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Posts posted by rajibbd

  1. I was informed that in web programing Flash is more afster then Java applets or animated images. So that I am thinking about Flash. Now I know that there are many tutorial are available in www. Now can any body help me from where I should start. However I have some question on my mind

    Is it difficult to learn?

    What tools do I need to install?

    Can you recomended any tutorial?

    And finally my question is why flash is so famous, is it because of it is faster or have there any other reason?

  2. I already earn 38.08 cradits. I can easily apply for any particular pakage. Now i am confused whether i am going to apply for the free hosting or not. I can get a hostaing domain from any other Servise. It is true that Xisto.com is free Web hostaing, no Ads. But What makes different Xisto.com from others. I want to get repply from those who are already Hosting the domain.

  3. [cont] A problem may have many solution but we are trying to find out an optimal solution. I believe to learn a better programing language need to learn bettere technique. Dynamic Programing is use for optimize the solution. Each problem have many solution with various valus but we are trying to find out the optimal solution by using this DP approach. There are many problem who is solved under this approach. But obviously not every problem. Now you may woundering where we should apply those two method. If the problem is "Optimal Substure" and overlapping subproblems. Only then this dynamic programming can be applicable. If you need to know much about it then you better read book.

  4. That is huge. I cant read all the stuff. Because of too many text. but any way I get a through idea about the topic(VPN). Thank you for your post. Now I am adding some thing. In Local Area Network there is a special LAN called Virtual Local Area Network. It is in same LAN there are more then one LAN[Like in a specific LAN there are 5pcs and by this tectonic we can separate pc1,3,4(VLAN1) and 2,5(VLAN2) ] and VLAN1 can not access to VLAN2. This is a special purpose stuff, and it is maintain by a special software.

  5. I also heard about Ruby. Never use it before. I already notice that it is much better language then Java or C#. One of you guys think the future in Ruby is good. What i know about Ruby is very few people start to practice on this programing language. Still this is not that popular language. Java is also Open source. I know Java little bit. Now have there any one who can tell me what is basic difference between [Java/C#] and [Ruby].

  6. Dear Unys,

    To learn any language you have to have some basic idea what programing Language is. I guess you have some Idea what programing Language is. Now let me tell you what Java is. Java is a Object Oriented Programing[OOP]. Now you can ask me what is OOP then I suggests you to visit the link en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming In java programing everything consider as Object. To create a object we wrote "class Object"[Object is the parents of all class, not need to thing right now]. Like if you think about a Car. In Java programing you want to construct a Car class. then you wrote:

    class Car{  }
    Now think about what Car is. What are its attributes and what are the functions. For Car the attributes are brand, door, capacity and the methods are doorOpen/Close, forward, backword.[Obviously there are many other attributes and functions(we make it simple)]. so now if you want to create a Car class then you have to write like that way.

    class Car{  String brand;  String door;  int capacity;  bool doorStatus();// it will return whether the door is open[true] or close[false]  bool carStarus(); // it will return whether the car goes forward or back ward.  }
    This is just a simple over view of what java is. In my openion Java is a very nice programing language. If you know Java you may not need other language. It have multiple feature. You better borrow a book and start reading from the beginning. I read a book name "Beginning Java2" by "Ivor Horton's" publications WROX. This is a nice book for the novice. Now if want to know more then I will describe.


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    Please use the correct BBCodes, such as the CODE tag (for any code you type) and URL tag (for linking to other sites). You can see all the available BBCodes here.

  7. Hello Denial,To get a hosting domain is one of the main reason why people come hear. But with in one or at most two day your mind will be change. people of Xisto.com is very helpful. and they discuss about many topic that is the wonderful thing i believe. I earn 26.32 credits. I can easily host a domain but now my main purpose is not hosting a domain my purpose is to share what i know and get what i don't know. Hope you enjoy./Have a nice day.

  8. I am not a doctor not even know much about what is good and what is bed for us. But what I know human body need many thing to survive. From water to Iron. Protein is one of the necessary item. But we need many other things. Eating EGG is good but three egg in a day is not that good I believe. I am a healthy man and Happy man. I try to eat fresh and natural food most of the time like vegetable. I like meat and fish also. But i like most Vegetable.

  9. We are the science student familiar with the topic Prime Number. We all know that less then 10 there are 4 prime number [2,3,5,7] but what about if i said how many prime numbers are there less then x[guess a large number]. You can say that it can be infinity. But my question is how big is this infinity is. what is actually infinity. I found that sometimes if we do not get any solution like 0/x then we told that answer is infinity. I heard that this is something related to pi[x]. These things are not very clear to me. Can any body help me.


