup here as there are many, many styles of Karate and each varies greatly in how it has evolved to its modern state (if at all). However, most forms of competitive Karate today incorporate full contact (albeit stand-up only) fighting with a minimal amount of protective gear as compared to the layers of padding Olympic-style TKD competitors wear. Therefore, knockouts by kicks as well as injuries sustained to the torso and legs by kicks, knees and punches commonly end matches as opposed to the extremely kick focused angle of TKD. Many styles of Karate have also long included the incredibly important grappling aspect of combat and many more have been influenced by the MMA enthusiastic Japanese culture and have incorporated them alongside their traditional teachings. However, many styles of Karate have also gone the route of modern Tae Kwon Do and have scrapped full contact training in favor of more child and family friendly training. While not inherently bad, these styles of teaching in no way teach you to defend yourself against an opponent trained in street worthy combat.Kung Fu: Again a tossup, perhaps more so considering that Kung Fu in itself is a general term, describing the thousands of unique Chinese martial arts disciplines. Many of these styles share the same flaws as traditional TKD and many more such as Wushu share the same weaknesses found in modern TKD. However, there are quite a few such as Chin Nai have enough of the fundamentals required for street combat to gain a significant edge over TKD fighters. Judo: Your comment on Judo is not only awe-inspiring in its ignorance but also shows an utter lack of training in martial arts systems other than Tae Kwon Do. Significantly more than any of the styles listed above, the grappling focus of Judo give it such an incredible advantage over TKD that its unrealistic to even compare the two. Time and time again it has been proven, so much in fact that I find it ridiculous that there are still those who refuse to believe it, that martial arts lacking in grappling training will, save divine intervention, will lose to those competent in it. Therefore I find it odd that you do not even consider the arts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, traditional Jujitsu, Wrestling, and other such grappling heavy martial arts in your list. These are just my opinions, however I feel they are very much qualified. I would love to discuss these topics more with anyone who disagrees.
  16. For sure bro, I've trained in five different martial arts over the past 11 years and I can honestly say my time at the Gracie Academy had prepared me best for the street.
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