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Posts posted by elaks

  1. If people keep trying to be everyone's self righteous savior, I'll start smoking just to spite them. I swear to God.

    That's the spirit. :P
    Just another note- recently my local church (Called Saint Michael's funnily enough) were ordered by the government as part of the new smoking laws to put up no smoking signs all around the church. Now you honestly tell me that any person entering a church wouldn't know that smoking was frowned upon inside. To the shock of the local council however, at the end of church nearly all of the priests go outside to light up now. :P

  2. The iPod is just a fancy way of saying "a hard drive with software that plays music". Apple's only doing nicely, beause people buy this marketting ploy to make it sound like some advanced piece of technology bull *BLEEP* with a spoon. The entire premise of Apple's marketting is to target people who don't know how to use computers. That's why the Mac's interface is usually like a Playskool keyboard, whereas Windows is a Piano, and Linux is an advanced Mixmaster DJ table.

    I just want to make it clear that I'm no fan of Apple, but I think you'll find Macs are far superior at music creation. I agree that Macs are hardly the main choice for people looking to program, but be fair- they have created a very easy to use service. They target it at people who don't know how to use computers because they're incredibly smart. I'd much rather Windows would take that approach than allow people access to all the core Processes and lay the source code wide out in the open for software. That's what computers should now be made for- business men who use it for nothing but Word and Excel. IPod is very good at allowing people with little computer knowledge to use an Mp3 player (Not that most players aren't easy to use), they same can't be said for anything by Linux, but that's a strange comparison of Os's.. :P

  3. I know this topic was intended to do some good in the world; but surely people are currently smoking will already have realised the damage caused. If people want to kill themselve through a pleasurable activity that harms no one else around them- there is absolutely no evidence of second hand smoke, no matter what people say they've heard from a friend. Recently in Britain, smoking was banned from public areas; which to me is outrageous. It is still perfectly legal for people to drink around the clock in pubs, wonder onto the streets and cause property damage and commit crime, and get away with it because 'They were too drunk'. Yet people are offended by people smoking Cigarettes; I can assure you that no crime is caused by a smoking habit.

    Funny how cigarettes are legal, huh?

    That's abit of a strange comparison. Smoking tobacco and smoking marijuana are completely different things. Tobacco affects the brain to create a pleasurable feeling and relieve stress, and yes; kills you incredibly fast compared to weed. However- there is absolutely no chance of going crazy from smoking- recently a boy in south London was found in his room throwing feces around the place and attacking people who tried to come in, why? Because he'd taken a hit of incredibly strong Skunk. Weed is also illegal, because it affects your perception of reality. One cannot operate heavy machinary whilst high because their strength is decreased and depth perception is altered, and they might even hallucinate from strong hits; whilst a person can do anything humanely possible whilst smoking (Except maybe going into space). :P

  4. don't do it. I did it and I regret it. It totally screwed up my internet AND crashed my pc because you have to disable your firewall to use it, and it stops you from downloading.

    I didn't have to disable my firewall?I did mess up at first though. I tried to edit the usernames through the file they are stored in- bad idea. When you change a username that way, it does not reallocate the user folder to that name. Seeing as it was my only account- I couldn't login and had to reinstall Kubuntu. But that's my own fault; don't mess around with it.. :P

  5. Half life 2 ,UNLIKe doom3 HAS a STORY,a well defined one where we have ACTUAL objectives and a SENSIBLE ending,but i like doom3 for the bloodbath though.

    I'd agree. I've played Doom 3, and whilst running like hell backwards whilst firing is fun for a while...Half Life 2 has one of the greatest stories I know- and is possibly my favourite game. And in my opinion has better graphics than D3- must be the physics I suppose.

  6. So have you managed to install it yet? I currently use Kubuntu (Ubuntu with the KDE theme) and have found it very enjoyable. If you need any help don't hesitate to ask me, believe me; even though they claim it is user friendly- one of the hardest things I had to do immediately after the install was get the correct graphic drivers set up. If you're an inexperienced computer user I wouldn't recommend switching to Linux under any Distro without some heavy research.

