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Posts posted by rajibbd

  1. Dear osknockout,

    Is frok() is smiler to "Thread" [in java]. You told that

    fork() creates a process running the program. If you had two cpu's, you'd theoretically fork a program once to have parts of it running on both.

    . I am very eager to know what is it.

  2. Though i am not good at C/C++. But seeing this code what i can get that, the main function have a inter value of 'i' assigning to '0', after then there was a function called "fork()" my question is what did its do. then the printf function should print 1[because 'i' is increasing]. Then again and again printf function which should print 2 for same case and there is another fork. and a wait function[with out giving how far we should wait].

  3. I do not have any faith on palm reading. But I do spend some time to study on palm reading. I spend time for fun. In below I post some links where you can found some more detail about palm. Hope you enjoy that





    And I am sure you can get some more if you search on you tube. If you like to know. And those of you like on palm please reply something.

  4. Those people who do smock and they know that it is harmful for their health. But still they do smock. The question is why. As i am a smoker i think because i did not get the instant effect. However i often think about to quit. But i never take any steps. It may because i got something from it. Being a smoker i do not hate smokers but i do hate smoking

  5. I am from Bangladesh.

    There are many best things in my country. Trees, Hills, Beach, Rivers, Lands and there are many things. If you tell about people I relive they are the best in the world. Not every one but the most of them. People of Bangladesh are very united. The most wonderful thing about Bangladeshi is they are very brave. And in history it has many examples. In 1952 people of Bangladesh speak against former Pakistan government for The Bengali Language Movement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement. And later Bangladeshi brave civil people fought against so called Pakistan Military force and got independence. So I love the people of Bangladesh. And the best thing in our country is our Liberation War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangladesh_Liberation_War.

  6. From ancient period people of different country practice on palm reading. Many people have trust and faith on Palm Reading. We are New Age people do not believe on those kinds of stuff why people of Stone Age believe on Those kinds of stuff. More significant matter is the practice is found all over the world. There should be some reason why people all around the world have trust on Palm Reading.

    It is a open question to all.

  7. Linux is a very interesting and enjoyable OS. UBUNTU is a very nice OS for desktop user. I suppose you already know much about UBUNTU. It is not that tough thing to operate this OS. Some told that it is even easier then Windows XP or what ever. Before Install any other OS I suggest you anothe version of Linux is "MANDRAKE"[some says Mandriva]. Try to read what Linux is. UBUNTU and MANDRAKE both are nice wonderful OS. Which OS you want to use its up to you. Guess there are many of us can help you how to use Linux. And one interesting news is there are many plug-in are available on www to download. One last thing do you know what Linux means....

    linux for human beings

  8. I do not know who told Mr. Jon such kinds of things. Before that let me tell you something. I do not know much about politics. In my short head it would not catch. So I avoid the topic whether Islam is Terrorist or not.

    Let me tell you what Islam means, Islam mean Peace and Love. And I request all the members do not comment any thing unless you know much better. Mr. Striker describe it pretty well. To learn Islam, it is not a very tough thing. Just read the Holy QURAN. I am sure in your neighbor library it is available in English Language. However What i know about sexual relation on Islam is. Islam dose not allow you to make love with other then your wife. It is so strict that if you do so then you will get the hight punishment. And Islam consider it is a greatest SIN. So how can you assume that to fulfill some one sexual need in haven you get that many virgin or what ever.I believe Mr. Jon say it because of lack of knowledge about Islam. Not only Mr Jon those of who tell Islam as terrorist is because they did not study that much.

    Wise man says:

    A little learning is Dangerous thing

  9. Thanks both of you. It is very helpful reply. There are many version of Adobe Flash tools. and Alex told about Flash CS3 which cost is $699 and in Creation engine site it is $245 still high :P. May be i need to take the back gear. I better think of the trail version. It may be helpful. By the way thank you again.

  10. Archangel Baw got a mass list. I don't have that much list. I have only one pat that is my Computer. It is very lazy. Always want to sleep. Do not want to work faster. her eyes are not that sharp. She is a very old lady. But the most wonderful thing is she obey my commends. Her memory space is limited but never betrayed with me. I like her very much and always want to stay close to her. Because she gives me many thing like knowledge[over internet], entertainment[games music], friends[like you], any many other stuff.

  11. The movie wasn't so great, it really was just......well, not as good as number one.

    I watched this movie 2 weeks ago.
    In my opinion this is one of the best movies what I ever watched.

    This part of Spiderman is much better then Spiderman 1, and 2.

    If you have 3 hours of free time, you need to watch it.

    Two different people comment different types. In this weekend I want to watch this movie. but what to do. It because some one increase my eagerness to watch that movie and other decreases.

  12. I hate smoking but i do not hate smokers. It may be i am a smoker. Yes smoking is very bed but still i did smoke. Its effect is lengthy and sometimes causes of death. If you ask me why i do smoke, I do not have any answer. I never suggest any people to smoke but I try to tell people how bed it is. I live in Bangladesh and there are 15% of people do smoke. Smoking public place in Bangladesh is illegal. But most of the people do not care for the laws. It may be some one never complain about smoke. But in Bangladesh people show respect to others.

  13. This is a very crazy question I ever read. However I am trying to tell you something what I know. "Good Food is the best medicine". It is sure that if you eat well and live well you will not get in serious problem. Vitamin tablets is one kind of medicine. And we are taking medicine when we don't have any choice. You can never see any man is going to see the doctor, if he/she is perfectly well. Now tell you why I suggest you to eat real thing like apple, banana or what ever.

    Less expense.

    get much benefit.

    No side effect.

    Now you still want to eat Vitamin tablets[VT]. By taking VT you can complete your body demand but think about the real food and the test. I suggest don't even think about to take Vitamin tablet unless you are unable to to take real food.
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