    /Have a nice day

  10. I live in Bangladesh. And I am using Windows XP. Because as I am a poor man so I do not have enough money to buy a Vista CD. Last couple of Days ago I went one of my friends house and found out he is using a nice Operating System and thins is nothing but Linux[ubuntu]. And the OS is not that tough enough. In fact this particular OS is maid for Desktop, Laptop Computer. One special thing about "ubuntu" is it has dozens of different language and many languages are available via download. And the most beautiful thing is it is full free :P . Is it not grate?. Any one can get this CD by requesting the "ubuntu" team that I need the CD over Internet. The link is https://www.ubuntu.com/ or shipit.ubuntu.com.UBUNTU is an ancient African word which means "humanity to other"/Have a nice day

  11. Hyper Text Markup Language

    is a document formatting language common the all computers on the WWW. html permits cross platform communication between Macs, Apples, SUNs, PCs and others to view a document in a similar way. Every web page. that you visit uses HTML in some way, you can view the HTML code behind a website in Internet Explorer by selecting: View>Source.HTML is not that tough thing. Buying a book is very good idea. In book shop you can found many books, but you have to very selective. Focus on that book which have much different code given. To learn any thing the only and the best thing is Read and Read there is no shortcut.


    /Have a nice day


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    Any copied content must be put into quote BBCodes so you are not credited for it. This was copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  12. After complete Hugh-school/College study some one make prepare him/her self to get admitted in a University. The first thing is to choose better subject. Many boys and girls takes subject without thinking about what she/he is going to study. But it is very important to thing what does he want to do. What is his future plane. University Life is very different. That age any one can be get spoiled without any reason, but this is the field students are making their field.


    Now it is a open topic. You can share your views what you thinking about University study.


    /Have a nice day

  13. Over Internet data sending by electronics signal. May be one of the topic is "Scrambling". I have a assignment on Scrambling and my "data com" teacher told me to search the topic and present what it is. So i think you guys may help me what "Scrambling is". Waiting for your reply. By the time i study and post what i learn from book.

    /Have a nice day


    Notice from Plenoptic:
    Changed topic title to better fit post.

  14. Health is wealth it is true. If you are a healthy man it did not guaranty you that you are a happy man. There are others thing i believe. One is discipline. If you are regular on your daily work. Like get up very early in the morning and do what you suppose to do. And other thing I believe is thinking well or thinking positive. Eat well may be the other thing. I do not mean eat expensive food. I said eat good and fresh food. other things may be some other people describe. /Happy Day friends

  15. Dynamic Programming[DP] is one of the powerful programming approach now a day. DP applicable when sub problems share sub sub problems. (No independent sub problems). Solve each sub problem once, save the answer, and when needed use the previously computed result. Like for Fibonacci series. To get f(n+1) we need addition of f(n), f(n-1) and for f(n) we need f(n-1), f(n-2). so to get f(n+1) we need f(n) and f(n-1) and again for f(n) we need f(n-1) and f(n-2). In this approach we are calculating same thing more then once[as we need sub problem and for sub problem we need sub sub problem]. That is a very bad idea. But what if we store the data of f(n), f(n-1), f(n-1),..f(2), f(1), f(0) and reuse it while needed. That is one of the DP approach. DP is typically applied to optimization problem. Many solutions but DP find the one with minimum/maximum value. DP finds an optimal solution, rather the optimal solution.

    Four steps of DP

    Characterize the structure of the optimal solution.

    Recursively define the value of the optimal solution.

    Compute the value of the optimal solution in a bottom-up fashion.

    Construct the optimal solution from computer result.

  16. You better not to listen my idea coz most of the time it wont works. In fact i am in love with some one from last one and half years but can not tell her how i feel. I do not even stand in front of her. However I am going to tell you what i believe. is:


    "If you love some one

    Set her Free...

    If she comes back

    She is yours,

    If she does not

    She never was..."


    Do not listen my advise it is just my own opinion. Keep thinking what will be best for you and try for it. Wishing you all the best.

  17. Why you declare "Card items[MAX_LIST]" as an Array type. You can use it as pointer type. What i know about programming is Declare any data in Globally is back dated idea. But any way Try to create a pointer type array of Card object. The code may be like this.

    Card *items = new Card[MAX_LIST];

  18. I get in to this language three years back :P . One day I was thinking about how calculate works and figure out I can also make my own calculator by using any of programing language :P . And start thinking about C and later C++. After then I start thinking sorting integer or character and I start learning different feature of C++ like comparison, Loop, Different condition and later OOP in C++ :P . C is cool but I prefer c++ because of OOP. In case of OOP C++ is not perfect but work out. Then it was a break. Now again start C++. And try to implement different Algorithm in C++. Right now I am thinking about Dynamic Programming. If you guys want to give me any kind of support I will be glade. Specially on "Matrix Chain Multiplication". Coz to write programming I got stuck
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