  7. well, i would suggest a macbook pro, if price isnt a problem, and seeing that your going for alienware, it doesnt seem to be. but alienware computers are nice, but expensive, mac computers are nice, a little less expensive, but have the same and if not, better specs than alienware computers. so check out both, and go to other companies, like plug. just customize computers and find the right price.

    He said he wanted to use it for gaming, no offence; but compared to Windows- Mac lacks somewhat in the game department. :P

    chuck, i understand that you are a mac guy but alienware is fully customizable and plus much more but yes alienware computers are quite exspensive but still you have got to admit that the graphics and physics engines they have just make most games so much more realistic.

    However, one could create a computer with the same specs as an alienware for only $500 or so. And of course- even then; there isn't much point. One only needs a single Gforce 8800 to handle every game on the market for at least the next three years. Just a thought- as Plug Computers said, you'll be paying for the name as well. You can get much cooler cases for only $50 off eBay. :P

  8. If an ad bothers me *that* much, I turn off the TV or change the channel. It's not like anybody is forcing me to watch something that offends or annoys me, after all.

    Yes- I usually do that; but sometimes these ads are sneaky. In Britain, Channel 5 is always putting up adverts for disgusting television programmes during normal eating times. I only watch television whilst I'm eating as a treat, but this has happened so many times it's started to annoy. They don't give any fore warning of what's about to be shown, and it just pops up on screen with the picture or video in question.So far, there have been adverts for:
    The man who's arms exploded.
    The brother who gave birth to his brother.
    Never see daylight (About a girl who's face was somehow mutilated at birth).

    I mean- I can tolerate a few, but some of these adverts would make me feel ill even if I wasn't eating. I'm sorry for the people portrayed in them, but I just can't handle it. :P

  9. My favourite would have to be IPB2+. For ages I stuck with the free version (1.3) but all the addons and the beauty of it's design (As you can see on these forums) tempted me to buy the full license. For paid it is by far my favourite. Not the easiest to develope skins for- but has a large range of them (Unlike VB).
    If you're going down the free route as I did many times, IPB 1.3 or Phpbb will suffice. PhpBB has the easiest skin editing controls I've seen and is the most moddable forum software around. However; the PhpBB controls are slightly hard to use, and lack the features that come with all the others (Beign able to make forums that don't add to the post count, confusing member groups, not particularly attractive layout).

    Ya, i really like Vbulletin and Invision Power Board but i do not feel like using the money to get them. I used to use Invision free but i got sick of it. Now i am looking into using myBB. On my last site i used phpbb and i really liked it. I am thinking about using it for my new site again too. I have to decide between myBB and phpbb for my site. But my favorite out of all of the ones that i have used would have to be phpbb. It has many great skins to choose from with a lot of mods that make the board better.

    For about a year I used a cracked version of IPB 2.1 (About two years ago mind) and it worked very well. In the end I decided to pay for it though because it worked so well. I'm not recommending that you get a cracked copy, many things were NULLED and didn't work. Also, messages from the cracking team were plastered all over the admin section. Stick with free forums until you have enough money- but all the professional sites seem to have p2p forum software. :P

  10. Have you seen the original? That was fantastic. Yeah- I'm always angry when they remake perfectly good films. It's understandable if they're 70 years old (King Kong) and actually have good directors. But when they remake films of genuine class and genius; it's terrible. My worst one was 'The Hitcher', the original being fantastic and creepy- the new one trying to make Sean Bean look scary...I'm just waiting until someone remakes the Godfather and starts recieving death threats. :P

  11. I have the same problems mentioned here. I was terrible with my forum concistency- not when it came to sub forums or layout, but because I kept switching to new forums (IPB, PhpBB, VB, IPB again, PhpBB again, IPB last time I promise, Server Crash, New IPB forum). My members eventually got worn out- if I could go back a few years and stop that from happening I may still be running the site. I'm planning on starting a forum for my friends and this has given me a lot to think about. I will certainly be doing backups.. :P

  12. Hear hear! As a matter of fact, I belive that phpBB is updated more frequently than any other forum software anyway.

    Really? Well- maybe patches, but full releases seem much more infrequent than IPB. IPB has got to have the fastest updates than any other board- the time between 1.3 and 2.3.1 seems to be no time at all. Maybe it's just because I have to keep updating it myself. :P

  13. I play golf and go to private school, but I am by far less sheltered and preppy then others at my school.

    That's exactly my situation (Golf rocks, as does the only good Education you can get in London). I'm 'Well Off' compared to others in my area- but kids with less money seem to have parents willing to throw it all away. I know a girl who's dad sends three kids (Ł10,000 Each) to the same private school, on a salary less than my dad's (Believe me, if I had brothers and sisters I would be at state schools) and yet she seems to be adorned with gifts. She has gone through three phones, each about Ł200+ and has an iPod Nano, AND video. Oh, and yes; she hangs aroung with the others preppies.

    Yes, but I myself do not waste forum space on topics like these, get you facts straight first dry.gif And don't wink at me.

    Sorry if I offended you- but just because you haven't started a topic in the forum doesn't mean you don't dislike the group; in your post you said you hated Emo's; contradicting what you said earlier about how people should stop complaining about other social groups. Also- I didn't realise winking could offend someone, sorry about that; won't happen again. :P

    Wouldn't want to be compared to a nerd, mate.

    Nerd + Social life + Soap and Water isn't half bad. Social means I don't spend all day at the PC; whilst I'm on long enough to be 1337 at it. The soap and water scares off the achne and black heads (Go me), and basically; life is good. :P

  14. I know alot of the adverts bought on in the middle of popular series will be put there randomly as part of a package deal- but it seems to me, advertisers don't understand the people who watch the programmes. My favourite one was an advert for 'Heat' magazine during 'House', a Gritty doctors series shown at 9.pm with the majority of viewers being over the age of 35- what person of that age would read a girly fashion mag.I also agree with you about those loan adverts. I saw a Student Loan ad on Cbeebies (British toddler TV), I know they're supposed to attract the kids parents- but what college students watches Teletubbies with a three year old in the middle of the day- or at any time. :P

  15. OH MY GOD! I am sick and tire of these "I hate [[enter your stereotype here]]" topics! NOBODY CARES!

    And to all you emo kids- you are not as non-conformist as you think. You guys all dress the same, you all have the same hairstyles, and guess what! NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR STOOPID PROBLEMS!!! All of you emos need to quit being so melodramtic, quit writing stoopid poetry, quit dressing like a homosexual neckrophiliac, quit wounding yourself, quit listening to emo screamo music, nobody cares! You emo/goth (they are the same thing weather they like iot or not) think you are soooooo original huh? well guess what? you always say how you hate posers, but you guys are ALL POSERS! And just so you know, the emos are the most conformist people i have ever seen.

    Wait a minute.. Did you just contradict yourself. You don't like topics that whine about certain stereotypical groups, but you yourself whine about Emos. :PI do agree with you though- I find Preppies and Emos ennoying.
    I myself am in the Neek scene (Big in England me thinks), basically- cheap clothes; don't really care about image as long as you are neat. Intelligent, similar to nerds but with more social life. Good stuff. :P

  16. Now- not that I'm naming any boards in particular (FOURCHAN) but the "Futallaby" image board software really appealed to me. One problem- you have to be Anonymous (Or root admin). What I'm looking for is the same basic structure (Start a topic with an image) but with a user system in place. I've had a look around but the demand for anonymous only boards is too great. Help me Xisto!

  17. Nobody listens to techno- except me. (From Eminem -Without Me)

    I know Techno covers a very broad array of music. let me just clarify; from Techno I like: New Order, DJ Tiesto, Chemical Brothers, Moby, The Orb, Daftpunk.

    I also listen to quite abit of rap. This only happened in the past few months, I used to hate it with a passion until I found some dusty tracks that have slipped otuside of mainstream: Twista - Lovely Day, SugarHill Gang - Rappers Delight, Grandmaster Flash - *Everything*, Kanye West - Stronger, Jay-Z -Hard knock life, Eminem - *Everything*.

    I know it isn't particularly on topic, but I HATE jazz with a passion. :P

  18. Well the guy shouldn't have stolen the car in the first placed. Frankly if he has decided to break the law; anything that occurs whilst he is comitting the crime should be added to his charges whether he meant it to happen or not. I'd suggest double man slaughter- serves him right. :PI agree with Plenoptic, the pilots really should've been skilled enough to avoid each other- maybe the companies they were hired from should be investigated.

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